Showing posts with label Order of Malta. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Order of Malta. Show all posts

Wednesday, 2 May 2018

80th Grand Master of the Order of Malta

It has been announced from the Grand Magistry of the Sovereign Military Hospitaller Order of St. John of Jerusalem, of Rhodes and of Malta, known as the Order of Malta, that Fra’ Giacomo Dalla Torre del Tempio di Sanguinetto has been elected 80th Grand Master of the Order today. The newly elected Grand Master will swear his oath before the Pope’s Special Delegate to the Sovereign Order of Malta, Archbishop Angelo Becciu, and the members of the Council Complete of State tomorrow morning in the Church of Santa Maria in Aventino. Long live the Prince and Grand Master of the Order of Malta!

Tuesday, 12 December 2017

Commandery of Tully (Walsh)

The Remains of the Commandery of Tully
Known locally as 'The Black Abbey'
The following is from Fr. Thomas Walsh's History of the Irish Hierarchy, published in New York in 1854, chapter xlviii, at p. 491: 
Tully about a mile south of Kildare. A commandery of knights hospitallers.

AD 1293 Thomas was prior.

AD 1326 a chapter of the order was held here.

AD 1337 Richard de Bran was preceptor. A chapter held here. Four others held.

Sir Henry Harrington and his heirs obtained a grant of its possessions three hundred acres of land at the annual rent of £21 6s 8d. The commandery is now always held by the [Anglican] bishop of Kildare in commendam.

Tuesday, 23 June 2015

The Fall of Fort St Elmo

The Fall of Fort St. Elmo

On this the 450th anniversary of the fall of Fort St. Elmo I am re-posting an article from 2009.

What these few knights, soldiers and civilians withstood for a horrifying month is nothing short of miraculous. Below is an excerpt of a talk given by Michael Davies in 2002 that was part of a conference given at the Dietrich von Hildebrand Institute 2002 Summer Symposia entitled “The 1st Through 8th Crusades; Military Orders; Catharist Crusade; and the Siege of Malta.” The full article can be read here, it describes some of what they went through during that month.

Mustapha finally acknowledged that St. Elmo could not be taken within that day and ordered the recall. St. Angelo's suddenly heard a burst of cheering from their brothers in St. Elmo. They had lost 200 men in the battle, in comparison to 2,000 Turks. But they knew the end was near, for there would be no more reinforcements.

St. Elmo's men readied themselves for a fight to the death. The two chaplains who had stayed with the defenders throughout the siege confessed the remaining knights and soldiers. Determined that the Mohammedans would not have the opportunity to mock or desecrate their holy relics, the knights and the chaplains hid the precious objects of the Faith beneath the stone floors of the chapel, and dragged the tapestries, pictures and wooden furniture outside and set them on fire
. They then tolled the bell of the small chapel to announce to their brethren in the nearby forts that they were ready for the end.

In the gray pre-dawn light of the 23rd of June, Piali's ships closed in for the kill. The galleys, pointing their lean bows at the ruined fort, opened up their bow chasers in unison with the first charge made by the entire Turkish army. To the astonishment of Mustapha and his council, Fort St. Elmo held for over an hour. Less than 100 men remained after that first onslaught, yet the Ottoman army was forced to draw back and re-form. The knights who were too wounded to stand placed themselves in chairs in the breach with swords in their hands.

There was something about the next attack that told the garrisons looking on from Birgu and Senglea that all was over. The white-robed troops poured down the slopes, hesitated like a curling roller above the wall, and then burst across the fort, spreading like an ocean over St. Elmo. One by one the defenders perished, some quickly and mercifully, others dying of wounds among the bodies of their friends.

The Italian Knight Francisco Lanfreducci, acting on orders received before the battle began, crossed to the wall opposite Bighi Bay and lit the signal fire. As the smoke curled up and eddied in the clear blue sky, La Valette knew that the heroic garrison and the fort they had defended to the end were lost.

It was now that Mustapha Pasha impatiently strode to view his conquest. A standard-bearer carrying the banner of Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent stepped through the breach into St. Elmo. Standing victorious on the ruins of St. Elmo's walls, with the flag of St. John in the dust at his feet, Mustapha gazed at the massive bulk of Fort St. Angelo on the horizon. “Allah!” he cried. “If so small a son has cost us so dear, what price shall we have to pay for so large a father?”

