
11, 28, 31?

11. do you post reviews?

i don’t! mostly because i don’t have enough time to write and post them. the ones i did write were all for work and a few lines long. i wish i had time to blog about my readings though! sharing reviews is the best part of being a bookseller :)

28. first book that comes to mind, tell us about it. rant.

okay so there is this french book titled “né d'aucune femme” by franck bouysse which i’ve been ranting about for like a year now and i realise i’ve never even talked about it on here. if you don’t know about it, it deals with the story of Rose, a fourteen year old raised in a poor farmer family. the historical context isn’t all that clear but in my opinion it should be set in the 1920’s or so. one day her father ‘sells’ her to a lord to become his handmaid and everything goes very very wrong starting from there. one of my favourite things about this book is its opener; it starts with three distinct chapters from the pov of characters you have no info on whatsoever, head on. it’s a pretty bold move but it’s the part that actually made me hold onto it. it’s written beautifully, in a dark and vivid way. i often compare reading this book to watching a car crash happening. it’s horrendous. you can see how deep the roots of horror runs in the plot and where the story is taking you but you can’t tear your eyes away from watching it happening. another thing that i loved is that there were a few major plot twists that i did not see coming, which is always something i seek for bc i’m difficult to fool in terms of reading. i can sense the plot pretty easily and it spoils my fun :( but its ending completely threw me off and i loved every second of it. did i already mention the writing is absolutely incredible??? because really. it’s amazing. if you haven’t already you definitely have to read it!!!!!

31. how do you think you would be described if you were in a book?

the girl who’s got a sailor mouth and laughs a bit too loud, always smiling and encouraging people around her but when she’s sad it looms around her like a visible rain cloud. the girl with her headphones on, the naive one, the helper, the girl who throws fits and forgets about them five minutes later. the one with the kind eye smile. the one who hates injustice and liars more than anything else. the one who cringes when she gets sappy and vulnerable, not because she doesn’t like it but because she’s scared people will find her feelings annoying and stupid. the ride or die friend.

Let’s talk books and blogging



Send me a number :)

  1. What book did you last read??
  2. What book are you currently reading??
  3. Do you read books just because you saw them on tumblr??
  4. Is there a book that you think needs a bigger fandom??
  5. Do you have a snack while reading or do you close the book first??
  6. Can you ever stop in the middle of a page or do you have to finish the page or chapter first??
  7. Do you borrow books from people??
  8. Do you lend your books out to friends??
  9. How do you find the Booklr community?? 
  10. What would you like to change/see more of in the community??
  11. Do you post reviews??
  12. How many books have you read this month??
  13. How many books have you read this year??
  14. Do you set yourself a reading challenge every year??
  15. Do you set yourself a TBR list at the start of the month??
  16. What book has been on you TBR pile the longest??
  17. Is there a book on your TBR pile that you don’t think you will read
  18. Do you know anyone else that likes books??
  19. Why did you start your book blog??
  20. Is it how you thought it would be??
  21. Do you write??
  22. Tell us a little about your writing.
  23. How did you get into reading??
  24. Have you read a book that was really hyped up but you didn’t enjoy??
  25. Do you prefer physical books, Ebooks or audio books?? (/there is not wrong answer)
  26. Free space (Ask any question you want)
  27. Name a book that you own starting with (Pick a letter). Have you read it?? Did you like it?? If you haven’t read it, are you looking forwards to it.
  28. First book that comes to mind, tell us about it. Rant
  29. Have you ever bought a book because the cover was so nice??
  30. Can you leave a series unfinished or do you have to own all the books and try them all??
  31. How do you think you would be described if you was in a book??
  32. “They edged towards the shaking box that had just been delivered.” Should they open it?? You decide what happens next.
  33. How do you organise your shelves??
  34. What do you do to mark your pages??
  35. Do you have a lot of bookmarks?? or just a few??
  36. Favourite bookmark??
  37. Is there a book that you think everyone should read??
  38. Favourite genre??
  39. What book that has made you cry??
  40. How do you feel when you find a typo/spelling error in a book??
  41. Do you put a book under your pillow at night??
  42. How do people read in the bath?? Please tell me, I’m scared of getting my book wet….
  43. Free rant, go ahead, we all know you want to. 
  44. Favourite book quote, go.
  45. Do you take your own book photos??
  46. Do you have a bookish tattoo?? Do you want one??
  47. How many books do you take when you go out??
  48. Do you write, highlight, underline etc in your books
  49. Worse book you’ve ever read??
  50. Do you read classics?? If so, what’s your favourite??

please i love talking about books haha


That strange feeling of longing when you are at a train station, in a 24/7 open market, when you are buying a coke from a vending machine, watching the city lights glow from your window, when you’re walking aimlessly on a busy street after 5 pm, that feeling as if something is missing in your life and it will never come back although it was never there in the first place; that inexplicable urban sadness.


Do all lovers feel helpless and valiant in the presence of the beloved? Helpless because the need to roll over like a pet dog is never far away. Valiant because you know you would slay a dragon with a pocket knife if you had to.

Jeanette Winterson, The Passion

i know my mood has been swinging between either rage or sadness for as long as i can remember but now i’m so tired and sad it clings to my throat. i’m so tired of it all. why can’t i get a motherfucking break