17 June 2020

Dozens die in India-China border clash

By Keith Jones, 17 June 2020

It is the enmeshing of the India-China rivalry with the strategic confrontation between China and US imperialism that makes the border dispute so combustible and incendiary.

North Korea blows up liaison office to send message to Trump

By Peter Symonds, 17 June 2020

While nominally directed at Seoul, Pyongyang’s action expressed its deep frustration with the failure of the Trump administration to conduct any meaningful negotiations.

More than 40 percent of all US deaths from COVID-19 are in nursing homes

By Benjamin Mateus, 17 June 2020

A report published Tuesday says that there were 51,000 COVID-19 deaths among residents of US nursing homes and extended care facilities.

Outbreaks of COVID-19 in Brazil’s meat processing plants and mines

By Tomas Castanheira, 17 June 2020

Clusters of coronavirus at large companies across the country threaten the lives of thousands of workers.

Fed boosts support for stock market by expanding corporate debt purchases

By Nick Beams, 17 June 2020

Fed chairman Jerome Powell said it would take some time before employment and economic activity returned to pre-pandemic levels.

OECD report points to pandemic’s long-term impact

New Mexico protester wounded by far-right shooter

By Jacob Crosse, 17 June 2020

Encouraged by President Trump and working in concert with local police departments, far-right elements have been allowed to attack and intimidate peaceful protesters across the country.

Voices of young protesters: Police violence, COVID-19 and the 2020 elections

By our reporters, 17 June 2019

The young people expressed concern over attacks on democratic rights, the acute economic distress facing youth, and imperialist war among other issues.

Massachusetts educators protest layoffs and sweeping cuts to public education

By Will McCalliss and Evan Blake, 17 June 2020

On Monday, educators from across Massachusetts held a rally to protest the devastating budget cuts and job losses, which are hitting over 50 school districts across the state.

Thousands of educators laid off across California as state Democrats plan austerity budget

Faurecia workers denounce unsafe return to work

By Tim Rivers, 17 June 2020

Workers at the Faurecia plant in Saline, Michigan described how the company and union were concealing the spread of COVID-19 in the plant.

UK: 600,000 workers already kicked off payrolls during COVID-19 lockdown

By Robert Stevens, 17 June 2020

Companies are implementing long-planned restructuring operations with mass layoffs, a halt to hiring, and pay cuts the order of the day.

Macron unleashes riot police against French health care protests

By Will Morrow, 17 June 2020

The Macron administration organized a violent assault on health care workers who just weeks earlier were self-servingly hailed for their sacrifice during the pandemic.

French state hands €15 billion bailout to Airbus and Air France

By Kumaran Ira, 17 June 2020

While aerospace firms are receiving massive financial support from the state, they are preparing restructuring plans to slash jobs, wages and benefits.

UAW, federal prosecutors announce talks over corruption scandal

By Tom Hall, 17 June 2020

Whatever the friction between the US Attorney’s office and the UAW, both share as their central aim the suppression of the rising tide of opposition among autoworkers.

Canada’s grocery chains slash wages as pandemic continues to rage

By Roger Jordan, 17 June 2020

The decision to abolish the pay premium shows the companies’ shocking disregard for the lives of workers.

Australian PM outlines bipartisan austerity offensive

By Oscar Grenfell, 17 June 2020

The government is winding back meagre relief measures introduced during the pandemic and intensifying an assault on working class jobs and conditions.

16 June 2020

Atlanta police killing of Rayshard Brooks ruled a homicide as Democrats posture as reformers

By Matthew MacEgan, 16 June 2020

Brooks’ killing has fueled the mass protests against police violence and racism that have taken place in all 50 states and dozens of cities internationally.

Family demands answers after Missouri cop kills 25-year-old convenience store worker

By Jacob Crosse, 16 June 2020

Hannah Fizer was shot to death by a Pettis County deputy during a traffic stop Saturday night in Sedalia, Missouri.