In an offensive act of cruelty, he ordered the bodies of the knights to be set apart from the common soldiers. Their heads were struck from their bodies and fixed on stakes overlooking Grand Harbor. The beheaded corpses were then stripped of their mail, nailed to crossbeams of wood in mockery of the crucifixion, and launched onto the waters of Grand Harbor that night.

It was the eve of the Feast of St. John, the patron saint of the Order. Despite the loss of St. Elmo, the Grand Master had given orders for the normal celebrations to take place. Bonfires were lit and church bells were rung throughout Birgu and Senglea. The next morning the headless bodies of the knights washed up at the base of Fort St. Angelo.

Image: THE CAPTURE OF FORT ST. ELMO by Mateo Perez d’Aleccio

Monday, 22 June 2015

The Last Day Before the Fall of St. Elmo

From an account of the Great Siege of Malta from the Malta Heritage Site. On the day before the fall of Fort St. Elmo the remaining 100 defenders, without ammunition, their leaders dead and themselves half dead from exhaustion and their own wounds prepared themselves for the final battle.

As the hours passed and no relief came, the survivors in Fort St Elmo realized that no help was going to come to them. With this bitter recognition, they resigned themselves to their fate and they started to comfort each other through these agonizing moments. They were determined to die in the service of Jesus Christ and although they were half dead from fatigue, they never rested but worked to improve their defences.
This was surely a dreadful time for our men and to make things worse, the enemy spent the whole night bombarding them, sounding the alarm and skirmishing. Clearly, they did so in order to break down the defenders so that by morning, they would be completely worn out.
As their end seemed to get closer by the hour, the last defenders of Fort St Elmo confessed to each other and implored Our Lord to have mercy on their souls for the sake of the blood that He had shed for their redemption.

Friday, 5 June 2015

Defenders Repeat their Plea to Withdraw From St. Elmo

It has been a week since the bombardment of Fort St. Elmo began and nearly two weeks since Commander Eguaras sent the Spanish Captain Juan de la Cerda to inform La Vallette that the Fort could not be defended and seek his permission to withdraw. During this time the knights and the other defenders had fought bravely but the incessant bombardment that was only strengthening was having a demoralizing effect on them. Dracut's artillery was firing from multiple locations in such a way to prevent the troops in Fort St. Elmo from having any safe place of refuge.

The men met in the piazza to discuss their plight and this time agreed to send Captain Medrano to the Grand Master to again inform him of the desperate situation they faced and the fact that it would be soon impossible to defend the Fort. The failure of relief troops to appear as promised and the determined efforts of the enemy meant that time was running out before a full scale invasion. La Vallette realized that this was only too true but knew also that each hour that the attention of the Ottomans was on Fort St. Elmo it gave the other defenses of the Knights the time to strengthen themselves. He was unwilling to give away the Fort and encouraged Medrano to remind the defenders of their duty and to continue battling as they had always done. He promised to send more relief and recalled Fra Giovanni Vagnone and a hundred of his men from Mdina to reinforce the troops at St. Elmo.

Wednesday, 3 June 2015

The Arrival of Dragut at the Great Siege of Malta

On June 2nd, Admiral Dragut the legendary pirate and enemy of the Knights of St. John and all Christians in the Mediterranean arrived with his fleet at Malta. His appearance was undoubtedly a blow to the spirits of the knights who recognized the skill of their great adversary. As LaValette and Sir Oliver Starkey watched his arrival, Starkey muttered, "God help us." To which the Grand Master replied, "Yes, now the real battle begins."

