Salon: Greg Palast

Salon: Investigative journalist predicts how Trump will steal the 2020 election
Palast's new book, "How Trump Stole 2020," outlines a nightmare: Trump loses the electoral vote and wins anyway

The GOP has refined its strategy of voter suppression, voter intimidation and vote theft in elections across the country, and the planned chaos during the recent Georgia Democratic primaries is a preview of how they intend to steal the 2020 presidential election… READ MORE

Occupy Wall Street joined the NAACP to defend voting rights, midtown Manhattan, December 10, 2011. (Michael Fleshman, Flickr)

Last Vestiges of this Tattered Democracy

Donald Trump will win reelection. I take no pride in saying that. We — the American people — have a right to participate in the last vestiges of this tattered democracy. I will feel no thrill or joy to witness the Oval Office occupied for another four years by the most

Lee Camp

Short-Fingered Vulgarian’s Assault on Voters

Redacted Tonight’s Lee Camp breaks down some of the key findings in Greg Palast’s forthcoming book, How Trump Stole 2020: The Hunt For America’s Vanished Voters. Released on July 14, we need to get this final warning on the bestseller list so the media cannot ignore it! Help us by pre-ordering a copy today!

Greg Palast & David Cay Johnston

Palast & David Cay Johnston: How Trump Stole 2020 — A Warning!

They don’t steal votes to steal elections. They steal votes to steal the money. If you can steal an election, you’ve stolen the keys to the treasury — our treasury. In this conversation, award-winning investigative reporters and authors Greg Palast and David Cay Johnston follow the (stolen) money, and expose the billionaires and ballot bandits who are systematically stripping the United States of its assets, just as a vulture fund would with a corporate entity caught in its talons.

We Won’t Lift the Quarantine on Kemp

When Donald Trump thinks you’re Looney Tunes, time to get professional help, Mr. Kemp.
But in the storm over Kemp’s goofball “opening,” Kemp’s other threat to Georgians has gone unnoticed

How Trump Stole 2020

How Trump Stole 2020: A Facebook LIVE Event

How Trump Stole 2020: A Facebook LIVE Event — previewing Palast’s new book, which reveals how Trump’s already got the November election in the bag, featuring exclusive reports from the scene of the crime. Hosted by Thom Hartmann and incl. interviews with Barbara Arnwine, Lee Camp, Nomi Prins, David Cay Johnston, Dennis Bernstein, Cary Harrison, Josh Fox & more!