The Communist Party of Ireland is an all-​Ireland Marxist party founded in 1933. Its aim is to win the sup­port of the majority of the Irish people for ending the capital­ist system and for build­ing social­ism—a social system in which the means of pro­duc­tion, distri­bu­tion and exchange are publicly owned and utilised for the benefit of the whole people. Páirtí Marxach uile-Éireann a bunaíodh sa bhliain 1933 is ea Páirtí Cumannach na hÉireann. Is é aidhm an pháirtí tacaíocht thromlach mhuintir na hÉireann a bhaint amach do dheireadh a chur leis an gcóras caipitleach agus do thógáil an tsóisialachais—córas sóisialta ina bhfuil na córacha táirgthe, dáileacháin agus malairte i seilbh an phobail agus ina n-úsáidtear iad ar mhaithe leis an bpobal iomlán.

Béal Feirste

Baile Átha Cliath


The Irish Spark podcast

Connolly Youth Movement
Ógra Uí Chonaíle

An Introduction to the Communist Party of Ireland (2nd edition) (PDF)

Solidnet—the inter­national
solidarity network


 From the May issue:
The health of the nation

Public health in the global north is being hollowed out, having been underfunded and privatised bit by bit for many years. Twenty years ago in Italy there were almost 6 doctors to every 1,000 people; today there are 4.1. Similar statistics can be found all over Europe as the neoliberal agenda of privatisation reaches a frenzy. . . .  Continue | Ar aghaidh

Latest videos Físeáin is deireanaí



News Nuacht

The coronavirus pandemic and its impact on women
The CPI points out in a statement that the pandemic has resulted in an alarm­ing growth in psycho­logical, physical and sexual violence against women and girls.

Paindéim an choróinvíris agus a tionchar ar mhná
Cuireann ráiteas de chuid an CPI in iúl gur tharla fás scanrúil ar fhoréigean síceolaíoch, fisiceach agus gnéis in aghaidh mná agus cailíní mar thoradh ar an bpaindéim.

Edwina Stewart (1934–2020)
It is with deep regret that the Communist Party of Ireland announces the death of Edwina Stewart on Friday 29 May. A member of the National Execu­tive Com­mit­tee of the CPI in 1970 when the party was re­unified as an all-Ireland party, she was secretary of the Northern Ireland Civil Rights Associ­ation from 1969 to 1977. A native of Belfast, she was a daughter of Sadie and Eddie Menzies, founder-members of the CPI in 1933.

Edwina Stewart (1934–2020)
Is cúis mhór bhróin do Pháirtí Cumannach na hÉireann a fhógairt go bhfuair Edwina Stewart bás Dé hAoine 29 Bealtaine. Ba bhall í de Choiste Feidhmiúcháin Náisiúnta an CPI sa bhliain 1970 nuair a ath­aontaíodh an páirtí mar pháirtí uile-Éireann. Bhí sí ina rúnaí ag Cumann Cearta Sibhialta Thuaisceart na hÉireann ón mbliain 1969 go dtí 1977. Ba as Béal Feirste di, iníon le Sadie agus Eddie Menzies, baill bhunaidh den CPI sa bhliain 1933.

James Connolly Commemoration, 10 May 2020
Cuimhneachán Shéamais Uí Chonaíle, 10 Bealtaine 2020


James Connolly Memorial Lecture, 9 May 2020
Léacht Chuimhneacháin Shéamais Uí Chonaíle, 9 Bealtaine 2020


On the 104th anniversary of James Connolly’s death
A tribute to James Connolly by Leanne Geaney of the Connolly Youth Movement.

104 bliana ó bhás Shéamais Uí Chonaíle
Ómós do Shéamas Ó Conaíle ag Leanne Geaney, ball d’Ógra Uí Chonaíle.

Coronavirus: A lesson for us all
The Peadar O’Donnell Socialist Republican Forum has called for a single all-Ireland free health service as the only response to coronavirus pandemic.