Known as the "drawn sword of Islam" Dragut was to be equally feared on land and sea. A skilled tactician he immediately recognized the imprudent attack and siege of Fort St. Elmo but realized that once committed they could not change course. Until his arrival the knights had benefitted from the discord between the two Pasha's. Now they would regard his wisdom when making their tactical decisions for which the knights suffered grieviously.
[First posted on my personal blog Knight of the White Cross]

Ottoman Approach of Fort St. Elmo on May 27, 1565

Ottoman Approach of Fort St. Elmo on May 27, 1565
[First posted on my personal blog Knight of the White Cross]

The Bombardment of Fort St. Elmo Begins

Fort St. Elmo was well placed to defend the Grand Harbor from attack by sea but its low lying position at the base of the penisula left it vulnerable to attack from Mt. Scibberas as the high ground at the top of the peninsula. As the commander of Ottoman naval forces, Piali Pasha wanted to secure his fleet in the Harbor he argued that Fort St. Elmo must be captured and the first point of attack. Mustafa Pasha opposed this plan but finally relented, assuming that it would only take a few days to destroy the fort. Mustafa began moving his cannons into position for the assault and the bombardment of Fort St. Elmo began on May 24th.

Initially St. Elmo was defended by a modest number of knights and several hundred soldiers and other Maltese citizens. But each night of the siege the wounded were evacuated and new knights were smuggled in to reinforce those who wereTo attack St. Elmo, the Turkish troops had to cross a moat under fire. The defenders had raised their drawbridges and broken down other bridges so the Turks had to construct portable bridges. Such massed attacks were costly in terms of casualties, but the Ottoman commanders had little regard for the lives of their men.
[First posted on my personal blog Knight of the White Cross]

Fra Bartolomeo Faraone and Fra Adrien de la Riviere - The First Knights to Die During the Siege of Malta

On May 21st, two of the first heroes to die in the Siege of Malta were the Portuguese knight Fra Bartolomeo Faraone and the French knight Adrien de la Riviere.

After the initial arrival of the Turkish force on May 18th, the following day, the 19th, the Turks landed at Marsaxlokk and proceeded to the village of Zejtun and start robbing whatever crops and livestock they could find. They were met by a cavalry detachment, led by these two brave Knights, which had been dispatched by La Vallette to shadow the Turkish troop movements. Both were captured by the Turks and interrogated by Mustafa` Pasha` himself who wanted to know which was the weakest point in the local defence to attack Birgu. Finally after various methods of torture we employed without success molten silver was poured into their ears and they divulged that the weakest point in the knights defenses was at the Post of Castille. In fact the Post of Castille was the most strongly defended and it is a testament to the honor and bravery of these two knights who must have known that when the truth became known they would undoubtedly be put to death for their deception.

Trusting the information given up under severe torture, Mustafa Pasha sent a substantial force to attack Birgu. The advance troops outpaced the main body of soldiers and were met by a number of eager young knights who sallied forth from their fort much to the chagrin of the Grand Master watching from Fort St. Angelo. He later gave orders that no troops were to leave their positions without his express command. But on this first engagement the knights were victorious and what could have been a disaster for them instead became the first defeat for Mustafa's army and the loss of several hundred of his soldiers to twelve knights of St. John.

Mustafa Pasha was outraged at the trickery of Fra's Faraone and de la Riviere and he had them put to death. One account states that they were beheaded and another that they were bastinadoed to death. It would seem reasonable that they were first bastinadoed and finally beheaded.

*Bastinadoed is a form of corporal punishment where the feet are tied together and then the soles of the feet are whipped with a cane or similar object. This cause intense levels of pain.

The picture is of the Hornworks of the Post of Castille. Much work is being done to renovate the area including the removal of many structures added after the Siege such as those outside the wall at the bottom of the picture.

See also

[First posted on my personal blog Knight of the White Cross]

450th Anniversary of the Beginning of the Great Siege of Malta

On this day, May 18, 1565 the Ottoman Turkish Navy arrived at the island of Malta preparing to invade the island and secure a post from which to invade mainland Europe. The actual siege did not begin for a few days as the two Turkish leaders, the 4th Vizier Serdar Kizilahmedli Mustafa Pasha the leader of the land forces, and the supreme naval commander, Piyale Pasha debated over where to launch the attack. It was decided to attack Fort St. Elmo and secure the entrance to the harbor. Fort St. Elmo is the star shaped fort at the bottom of the picture.
[First posted on my personal blog Knight of the White Cross]

Friday, 21 October 2011

Memorial of Blessed Karl of Austria

Blessed Karl,
Emperor of Austria and King of Hungary,
Head of the House of Habsburg-Lothringen,
1887 -- 1922
Knight of the Order of Saint John of Jerusalem

Born the grand nephew of Emperor Franz-Josef, he was far down the line of succession to the throne. Due to a series of tragedies, in 1916 in the middle of the The Great War (World War I), he succeeded to the imperial and royal crowns. He very strongly opposed the war and attempted through secret negotiations to bring about a fair and lasting peace. As a result he was known as "The Peace Emperor".

