Thursday, 28 June 2018

Killeigh (Walsh)

The following is from Fr. Thomas Walsh's History of the Irish Hierarchy, published in New York in 1854, chapter l, at p. 512:

Killeigh in the barony of Geashill. St. Sinchell founded this monastery for canons of St. Augustine. See Clane Co Kildare.

AD 849 died Reaghtawry abbot of Killeigh

June 28th eighteenth of Elizabeth this monastery with three messuages one hundred and twenty four acres of arable land twenty four of pasture three of meadow and four of underwood and three messuages six cottages twenty acres of arable land and seven of pasture in the town of Donfeigh in the county with the tithes were granted for ever in capite to John Lee at the yearly rent of 45s 6d.

May 16th 1578 this abbey with all its temporal possessions was granted to Gerald, Earl of Kildare, and his heirs at the yearly rent of 33s 4d with an obligation of maintaining one able horseman.

A nunnery for canonesses of St. Augustine existed here. Its erection is attributed to the Warrens but before the English settled in Ireland. This establishment was in existence. They may have repaired it Gray Friary. This house was erected in the reign of King Edward I by an O Connor as some suppose.

AD 1303 Donald O Bruin guardian of this monastery was made bishop of Clonmacnoise.

At the general suppression this abbey was granted to John Alee. Killeigh was formerly a place of note and its religious houses were amply endowed particularly the monastery of the canons regular.

Monday, 25 June 2018

First Pilgrimage to Tullamore

It would a joyful privilege for members and friends of the Catholic Heritage Association to be joined by so many people from Tullamore and the surrounding Parishes for our first pilgrimage to the Church of the Assumption, Tullamore, Co. Offaly, last Saturday.

The Parish website gives an excellent history of the Catholic Heritage of Tullamore, on the occasion of the recent centenary of the Church, here, with a survey of the Church building here.  Buildings of Ireland, as ever, has a thorough appraisal of the Church itself here.  Archiseek has another excellent piece here.

Our good friends at Tullamore Parish have posted some photos of the Mass on their excellent Parish website here. Mary with her loving Son, bless us each and every one!

Sunday, 24 June 2018

Latin Mass Pilgrimage to Kilcock, Co. Kildare

We are returning to St. Coca's Church, Kilcock, Co. Kildare, on Saturday, 30th June, for a Traditional Latin Mass at 12 noon.

Come and Pray!

Saturday, 23 June 2018

Latin Mass in Ballyhea - Feast of Saints Peter and Paul

The next Mass in St. Mary's Church, Ballyhea, Co. Cork, will be on the Feast of Saints Peter and Paul, 29th June, at 12 noon.

Come and pray with us!

Tuesday, 19 June 2018

Our Gaelic Christian Heritage (Part 5)

Among the stirring lines that affirm the high endeavour of the Gaelic Race in the cause of Christ, few can equal for sheer force and colour, some anonymous lines urging fidelity to the True Church against the wiles of heresy. Qui legit intellegat!

Ní trácht ar an Ministir Ghollda,
Ná a chreideamh gan bunús gan bhrí,
Mar 'sé ba bhunchloch dá Theampall,
Magairlí Anraoí an Ríogh!

File gan anim

Saturday, 16 June 2018

Pilgrimage to Duiske Abbey 2018

Along the waters of the mighty River Barrow that forms the backbone of the Diocese of Kildare and Leighlin - and whose waters have witnessed many of our pilgrimages in the past - we returned again to beautiful Graiguenamanagh and to the ancient and new Duiske Abbey for a Traditional Latin Mass of Our Lady on Saturday. Reports of previous pilgrimages are to be found here and here, here and here. It was also our second pilgrimage in just over a month to one of the few of Ireland's medieval Abby Churches restored to the Worship of God. The other being Holy Cross Abbey, Co. Tipperary.

Tuesday, 5 June 2018

Abbeyleix (Walsh)

The following is from Fr. Thomas Walsh's History of the Irish Hierarchy, published in New York in 1854, chapter lviii, at p. 615:

Abbey Leix on the river Nore and in the barony of Cullinagh. This abbey was founded in honor of the Virgin Mary

AD 1183 by Corcheger O More. The monks were brought thither from the Cistercian abbey of Baltinglass.
AD 1421 the 7th of May a great slaughter was made near this abbey by O More of the retinue of Lord Ormond then lord lieutenant of Ireland Twenty seven of the English were cut off the chief of whom were Purcell and Grant.  Ten persons of superior rank were made prisoners and two hundred others were saved by flying to this monastery. No counties in Ireland were more dearly purchased by the English adventurers than the King's and Queen's .The O Moores were engaged more than sixty years in deadly conflict with the invaders.

The lands of this abbey, 1227, acres were granted by lease for thirty seven years to Thomas, Earl of Ormond at the yearly rent of 6 16s 8d and afterwards at their reversion at an increased rent of 10 5s. The family of Ormond have profited much by their fidelity to the English government. The Duke of Ormond, so celebrated in the Irish annals of the seventeenth century, obtained enormous grants of lands tithes and impropriations. The book of the exiled Nicholas French, Bishop of Ferns, called the Unkind Deserter, has unmasked the cause of the Duke's treachery to the cause of his king and country. This tract is at present extremely rare as the family of the Duke, in order to keep to themselves the secrets which it divulged, purchased at any price wherever they could find it such an obnoxious piece of evidence. Similar has been the prudence of English parsons in buying up from Catholic booksellers Cobbett's History of the Reformation. A trace of the abbey of Leix is not to be found. It seems that its ruins were as cutting as the Unkind Deserter.

Friday, 1 June 2018

Latin Mass Pilgrimage to Tullamore

For the first time, the Catholic Heritage Association will be making a pilgrimage to historic Tullamore, Co. Offaly, on Saturday, 23rd June, with a Traditional Latin Mass celebrated in the Parish Church of the Assumption at 2.30 p.m.

Come and pray!