An coróinvíreas: Ceacht dúinn uile
Iarrann Fóram Poblachtach Sóisialach Pheadair Uí Dhónaill go mbunófaí seirbhís shaor uile-Éireann sláinte mar fhreagra ar phaindéim an choróinvíris.

Seventy-fifth anniversary of the victory over Nazi fascism
On the seventy-fifth anni­versary of the victory over German fascism, the commun­ist and workers’ parties have urged greater vigilance and stronger opposition to the plans of imperialism.

Cúig bliana is seachtó ón mbua ar an bhfaisisteachas Nazi
Cúig bliana is seachtó ón mbua ar an bhfaisisteachas Nazi, iarrann na páirtithe cumannacha agus oibrithe tuilleadh faireachais agus go gcuirfear go dian in aghaidh phleananna an impiriúlachais.

Political statement
After its on-line meeting on 2 May 2020 the National Executive Committee of the CPI issued its assessment of the political situation.

Ráiteas polaitiúil
Tar éis a chruinniú ar líne ar 2 Bealtaine 2020 d’eisigh Coiste Feidhmiúcháin an CPI a mheasúnú ar chúrsaí polaitiúla.

No return to “business as usual”!
A new leaflet on the health emergency urges that it is time to turn the tide on the housing crisis.

Ná fillimis ar “gach rud mar a bhí”!
Éillíonn bileog nua ar an éigeandáil shláinte go bhfuil sé in am againn an taoide a chasadh ar an ngéarchéim tithíochta.


Nationalise all private hospitals!
The first of a series of leaflets on the coronavirus crisis calls for the nationalising of all private hospitals and clinics and the creation of an all-Ireland public health service.

Náisiúnaítear na hospidéil phríobháideacha go léir!
Iarrann an chéad cheann i sraith de bhileoga faoi ghéarchéim an choróinvíris go náisiúnófar na hospidéil agus na clinicí príobháideacha go léir agus go mbunófar seirbhís uile-Éireann phoiblí sláinte.


Italians take down EU flag
. . . and raise the Chinese flag in its place!

Íslíonn Iodálaigh bratach an EU

. . . agus ardaíonn bratach na Síne ina háit!

Events Imeachtaí

 Thursday 18 June, 7:30 p.m.
Conversation with Margaret Kimberley
Presented by the Communist Party of Ireland and Socialist Voice

Déardaoin 18 Meitheamh, 7:30 i.n.
Comhrá with Margaret Kimberley
Á chur i láthair ag Páirtí Cumannach na hÉireann agus Socialist Voice

 On-line lecture Léacht ar líne
 Saturday 27 June, 7:30 p.m.
The Connaught Rangers Mutiny, 1920: The Legacies of a Doomed Revolt
Speaker: Dr Conor McNamara

Presented by the Liam and Tom O’Flaherty Society

Satharn 27 Meitheamh, 7:30 i.n.
The Connaught Rangers Mutiny, 1920: The Legacies of a Doomed Revolt
Cainteoir: an Dr Conor McNamara

Á chur i láthair ag Cumann Liam agus Thomáis Uí Fhlaithearta

Latest publications Foilseacháin is deireanaí

The Challenge of Connolly: James Connolly Com­memor­ation, 2018 · €3.50 (£2.75)

Break the Connection with Imperialism: Documents of the 25th National Congress of the Communist Party of Ireland · €5 (£4.50)

Lynda Walker, Living in an Armed Patri­archy: Public Protest, Domestic Acqui­escence · €6 (£5)

Dónal Donnelly, The Legacy of Peadar O’Donnell · €6 (£5)

Capitalism Cannot Solve Its Many Crises: James Connolly Memorial Lec­ture and Connolly Com­memor­ation, 2020 · Free down­load of PDF | Íoslódáil den PDF saor in aisce

From Connolly Books, 43 East Essex Street, Dublin D02 XH96.
Ó Connolly Books, Sráid Essex Thoir, Baile Átha Cliath D02 XH96.

Join the struggle for socialism! Join the CPI.

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Glac páirt sa troid ar son an tsóisialachais! Téigh sa CPI.

Ba mhaith liom clárú Ba mhaith liom tuilleadh eolais

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