Make Black Lives Matter

The surest way of reducing police violence is to reduce the power of the police, by cutting budgets and the number of officers. But we are not abandoning our communities to violence. We don’t want to just close police departments. We want to make them obsolete.

‘Searching for Socialism’ – a review

Tony Richardson reviews "Searching for Socialism, The Project of the Labour New Left from Benn to Corbyn", by Colin Leys and Leo Panitch

Our Solidarity with the Worldwide Anti-Racist Revolt

Protestors around the world have shouted and carried signs proclaiming “Black Lives Matter” alongside the names of people of color killed by police locally – Adama Traoré, in France in 2016 and several cases in Britain – in ways similar to George Floyd. Demands to remove symbols of racist and imperialist

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  • The struggle against coronavirus is a struggle against the chronic undervaluing of workers in the care sector, both materially and symbolically. Emotional labor has never had the value attached to it that it should have. The jobs that women have traditionally undertaken have not had their importance recognized.

  • It will be impossible to return to the so-called normal state before the Covid-19 crisis – which was a capitalist “normality” that threatened the future of humanity and the planet. It is urgent to change to a new society based on social needs, organized by and for the working classes with public ownership of banks and the main means of production. That is why a radical socio-ecological transformational perspective is necessary.

  • In the United States Black Lives Matter has severely damaged Trump. The movement made the connection between the racism of American society and the staggeringly disproportionate death toll of Black Americans in the pandemic.

  • Viruses such as Covid 19 represent a direct threat to the future of life on the planet – human life in particular – on a par with the other threats such as global warming, the pollution and acidification of the oceans, the mass extinction of species, and fresh water depletion.

  • Dan La Botz reports on how the huge mobilisations in the US are creating cracks at the top and shifts at the bottom.

  • Socially-distanced street protests, moves to impeach a president – Latin America has begun to lead the way, not only in the gravity of the Coronavirus crisis, but in the scale and character of the resistance that social movements are mounting,