Topic | Mining | WAtoday


The coal curse: fuelling division on land rights and climate change

The coal curse: fuelling division on land rights and climate change

The fight against Indigenous land rights gave fossil-fuel miners the weapons and the political influence to divide and conquer on climate change.

  • by Judith Brett


Rocked to the core: Mining giants confront an ancient, incalculable risk
Rio Tinto

Rocked to the core: Mining giants confront an ancient, incalculable risk

The mining sector could be confronting an even tougher task to repair its image problem.

  • by Nick Toscano and Charlotte Grieve
Rio Tinto launches internal review after blasting WA ancient rock shelters
Rio Tinto

Rio Tinto launches internal review after blasting WA ancient rock shelters

Rio last month detonated explosives in an area of the Juukan Gorge, destroying ancient Indigenous caves dating back 46,000 years in Western Australia's north.

  • by Nick Toscano
Darling Downs farmers v miners dispute heading to High Court
Food sustainability

Darling Downs farmers v miners dispute heading to High Court

The long-running saga over the New Acland Coal Mine may be heard in the High Court this year, amid claims New Hope is mining outside its approved area.

  • by Tony Moore
'Very significant': Bipartisan support to protect artefacts at coal mine
Indigenous culture

'Very significant': Bipartisan support to protect artefacts at coal mine

A motion to protect the ancient Aboriginal artefacts at the site of an open-cut coal mine has gained cross-party political support in the NSW upper house.

  • by Charlotte Grieve
Rio Tinto's relationship with owners 'fractured' after secret recording revealed
Rio Tinto

Rio Tinto's relationship with owners 'fractured' after secret recording revealed

One of Rio Tinto's most senior executives told employees that the company is not sorry for blowing up the Juukan Gorge caves, only for the distress caused by doing so, a report in the Australian Financial Review claims.

  • by AAP
BHP-backed coal mine in Colombia rocked by human rights claim
BHP Billiton

BHP-backed coal mine in Colombia rocked by human rights claim

Three global miners including BHP have become embroiled in an alleged human rights crisis involving the Wayuu indigenous people of Colombia.

  • by Nick Toscano
BHP taps CSL's CFO to replace veteran Peter Beaven
BHP Billiton

BHP taps CSL's CFO to replace veteran Peter Beaven

The world's largest miner, BHP, has recruited biotech giant CSL's David Lamont to become its chief financial officer, replacing the long-serving Peter Beaven.

  • by Nick Toscano
US funds titan BlackRock 'deeply concerned' about NSW coal mine
Ethical investing

US funds titan BlackRock 'deeply concerned' about NSW coal mine

Political leaders, farmers and academics are demanding answers from investors of the Chinese conglomerate set to destroy Aboriginal artefacts in regional NSW.

  • by Charlotte Grieve
Shenhua coal mine questioned over 'disturbing' water report omissions
Environmental protection

Shenhua coal mine questioned over 'disturbing' water report omissions

Damage to underground water resources from the controversial Shenhua Watermark coal mine may be far worse than forecasts endorsed by the NSW government.

  • by Mike Foley
Forrest's Fortescue brings forward net zero emissions pledge by 10 years
Fortescue Metals Group

Forrest's Fortescue brings forward net zero emissions pledge by 10 years

Mining giant Fortescue has brought forward a target to slash greenhouse gas emissions, pledging its operations will be carbon-neutral by 2040.

  • by Nick Toscano