Breaking News: U.S. Blocks UN Agreement Over Abortion.

The U.S. Mission to the United Nations has rejected an UN agreement on humanitarian assistance for emergencies, including the COVID-19 pandemic, that would have promoted abortion.

Friday Fax

UN Expert Group: “Sexual and Reproductive Health Services” Includes “Safe, Legal Abortion”.

A UN human rights group criticized several U.S. states for declaring abortion a nonessential service during the COVID-19 shutdown this week, declaring “safe, legal abortion” a key component of “sexual and reproductive health services.” 

Friday Fax

Should the U.S. Withdraw from the World Health Organization?.

President Trump’s announcement that the U.S. will withdraw from the World Health Organization seems to have caught the entire world off guard. But the surprise and consternation is not justified….

Turtle Bay

Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI: Resisting Secular Creed is Punished by “Social Excommunication”.

The Jesuit magazine America reports that, in a newly published biography, Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI said the Church is threatened by a “worldwide dictatorship of seemingly humanist ideologies.” America noted…

Turtle Bay