In 1919 the socialist government forced him into exile where he and his family lived a quite, humble, deeply religious Catholic life. His attempt in 1921 to return to Hungary failed. Emperor Karl and his family were exiled to the island of Madeira where they lived in poverty, and where he bore a serious illness with great trust in God. He died in Funchal on 1 April 1922.

The date for his memorial was set as 21 October, the day on which he had married Zita, Princess of the House of Bourbon-Parma.

Blessed Karl, at great danger to yourself and your family, you worked diligently to end the incredible destruction and bloodshed of The Great War. In spite of losing your crowns, your power, your country, your wealth, and your health, you never lost your profound trust in God. Pray for us and for peace in our world torn by war, strive and terrorism.

O God, through the diversities of this world you led Blessed Karl from this earthly realm to the crown reserved for him in heaven. Grant through his intercession that we may so serve your Son and our brothers and sisters that we may become worthy of eternal life. Grant this through our Lord Jesus Christ your Son, Who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, One God, for ever and ever. Amen.

Blessed Karl of Austria, pray for us!

Tuesday, 14 June 2011

Fra' Fredrik Crichton-Stuart (1940-2011)

Fra' Fredrik (centre) with Dr. Helmut Ruckriegel (right) meeting Pope Benedict XVI in 2006

The news has reached us of the death this morning in Edinburgh, of Fra' Fredrik Crichton-Stuart, President Emeritus of the International Federation "Una Voce". Of your charity, pray for the repose of his soul.

Born on 6th September, 1940, the eldest son of Lord Rhidian and Lady Selina Crichton-Stuart, he was the grandson of John Crichton-Stuart, K.T., 4th Marquess of Bute, and Augusta, Lady Bute, née Bellingham, of the notable Louth family. The Hon. Fredrik Crichton-Stuart was educated at Ampleforth College. A qualified Chartered Accountant, throughout his life Fra' Fredrik involved himself in many works of charity and public benefit for many years.

His brief period as Executive President of the FIUV was the culmination of many years of effort in the cause of the Traditional Latin Liturgy. He first joined Una Voce Scotland in 1996, becoming secretary in 2000. In 2002, he became Councillor and Senior Vice-President of the FIUV, being elected President in 2005.

He was also a Knight of Justice of the Order of Malta (hence the "Fra'" for Frater or Brother). Having been a member of the Order since 1962, Delegate of Scotland and the Northern Marches, and first Chancellor of the restored Grand Priory of England, he was installed as the second Grand Prior of England since the Reformation in 2008, succeeding Fra' Matthew Festing, who had been elected Prince and Grand Master of the Order to succeed Fra' Andrew Bertie, a cousin of Fra' Fredrik. Through his various positions, he was able to give even greater service to Our Lords the Sick and Our Lords the Poor.

The forthcoming Mass in Monasterevin will be offered for the repose of his soul.

Ar dheis Dé go raibh a anam uasail.

Tuesday, 13 October 2009

Novena in honour of the Blessed Gerard - Day 9

Day Nine - Feast of the Blessed Gerard
Blessed Gerard, Pray for us!

We know little about Blessed Gerard. We revere him as the founder of the Order of Saint John of Jerusalem. There are documents which testify to Gerard’s activity and legends that sought to embellish it.

Through Gerard, ‘the Jerusalem Hospital’ for 900 years has been the basis for defence of the faith and service of the sick - tuitio fidei et obsequium pauperum.

More than in life, Gerard has, like many saints, perhaps had greater effect after his death, after his ‘heavenly birhday’ as the Church was accustomed to call the day of one’s death. The Order of Saint John has given witness to this with its traditions, its international potential, its new initiatives and with the noble character of its particular spirituality.