Canadian oil refinery boss lauds George Floyd protests while employing state violence against locked-out workers

By Carl Bronski, 16 June 2020

Federated Cooperatives Ltd. CEO Scott Banda has mobilized and solidarized with racist, far-right forces in seeking to break the resistance of 750 locked-out Regina oil refinery workers.

Claiming sympathy for protesters, US tech giants aid police militarization and surveillance

Macron announces mass bankruptcies and layoffs as coronavirus restrictions are ended

By Alex Lantier, 16 June 2020

With Macron’s brief televised address, the ruling class is declaring an international class war against workers.

French daily Le Figaro reports that Macron considering early resignation

Coronavirus pandemic in Poland: Silesian miners sacrificed for profit

By Bartosz Wyspianski and Martin Nowak, 16 June 2020

Nearly every day, almost half of the new infections in Poland can be found in Silesia.

US auto companies pushing for more production as COVID-19 cases rise in factories

By Shannon Jones, 16 June 2020

The protracted slump in sales makes further downsizing and restructuring in the auto industry virtually inevitable once the immediate inventory deficit is made up.

Meatpacking workers oppose forced return to work through protests and mass absenteeism

By Christopher Davion, 16 June 2020

With meatpacking plants the epicenter of the spread of coronavirus, workers are opposing the return to work ordered by the Trump administration through protests and absenteeism.

Nearly 24,000 Ohioans told to return unemployment payments

By Isaac Finn, 16 June 2020

State authorities demanded that thousands of workers give back “overpaid benefits” they have received since the start of the economic crisis sparked by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Australian police allegedly threatened Sydney protesters with sound weapon

By Oscar Grenfell, 16 June 2020

Despite police denials, footage clearly indicates that NSW police were in possession of an LRAD device known for its use against demonstrations in the US.

Massive police display of force against Australian protests

With its hospitals overwhelmed, Delhi emerging as India’s coronavirus epicentre

By Wasantha Rupasinghe, 16 June 2020

India’s Supreme Court has described conditions in the capital city’s hospitals as “horrific,” and the situation is expected to deteriorate in coming weeks as infections rise exponentially.

Indian cruise ship crew stage second protest in three days

By Tom Casey, 16 June 2020

Thousands of cruise ship workers—some of them infected with COVID-19—remained trapped on vessels around the world after the industry shut down last March in response to the pandemic

Three months since the cruise industry shutdown
Mauritian government and cruise companies hold stranded crew for ransom

Germany: Schools and child daycare centres open despite the high risk of infection

By Marianne Arens, 16 June 2020

The same politicians who pump hundreds of billions of euros of so-called “Corona aid” into the vaults of the big banks and leading companies see no need to equip schools with the measures needed to combat the coronavirus.

Nurses outraged over US hospital chain bailouts, layoffs and bloated CEO pay

By Gary Joad, 15 June 2020

The largest health care corporations and hospital chains have collected billions in federal grants and laid off tens of thousands of health care workers, while compensating top executives hundreds of millions.

Virginia and Maryland ease COVID-19 restrictions

By Dominic Gustavo, 16 June 2020

The state authorities in Virginia and Maryland are proceeding with the reopening of the economy with complete indifference to the lives and health of working people in the Washington DC area and across the entire region.

UK: Johnson opens the economy and guarantees fresh COVID-19 outbreak

By Thomas Scripps, 16 June 2020

Scientists warn that easing the lockdown under current conditions is likely to lead to a resurgence of coronavirus, endangering lives and throwing away the sacrifices made by workers and their families

UK: Legal action highlights social-Darwinist policies against the disabled during COVID-19 pandemic

By Alice Summers, 16 June 2020

Numerous medical guidance documents published during the pandemic suggest that coronavirus patients can be denied or deprioritised for medical care solely on the basis of their age or existing mental or physical disabilities.

