The Age editorial | The Age


The agony and ecstasy of a humanities degree

The agony and ecstasy of a humanities degree

The federal government should not gut arts degrees to pay for STEM courses.

  • The Age's View


Fiscal stimulus key to stem surge in jobless rate
Federal budget

Fiscal stimulus key to stem surge in jobless rate

Until the private sector revives and confidence returns, government spending is the only way to create growth and jobs.

  • The Age's View
Now for tough national laws on wage theft
Wage scandal

Now for tough national laws on wage theft

Underpayment of workers is not a Victorian problem - it's an Australian problem.

  • The Age's View
Somyurek scandal shows need for watchdogs with teeth
The Faceless Man

Somyurek scandal shows need for watchdogs with teeth

It's time governments at federal and state levels gave independent anti-corruption bodies the tools needed to restump our democracy.

  • The Age's View
Premier must get to the root of Somyurek scandal
The Faceless Man

Premier must get to the root of Somyurek scandal

Whether Adem Somyurek's disgraceful actions will lead to real change in the Labor Party is now up to Daniel Andrews.

  • The Age's View
Labor must expel branch stacker Somyurek
The Faceless Man

Labor must expel branch stacker Somyurek

These extraordinary revelations put on full display the very worst of our political system.

  • The Age's View
Smart science must use social media to beat anti-vaxxers

Smart science must use social media to beat anti-vaxxers

The anti-vaccination movement is no longer the domain of fringe-dwellers. Now its champions are social influencers and it will take a concerted effort to beat them back from the mainstream.

  • The Age's View
A chance to embrace criminal justice reform
Black Lives Matter

A chance to embrace criminal justice reform

Defunding the police may not be the answer, but the debate could bring an opportunity for change.

  • The Age's View
Airport rail tunnel may need private route

Airport rail tunnel may need private route

Waiting for Victoria's coffers to recover will just return the state to the decades-long position of kicking the can down the road.

  • The Age's View
Long-term approach needed to tackle family violence
Domestic violence

Long-term approach needed to tackle family violence

It is to be hoped that we can use what we have learnt during the lockdown to finally focus resources and political will on lasting solutions.

  • The Age's View
Success against the virus was not just a matter of luck
Coronavirus pandemic

Success against the virus was not just a matter of luck

Federal and state leaders' response to the pandemic has been world class. Long may the political pragmatism shown continue.

  • The Age's View