‘Our confraternity wil be everlasting since the ground, in which this flower has taken root, is the misery of the world and since there will always be people, please God, who will give of themselves to lessen suffering and make this misery more bearable.’ These are likely not the words of Gerard, but they have been attributed to him. It falls to us here and now, as it did to Gerard, to reduce the suffering in our time, to make misery more bearable, so that Jesus Christ may be glorified in all.


Jesus Christ, ‘my Lord and my God’ (Jn 20:28). Strengthen in your service our
Holy Father N...., all bishops, priests, deacons and all members of the Order.
Lord hear our prayer.
Assist our Grand Master Fra’ N... and all those in authority in the Order to live out their calling and their mission in the present day.
Lord hear our prayer.
Raise up suitable and devout vocations for the hospitaller Order of Saint John.
Lord hear our prayer.
Let us be faithful and joyful in your service and once our earthly life is ended, lead us to your Easter glory.
Lord hear our prayer.

Our Father... Hail Mary... Glory be to the Father

Pray for us, Blessed Gerard
That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.

Let us Pray.
God of unchanging power and everlasting light, look with favour upon the mystery of the entire Church and bring to fulfilment your eternal plan of redemption; then may the whole world observe and know that the fallen have been lifted up, what has grown old is made new and that all has been restored to wholeness through Christ, the source of all things, who lives and reigns for ever and ever. (Prayer after the seventh reading of the Easter Vigil)


Let us pray.
O God, who exalted Blessed Gerard because of his care for the poor and the sick and through him founded in Jerusalem the Order of Saint John the Baptist, give us the grace of seeing, as he did, the image of your Son in our brothers and sisters. We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ your Son, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen. (Collect for the Feast of Blessed Gerard, Founder of our Order)

Monday, 12 October 2009

Novena in honour of the Blessed Gerard - Day 8

Day Eight
Christ has has died; Christ has risen

With the reform of the liturgy in years following the Second Vatican Council, the acclamation ‘mortem tuam annuntiamus, Domine, et tuam resurrectionem confitemur’ rendered as ‘Christ has died; Christ is risen’, became our profession of faith after the consecration.

This phrase repeats the original credo of the Church, the confession of the death and resurrection of the Lord. It was with this faith too that Blessed Gerard worked in Jerusalem near to the place where the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ occurred, the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem that embraced the the traditional sites of the death, burial and resurrection of the Lord: ’...and if Christ has not been raised, then our proclamation has been in vain and your faith has been in vain...’ (1 Cor. xv:14).

In our own day, we must again become aware of this Easter faith that Gerard lived. During Easter, we, the baptized, are most intimately joined with Christ. ‘God raised us up with Him and seated us with Him in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus’ (Eph. ii:6); ‘so if you have been raised with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God’ (Col. iii:1-2).


Lord Jesus Christ, risen from the dead, strengthen us in faith, in trust and in love.
Lord hear our prayer.
Make the Holy Land a land of peace between peoples where your praises may sound.
Lord hear our prayer.
Send us your Spirit that we may proclaim your death and profess your resurrection until you come in glory.
Lord hear our prayer.
Welcome our dead in your heavenly Jerusalem.
Lord hear our prayer.

Our Father... Hail Mary... Glory be to the Father…

Pray for us, Blessed Gerard
That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.

Let us Pray.
Let your people, renewed in youth of spirit, O God, rejoice always that those who now take delight in the glory of being your adopted children, may look forward with certain hope to the day of resurrection. We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ your Son, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen. (Collect for the Third Sunday of Easter)

Sunday, 11 October 2009

Novena in honour of the Blessed Gerard - Day 7

Day Seven

In Blessed Gerard’s time, the title ‘Lord’ (Dominus) was used only for popes, bishops, emperors, kings and other distinguished persons; and yet Gerard was also called Dominus (in a document of 1112 regarding a foundation established for the honour of God by several bishops, which was dedicated to the Holy Sepulchre and the Hospital). The title ‘Lord’, as a term of honour, can only be justified if we recognize that all power and glory and honour belong to God alone, as we sing in the Gloria of the Mass: ‘You alone are the holy one, you alone are the Lord, you alone are the most high, Jesus Christ’. (Tu solus Sanctus, tu solus Dominus, tu solus altissimus, Iesu Christe). Perhaps it is time to reflect upon these words and our own relationship with the one Lord, Jesus Christ.