“This government has decided that disabled people are better off dead”
UK disability campaigners speak out on coronavirus pandemic

By Alice Summers, 16 June 2020

The WSWS spoke to disability rights campaigners last weekend about the impact of coronavirus pandemic and the Johnson government’s “herd immunity” policy on the lives of disabled people.

Parents speak out against rushed re-opening of schools in Australia

By Sue Phillips and Kaye Tucker, 16 June 2020

The complicity of the education trade unions has left parents to express their concerns through social media, establishing Facebook pages and petitions.

New Zealand government lifts all COVID-19 restrictions

By Tom Peters, 16 June 2020

New Zealand’s health system is in severe crisis following decades of austerity and is unprepared for future COVID-19 outbreaks.

New in Mandarin


大卫.诺斯, 2020年5月3日


伦敦工人拼死与冠毒作战 富豪纷纷撤离

Michael Barnes, 2020年5月9日


New in Russian

Правительства по всему миру реагируют на COVID-19, спасая прибыли, а не жизни

Джозеф Кишор — кандидат в президенты США от Партии Социалистического Равенства, 13 июня 2020 г.

Усилия правящей элиты по принуждению людей к возвращению на работу — и навязыванию масштабной перестройки классовых отношений, чтобы компенсировать расходы по спасению Уолл-стрит, — столкнутся с огромным сопротивлением со стороны рабочего класса.

Эта неделя в истории
100 лет назад: Красная армия отвоевывает Киев

13 июня 2020 г.

13 июня 1920 года войска Красной армии вошли в украинскую столицу Киев и вытеснили оттуда польские и украинские националистические войска.

New in Portuguese

Classe social, capitalismo e o assassinato de George Floyd

Niles Niemuth, 13 Junho 2020

Como aconteceu tantas vezes no passado, o establishment político e a imprensa estão promovendo uma narrativa racial para ocultar a base social e econômica da brutalidade policial e desviar a raiva popular do sistema capitalista.

O paradoxo da alta em Wall Street

Nick Beams, 13 Junho 2020

A alta no mercado de ações, ocorrendo em meio à maior crise de saúde em um século, contrasta enormemente com a economia real subjacente.

Pandemia e guerra global contra imigrantes e refugiados

Bill Van Auken, 13 Junho 2020

Assim como com os ataques à toda a classe trabalhadora e o impulso em direção à guerra, as classes dominantes capitalistas em todo o mundo responderam à pandemia intensificando o ataque brutal aos trabalhadores imigrantes.

Defensores das políticas raciais têm reação hostil a protestos multirraciais contra o assassinato policial de George Floyd

Nick Barrickman, 13 Junho 2020

Políticos do Partido Democrata e seus apoiadores defensores do nacionalismo negro denunciaram brancos como "agitadores externos".

New in French

Führer en herbe, Trump intensifie son complot pour un coup d'État

Patrick Martin, 13 juin 2020

Le président cherche à fabriquer un prétexte pour la répression violente et l’établissement d’un régime autoritaire en Amérique.

Selon Le Figaro, Macron envisagerait de démissionner

Alexandre Lantier, 13 juin 2020

La pandémie du COVID-19 et les manifestations internationales contre les meurtres policiers de George Floyd et d’Adama Traoré ont profondément déstabilisé l’exécutif.

Washington intensifie ses vols de bombardiers stratégiques menaçant la Russie et la Chine

Alex Lantier, 13 juin 2020

Alors que la colère sociale monte en réponse à la violence policière et à la pandémie de COVID-19, il y a aussi un plus grand danger que l’élite dirigeante essaye d’étouffer les conflits de classe en lançant des guerres à l’étranger.

Anticapitalistas quitte le gouvernement espagnol du Parti socialiste et de Podemos

Alejandro López et Alex Lantier, 13 juin 2020

Anticapitalistas quitte Podemos pour servir d’agence politique de l'État, intervenant dans les manifestations et les grèves qui éclatent contre Podemos afin de les étrangler.

