

reading a poem a recipe author wrote about her mother who passed and tearing up………. thank you bread recipe for the small dose of heart and tenderness 🥺💖


tagged: +words 



I cannot stress this enough the fact that Rebecca Black overcame the absolute inundation of internet harassment and bullying after she released a kind of bad song that she didn’t even want to make, because people love to hate teenage girls, and NOW just dropped a new single with a killer mv about being wlw is SUCH an iconic plot point of 2021

sorry wait i know i’m reblogging this twice and with a comment but this information changed my entire worldview on particularly teenage girls in music when i first found it out

which was at a thing called “music fridays” at my high school, where we’d spend 5-10 minutes at the beginning of every friday going over pop culture or even obscure music things

Friday came out and after like a month of resisting, my teacher just walked up to the board and wrote “is Friday a bad song?”

we concluded, after listening, dissecting, and discussing the song, that yes, it is. and then my teacher pulled up information about the company behind the whole thing.

“any of you could have sung this song. Rebecca Black did not write this. It was a gift. and her gift, from well-meaning parents trying to give a girl a taste of her dream, went viral.”

lots of “oh fuck"s went around the classroom. not out loud, bc the teacher would have given us Looks at that, but like.

he talked about how often young people are eviscerated for decisions that might not be their own. how often that happens particularly in the arts, and how that can destroy the essence of a person, because at that young, you ARE your art, even if you didn’t WRITE your art.

he talked about justin bieber, britney spears, hilary duff. it definitely went over that 5-10 minutes, but goddamn, it changed my mind about a LOT of things.



8 page short kids book class project on important/current/difficult topics! Covered the topics of change, sibling relationships and the subject of having a transgender family member (in this case an older brother!)

Was made with trans and non-binary art students!

tagged: +comic 


*uses my titties for evil*


one thing i do want to say though is i think as h*mosexual women but also just as women in general is that we need to recognize that “i’m not performing for men” is only one half of the picture. maybe you don’t want men’s approval but how much do you need women’s acceptance? how much are you smoking and drinking and doing coke and running and dieting and posting about forgetting to eat and performing other kinds of violence for the approval of other women? how much pressure do women put on you to negate the features of your body or your race or your sexuality or anything else…can you get away with stimming around other women? can you get away with not shaving? can you be around your female friends and feel fat without saying “i feel fat” so no one would mistake you for not punishing yourself for what is (erroneously) assumed to be a “transgression” of the body? can you look ugly and know that the female store clerk or the barista or the girl at the sink next to you or the girl on the bus with you or the girl with you on the elevator on the girl you have to squeeze past in the lecture hall to get out of the aisle will be kind and respectful to you and not act disgusted. can you be around your female family members without them commenting on your body? so much masochism and violence remain normalized among women because we say “well I’m not doing it for men, so it’s my choice” but how much are you doing out of a fear of women? 

tagged: +reminders 




Living in her walls so I can delete steam games off her computer while she sleeps

Pettiness ain’t the way king

I’m protecting her.

“My friend sent this to her Professor today
[id: a screenshot of an email from a student to a professor, from the colby college facebook page. the professor’s and student’s names are blacked out. the text of the email...



My friend sent this to her Professor today

[id: a screenshot of an email from a student to a professor, from the colby college facebook page. the professor’s and student’s names are blacked out. the text of the email reads: Hello Professor: I will be a little late to class today. I am not sure how late, but I will be there. I have been trying to find a way out of my room for over 20 minutes. There is a very big bug between me and the door and when I move, it moves, and when it flies its wings make this awful whirring noise like some sort of vassal of horror. We are locked in a standoff and I am at every disadvantage, and I wholeheartedly believe the bug is aware of this. Respectfully, I am in tears, /end id]

It is
the light of the moon that causes
this night reflecting distance in its own
light so coldly
                                         (from one side of
the earth to the other)
                                       It is the length of this coldness
It is the long distance
between two points which are
not in a line        now
                                      not a
straightness       (however
straight) but a curve only,
silver that is a rock reflecting
                                                     not metal
but a rock accepting
                    (a scream in silence
where between the two
points what touches
is a curve around the world
                                                     (the dance unmoving).
Hilda Morley, excerpt of “Winter Solstice”, from To Hold in My Hand (via antigonick) ←

tagged: +words 




Don’t mind me just shooting green aura into your eyes as you read this auaaauhuaaaaaaaaaaauauauuauaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaauaaaauaauuuuuuuuuuuuuauuuuuuuauauauaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

don’t fucking heal me

Oh god you wish this green shit healed


He got embarrassed

tagged: +i lov him  +dog 


vroom vroom

tagged: +dog 




other peoples laughter is sweet as nectar and ambrosia… call that acceptance sensitive euphoria

wait a minute.


Cant invent shit w ADHD 😔





Item: Ceramic Doublet, the Armor with the Negative AC