Jesus Christ, holy one, Lord most high, may we recognize you in our lords the sick.
Lord hear our prayer.
Grant that we may see our responsibility as you would see it.
Lord hear our prayer.
Grant that all who hold office and authority in politics and business may contribute to
the good of all.
Lord hear our prayer.
Send your Holy Spirit that we may rightly judge our strengths and our weaknesses.
Lord hear our prayer.

Our Father... Hail Mary... Glory be to the Father…

Pray for us, Blessed Gerard
That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.

Let us Pray.
Grant, we beseech you, almighty God, that we who have received the grace to know the Lord is risen, may, through your Spirit’s love, rise to newness of life. We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ your Son, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen. (Collect for Friday in the Octave of Easter)

Saturday, 10 October 2009

Novena in honour of the Blessed Gerard - Day 6

Day Six
Servant and Helper of the Hospital

Gerard described himself in 1101 as ‘servant (servus) of the Hospital of Holy Jerusalem’ in a document given to Pope Paschal II and the Patriarch Daimbertus;

And again, in 1110, to the Abbots of Cluny and of Moissac as ‘ servant and minister of the hospital’. ‘Servus’ means not only ‘helper’ or ‘servant’, but also ‘slave’, although we should keep in mind that even though slaves were not freemen, they were not, according to Roman Law, entirely without rights. ‘Minister’ is not a term of authority, as we might be led to think; minister, in this context, is to be understood much more as one who carries out the Lord’s will. Helper, servant, slave, assistant, executor of the Lord’s will: Who would be that today?

Gerard was and is thereby a call upon our obedience to God, to the Church, and the Superiors in our Order.


Jesus Christ, obedient unto death, even death on a cross, strengthen and sustain us as your followers.
Lord hear our prayer.
Grant that we may recognize our responsibility for human life from its beginning.
Lord hear our prayer.
Bless all those who provide service in hospitals, homes for the aged and hospices.
Lord hear our prayer.
Help all people to serve you and their neighbour in the strength of the Holy Spirit.
Lord hear our prayer.

Our Father... Hail Mary... Glory be to the Father…

Pray for us, Blessed Gerard
That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.

Let us Pray.
Almghty and everlastingGod, who in the paschal mystery established the covenant of reconciliation with all mankind, grant that we may show forth in our lives what we solemnly profess. We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ your Son, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen. (Collect for Friday in the Octave of Easter)

Friday, 9 October 2009

Novena in honour of the Blessed Gerard - Day 5

Day Five
Servant of God

“Dei servus”, helper, servant of God (in a document of Bishop Ademar di Rodez, 1120): This description of Blessed Gerard is a description often used by the Church for her members, the baptized. During the beatification process, as a declaration of heroic virtue, of an exemplary life, the candidate is accorded the title of ‘Servant of God’. The servant of the servants of God, ‘servus servorum Dei’, is also one of the titles of the Holy Father. We are all, therefore, servants of God; by his actions, Gerard demonstrated this fact to us in an exemplary fashion.


Jesus Christ, Emmanuel, Messiah, preserve us from arrogance and selfishness.
Lord hear our prayer.
Keep us in your service.
Lord hear our prayer.
Grant that we may know our duty in the Church and in the world – and to fulfill it.
Lord hear our prayer.
Direct our hearts and minds towards the things of heaven.
Lord hear our prayer.

Our Father... Hail Mary... Glory be to the Father…

Pray for us, Blessed Gerard
That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.

Let us Pray.
O God, you dispose the hearts of the faithful as one in their desire; grant that your people may love what you command and desire what you promise, that amid the varied changes of this world, our hearts may be fixed where true joys may be found. We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ your Son, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen. (Collect for Sunday XXI of the Year)

Thursday, 8 October 2009

Novena in honour of the Blessed Gerard - Day 4

Day Four
Guardian of Christ’s Poor

Gerard was called the ‘guardian of Christ’s poor’ (procurator pauperum Christi – in a document of Bishop Ademar di Rodez, 1120). Procurator can mean administrator or governor, but also representative, who acts on someone’s behalf in court. Through his works, Gerard was the defender of the poor, the weak, the abandoned. The term ‘Christ’s poor’ shows us that obsequium pauperum is a service rendered not only to the poor but also to Christ himself: “for I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you gave me clothing, I was sick and you took care of me, I was in prison and you visited me” ( Mt. xxv:35-37).