New in Spanish

La Casa Blanca exige finalizar pago de emergencia por desempleo de $600 por semana

Por Andre Damon, 17 junio 2020

El plan del Gobierno de Trump de recortar la asistencia por desempleo en julio es una confabulación abierta para obligar a que los trabajadores regresen a fábricas que son focos de contagio del COVID-19.

Los estudios sobre la respuesta de anticuerpos COVID-19 socavan la política de "inmunidad colectiva" de los EE. UU.

Por Benjamin Matteus, 17 junio 2020

La respuesta de los anticuerpos al coronavirus no es muy robusta, lo que socava las afirmaciones de que si un número suficiente de personas se infectan, la pandemia se quemará a sí misma.

Informe de la OCDE apunta a un impacto de largo plazo de la pandemia

Por Nick Beams, 17 junio 2020

El informe califica el panorama económico de "excepcionalmente incierto". Advierte que cualquier recuperación será "vacilante" y estará sujeta a la interrupción por otro brote de la pandemia.

Macron anuncia quiebras masivas y despidos al terminar las restricciones del coronavirus

Por Alex Lantier, 17 junio 2020

Con el breve discurso televisado de Macron, la clase dominante está declarando una guerra de clases internacional contra los trabajadores.

New in German

Möchtegern-Führer Trump intensiviert Putschversuche

Patrick Martin, 13. Juni 2020

Der US-Präsident versucht, einen Vorwand für gewaltsame Unterdrückung und die Errichtung eines autoritären Regimes in Amerika zu fabrizieren.

Washington verschärft Drohkulisse gegen Russland und China mit vermehrten Flügen strategischer Bomber

Alex Lantier, 13. Juni 2020

Mit der sozialen Wut über Polizeigewalt und die Corona-Pandemie verschärft sich auch die Gefahr, dass die herrschende Elite versucht, den Klassenkampf durch externe Kriege zu unterdrücken.

Bildungsministerium sabotiert finanziell schwache Studierende

Christopher Lehmann und Noah Windstein, 13. Juni 2020

Karliczeks Paket bietet den Studierenden keine rasche Hilfe, es ist in jeder Hinsicht gegen sie gerichtet.

New in Turkish

Trump, muhalefeti terörizmle damgalama kampanyasını yoğunlaştırıyor

Patrick Martin, 6 Haziran 2020

Polis şiddetine karşı kitlesel protestolarda yer alan milyonlarca işçi ve genç, Trump yönetiminin gangster yöntemlerine karşı siyasi talepler yükseltmeye başlamalı ve Trump’ın, Pence’in ve diğer komplocuların görevden alınmasını istemelidir.

New in Norwegian

Etabler grunnplankomitéer på fabrikker og arbeidsplasser for å forhindre overføring av Covid-19-virus og redde liv!

Uttalelse fra Socialist Equality Party (USA), 22. mai 2020

Regjeringen og selskapene krever gjenopptakelse av arbeid midt under en pandemi, som hver uke krever flere tusen liv. Deres pådriv for profitter prioriterer ikke arbeideres og deres familiers helse og sikkerhet.

Trump-administrasjonen gjør Taiwan til sin seneste front i antiKina-kampanjen

Peter Symonds, 22. mai 2020

USA har provoserende hyllet gjenvalget av den taiwanske presidenten Tsai Ing-wen og presset på for Taiwans sak under det årlige ministermøtet for Verdens helseorganisasjon (WHO).

USA forbereder antiRussland-krigsspill midt under pandemien

Andrea Peters, 22. mai 2020

Om litt mer enn to uker vil 6 000 amerikanske og polske tropper simulere bakke og luftbårne angrep ca. 56 kilometer fra det russiske territoriet Kaliningrad.

Covid-19-pandemien avslører Frankrikes Nytt Antikapitalistisk Parti

Alex Lantier, 22. mai 2020

Pandemien setter arbeidere i alle land opp i en uforsonlig konflikt med de pro-imperialistiske middelklassepartiene som styringsklassen lenge har fremstilt som venstresiden.

