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Discover royalty-free images, illustrations and videos that will make you stand out.

Staying connected during COVID-19

Use these free images from iStock to continue sharing your stories with your audience and community despite physical distancing challenges.

  • #175245308

    Supporting our customers

    We've curated a selection of free images for your COVID-19 communications — because when it comes to communicating in times like these, the last thing you need to worry about is your budget for imagery.

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  • #168961367#168961367

    Free virtual backgrounds for Zoom calls

    Working remotely? Transform any office from drab to fab with this collection of hand-picked virtual backgrounds. We've got something for everyone. And every image is absolutely free.

    View free backgrounds

Your idea deserves the right image. Your budget deserves a break.

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Signature Artist of the Month

Get free stock photos, illustrations and videos

Each week, our experts select a photo from our exclusive Signature collection and make it free to download, with free illustrations and video clips available monthly.