Lord Jesus Christ, Saviour, Redeemer, let us recognize you in the poor, the sick and the stranger.
Lord hear our prayer.
Bless and protect all the goods of the earth and give to all their daily bread.
Lord hear our prayer.
Call forth vocations for your service alone.
Lord hear our prayer.
Grant unto us the strength of the Holy Spirit to give of ourselves for the persecuted and oppressed, whether it suits us or not.
Lord hear our prayer.

Our Father... Hail Mary... Glory be to the Father…

Pray for us, Blessed Gerard
That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.

Let us Pray.
O God, you show to those in error the light of your truth that they may return to the right path; grant that all who profess the Christian faith may reject those things which are contrary to that name and follow such things that are appropriate to it. We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ your Son, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen. (Collect for Sunday XV of the Year)

Wednesday, 7 October 2009

Novena in honour of the Blessed Gerard - Day 3

Day Three
Father of the Hospital

In the year 1120, King Baldwin of Jerusalem described Gerard as the’father’ (pater) of the Jerusalem Hospital.

A good father watches over his children with love and also with strictness when required. He is present when his family needs him. Gerard directed his foundation and regarded his paternal responsibility as a gift from God, as a talent to be used. In our days, we must never presume to set ourselves up as fathers, teachers or instructors on our own account (cf. Mt 23:9-11), but rather see our duties asparents, as superiors or as academics before God and man: All who exalt themselves will be humbled and all who humble themselves will be exalted. (cf. Mt. xxiii:12)


Jesus Christ, God and man, Son of the Father: Help our families to see ever more clearly their duties as the domestic Church.
Lord hear our prayer.
Help couples to remain united in fidelity in a world hostile to marriage.
Lord hear our prayer.
Help parents and children to understand one another.
Lord hear our prayer.
Help academics, researchers and teachers to fulfil their duties responsibly in your sight.
Lord hear our prayer.

Our Father... Hail Mary... Glory be to the Father…

Pray for us, Blessed Gerard
That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.

Let us Pray.
O God, in love of you and of our neighbour, you have established everything that the sacred laws decree; grant unto us that, in keeping your commandments, we may enter into eternal life. We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ your Son, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen. (Collect for Sunday XXV of the Year)

Tuesday, 6 October 2009

Novena in honour of the Blessed Gerard - Day 2

Day Two
Provider and Almoner

The term ‘provider’ (provisor: Paschal II, 1113) describes Gerard as a man capable of planning and foreseeing what the pilgrims, the poor and the sick would need and where help was required. Prudent organization put Gerard in the best possible position to fulfill his duties as an ‘almsgiver’ (elemosinarius: in a document of Count Adalbert de Perigord, 17th September 1116).

In today’s world, we stand in need of efficient organization of the Order* and its aid services which are active throughout the world. But organization must not become an end in itself or be smothered in paperwork. Its objective must be to act to bring assistance promptly and effectively.

We must never forget what the Lord says to us: whenever you give alms, do not sound a trumpet before you...let your alms be done in secret; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you (cf. Mt. vi:2).


Lord Jesus Christ, friend of the poor and of the sick:
Grant to all people in this world an increase of peace and freedom.
Lord hear our prayer.
Give us a ready ear and open hand for those in want.
Lord hear our prayer.
Grant that we may never be entangled in worldly considerations, techniques and
Lord hear our prayer.
Grant that all projects and planning maybe for the love of our neighbour.
Lord hear our prayer.

Our Father... Hail Mary... Glory be to the Father…

Pray for us, Blessed Gerard
That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.

Let us Pray.
Almighty and merciful God, let not the concerns of this world keep us from hastening towards your Son but let the guidance of heavenly wisdom make us into his companions, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen. (Collect for the Second Sunday of Advent)

*The Order in question is the Sovereign Military Hospitaller Order of Saint John of Jerusalem, of Rhodes and of Malta.