New in Italian

La classe lavoratrice, il socialismo e la lotta contro la pandemia

David North, 1 aprile 2020

Gli scioperi e le proteste dei lavoratori di Instacart, Amazon e Whole Foods sono in risposta alla criminale subordinazione della sicurezza dei lavoratori ai profitti aziendali.

Other Languages


Police violence and class rule

17 June 2020

What is absent from all of the media commentary on police violence, let alone the statements from bourgeois politicians, is any examination of what the police are and their relationship to capitalist society.

Earlier Perspectives »

SEP US presidential election campaign

SEP launches petition to appear on the presidential ballot in Illinois

17 June 2020

Supporters of the SEP are fighting to gather 5,000 electronic signatures to place Joseph Kishore and Norissa Santa Cruz on the ballot for the general election in November.

Andreja Pejić interviews Joseph Kishore on Instagram

The Socialist Equality Party US presidential candidate spoke about the multiracial protests against police violence, identity politics, and the way forward for the international working class.


The protests against police murder: The way forward

Statement of the Socialist Equality Party (US), 15 June 2020

An interview with Dr. Mona Masood, founder of the Physician Support Line

By Kate Randall, 17 June 2020

The WSWS spoke to Dr. Mona Masood about her experience setting up a support line of psychiatrists serving the mental health needs of physicians during the coronavirus pandemic.

Washington Post op-ed calls for news media to censor videos of police brutality

By Nick Barrickman, 17 June 2020

ESPN journalist and University of Maryland Professor Kevin Blackistone has called for the removal of videos of police killings on the grounds that they “dehumanize” black men.

Aboriginal professor awarded an “Order of Australia” promotion

By Mike Head, 17 June 2020

How did Marcia Langton, who began her political life in the 1970s as a leader of the Communist League, become the beneficiary of a Queen’s Honour alongside ex-Prime Minister Tony Abbott?

White House demands end to $600 per week emergency unemployment pay

By Andre Damon, 16 June 2020

As pandemic surges, White House presses ahead with back-to-work campaign

By Kate Randall and Andre Damon, 13 June 2020

More on the police murder of George Floyd »

Would-be führer Trump steps up coup plotting

By Patrick Martin, 12 June 2020

New York Times editor James Bennet resigns over fascist op-ed

A call to the working class! Stop Trump’s coup d’état!

Arts Review

The BBC’s Sitting in Limbo: Compelling dramatization of the anti-migrant Windrush scandal

By Margot Miller, 17 June 2020

Vicious measures were introduced in the aftermath of the 2008 banking crash and subsequent bailout to try and divide the working class by scapegoating ethnic minorities and migrants for the austerity that followed.

Jeffrey Epstein: Filthy Rich reviews life, crimes and death of financier

By Kevin Reed, 16 June 2020

The Netflix series paints a picture of the life and times of the late billionaire hedge fund manager and convicted sex offender in the style of a true-crime documentary.

Classical musicians face unprecedented challenges amid COVID-19 pandemic

By Fred Mazelis, 15 June 2020

Homecoming, Season 2: The menacing “giant” that is the US military-industrial complex

By David Walsh, 12 June 2020

June 7 Online Meeting

Workers Struggles

Argentine rubber workers; Mexican health workers strike over COVID-19 response
Workers Struggles: The Americas

16 June 2020

Rubber workers at the Bridgestone-Firestone plant in Llavallol, Argentina and Mexican health care workers staged strikes and protests over lack of adequate protection from exposure to coronavirus.

Free Julian Assange

Journalists expose CIA spying on Assange and demand his freedom

By Oscar Grenfell, 15 June 2020

Julian Assange unable to attend court hearing due to illness as legal travesty continues

By Thomas Scripps, 2 June 2020

Assange extradition hearing rescheduled for September

Assange extradition hearing delayed following defence appeal

Application for delay in Assange extradition hearing as COVID-19 sweeps through UK prisons

Declassified Mueller investigation transcripts confirm no evidence WikiLeaks colluded with Russia

By Thomas Scripps, 15 May 2020

Socialist Equality Party (Australia)

Reject Australian universities-NTEU job and pay cuts!

By the Committee for Public Education and the International Youth and Students for Social Equality, 15 June 2020

SEP (Australia) June 16 online lecture
The founding of the Fourth International

11 June 2020

The lecture will outline the immense contemporary relevance of Leon Trotsky’s establishment of the world party of socialist revolution in 1938.

Socialist Equality Party (Australia) to hold online lectures on history of Trotskyism

25 years ago: Chechen rebels release hostages

On June 20, 1995, Chechen rebel gunmen released the last of more than 1,000 people held hostage for five days in the Russian city of Budyonnovsk and returned to Chechnya under an agreement negotiated with Russian Prime Minister Viktor Chernomyrdin.

More »

50 years ago: Soviet scientist released from imprisonment

Zhores Medvedev, a leading Soviet geneticist, was freed from his confinement in the Kaluga psychiatric hospital on June 17, 1970. He had been held in the asylum for drawing attention to serious problems in the development of scientific research in the Soviet Union.

More »

75 years ago: Japan on the brink of defeat in World War Two

This week in June 1945, the Japanese imperial government and the country’s emperor acknowledged that they were all but defeated in the Second World War.

More »

100 years ago: Rioting between nationalists and loyalists in Northern Ireland

On June 20, 1920, five people were killed in the northern Irish city of Derry and dozens seriously wounded during riots between nationalists, who opposed British legislation to separate the six counties of northern Ireland from the 26 counties in the south, and unionists who supported it.

More »


Book Review
Every Drop of Blood: The Momentous Second Inauguration of Abraham Lincoln

By Shannon Jones, 11 June 2020

The History Channel’s Grant

By Tom Mackaman, 1 June 2020

Socialist Equality Party (Sri Lanka)

Sri Lankan president establishes military taskforce: Another step toward dictatorship

By the Socialist Equality Party (Sri Lanka), 9 June 2020

The coronavirus pandemic

The Malthusian underpinnings of Boris Johnson’s “herd immunity” strategy

By Thomas Scripps, 8 June 2020

Build rank-and-file factory and workplace committees to prevent transmission of the COVID-19 virus and save lives!

Statement of the Socialist Equality Party (US), 21 May 2020

Brazilian Trotskyists issue call for working-class action against pandemic
What will be the cost of implementing this program? Who will pay for it?

Statement of the Brazilian Socialist Equality Group (In Solidarity with the International Committee of the Fourth International), 2 June 2020

Turkish Trotskyists call for independent working-class action against the pandemic

By Sosyalist Eşitlik (in solidarity with the International Committee of the Fourth International), 5 June 2020

British Trotskyists issue call for working class action against pandemic

Statement of the Socialist Equality Party (UK), 27 May 2020

SEP (Sri Lanka) calls for action committees to counter COVID-19 and defend jobs

By the Socialist Equality Party (Sri Lanka), 2 June 2020

Oppose the premature lifting of COVID-19 safety restrictions!

By the Socialist Equality Party (Australia), 3 June 2020

London bus drivers face COVID-19 disaster: Build rank-and-file safety committees!

By Laura Tiernan, 5 June 2020

More on the coronavirus pandemic »


Thirty years of the Hubble Space Telescope

By Bryan Dyne, 2 May 2020

Science vs. Trump: The dangerous promotion of hydroxychloroquine in treating COVID-19

By Benjamin Mateus, 13 April 2020

International May Day Online Rally

Governments worldwide respond to COVID-19 by saving profits, not lives

By Joseph Kishore—SEP candidate for US president, 12 May 2020

The ruling elite’s efforts to enforce a return to work—and impose a massive restructuring of class relations to pay for the bailout of Wall Street—will encounter enormous opposition from the working class.

Opening report to Online International May Day Rally
The COVID-19 pandemic: A trigger event in world history

By David North, 4 May 2020

We are publishing here the text of the opening report to the 2020 International Online May Day Rally delivered by David North.

On May 2, the International Committee of the Fourth International held its annual International May Day Online Rally, with speakers and participants from throughout the world. Readers can listen to the entire rally here.


Russian court keeps historian of Stalinist massacres jailed amid COVID-19 outbreak

By Clara Weiss, 12 May 2020

The vendetta against Dmitriev is part of the campaign by Russia’s state and ruling oligarchy to suppress all efforts to uncover the truth about the crimes of Stalinism.

One Hundred and Fifty Years Since the Birth of Lenin

By David North, 22 April 2020

Today marks the 150th anniversary of the birth of Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov in the Russian city of Simbirsk on April 22, 1870. Known in history under the name of Lenin, he was the founder of the Bolshevik Party, leader of the 1917 October Revolution and, undoubtedly, a towering figure in the political and intellectual history of the twentieth century.

Fifty years since the massacre of students at Kent State

By Patrick Martin, 4 May 2020

The New York Times' 1619 Project

The Times’ 1619 Project is damned with faint praise
Hannah-Jones receives Pulitzer Prize for personal commentary, not historical writing

By Tom Mackaman and David North, 9 May 2020

The Pulitzer awards took no notice of the New York Times’ pretentious claims that the 1619 Project is an important contribution to the understanding of American history. It granted Hannah-Jones an award for “Commentary.”


Former UAW President Owen Bieber dead at 90

By Jerry White, 27 February 2020

From 1983 to 1995, Bieber presided over the final demise of the UAW as an organization that conducted a limited defense of the day-to-day interests of autoworkers and its transformation into what it is today: a direct arm of corporate management.

Hosni Mubarak, US-backed dictator of Egypt for 30 years, dead at 91

By Bill Van Auken, 26 February 2020

Book Review

Brendan McGeever’s Antisemitism and the Russian Revolution: Distorting history in the service of identity politics
Part one

By Clara Weiss, 11 April 2020

Brendan McGeever’s Antisemitism and the Russian Revolution: Distorting history in the service of identity politics
Part two

By Clara Weiss, 13 April 2020

Mehring Books

Mehring Yayıncılık publishes Turkish-language edition of The struggle against imperialism and for workers’ power in Iran

By Ulaş Ateşçi, 30 March 2020

First published by the WSWS in February 2018, The Struggle against Imperialism and for Workers’ Power in Iran—A Reply to a Proponent of “Iranian Islamic Socialism” advances a socialist strategy for the working class in a country that has been the target of US imperialist aggression for decades.

Preface to the Turkish edition of The struggle against imperialism and for workers’ power in Iran

By Keith Jones, 30 March 2020

A viable strategy to defeat imperialism can only be founded on the working class, and requires its independent political mobilization against all factions of the Iranian bourgeoisie.


South Carolina Amazon worker speaks on loss of his health, benefits and job

By Ed Hightower and Michael Walters, 21 March 2020

Donald Thrift Jr was left jobless with $27,000 in medical debt after contracting double pneumonia while working in an Amazon fulfillment center in Spartanburg, South Carolina.

As more workers test positive for COVID-19, Amazon ignores demands to close warehouses

By Tom Carter, 25 March 2020

At least three Amazon workers in Shepherdsville, Kentucky tested positive for the coronavirus on Monday, following the discovery of COVID-19 cases in New York, Florida and Michigan warehouses.

Amazon workers in New York City shut down warehouse after worker tests positive for coronavirus

By Shuvu Batta, 21 March 2020

The discovery that an Amazon worker in Queens had tested positive for coronavirus sparked work stoppages which shut the processing facility Thursday night.