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Mark KarlinComment
Empty Seats in BOK Center Despite Trump Lie That 100,000 Wanted to Attend. Trump Speech to Overflow Cancelled Because There Was No Overflow. NYT Calls Crowd Sparse.

The New York Times

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Mark KarlinComment
The Media Must Lay It on the Line, Trump is Dangerously Insane: At Poorly Attended Rally, Trump Again Insisted That With Fewer COVID-19 Tests, There Would Be Fewer Infections. Unfit for Office.
Mark KarlinComment
Trump Campaign Blames Protesters for Disappointing Turnout at Rally, But Journalists Reported Protesters Were a Mile Away. As Satirist Andy Borowitz Wrote, "Coronavirus Diappointed by Tiny Turnout."


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Mark KarlinComment
CNN Fact-Checks Trump's Insulting, Unhinged "Relaunch" of His Malignant Coronavirus-Spreading Campaign
Mark KarlinComment
Only Six People Have Masks in Trump Tulsa Rally Line


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Mark KarlinComment
Trump's COVID-19 Transmission Event Has Begun: Six Trump Campaign Staff Working on Rally Test Positive for Coronavirus


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Mark KarlinComment
"Magically Protected": Why Hardcore Trump Supporters Won’t Wear Masks at Rally. Trump Is Responsible for That Deadly Anti-Science Thinking.
Mark KarlinComment
Health Experts Fear Trump's Campaign Rally in Tulsa Could Turn Into a Coronavirus "Super Spreader" Event. Sanjay Gupta Estimates Perhaps a Thousand Attendees Could Become Infected in Enclosed Space.


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Mark KarlinComment
Black Lives Matters Protests Are Being Held Around the Nation to Coincide With Trump Rally
Mark KarlinComment
Mueller Report Released With More Redactions Removed Reveals Mueller Raised Possibility Trump Lied to Him
Mark KarlinComment
Trump Returns Saturday With His Duplicitous Performance Art That the Media Relishes Covering, As He Demagogues Amidst Infection Transmission at Rally. The Apprentice Meets the Anti-Christ.

Associated Press

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Mark KarlinComment
Tulsa COVID-19 Case Infection Hits New High as Trump Will Facilitate Transmission at Saturday Rally


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Mark Karlin Comments
Reagan-Appointed Federal Judge Refuses to Block Bolton Book

The Hill

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Mark KarlinComment
"The Pandemic Is Accelerating," Says WHO Chief, Warning of "New and Dangerous Phase" of Coronavirus Crisis

Common Dreams

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Mark KarlinComment
Trump and Barr Violate Independence of DOJ Yet Again in Removal of Geoffrey Berman as SDNY US Attorney: Breathtakingly Criminal in Its Brazen Assault on Law and Order
Mark KarlinComment
Survey of Trump Supporters Shows They Don't View Black Lives Matter Positively, Which Is Expected. However, More Worrisome Is an Indication of a Wide Enthusiasm Gap Between Trump and Biden Voters.
Mark KarlinComment
Trump Stares in Silence When Asked Why He Keeps Hiring "Wackos" and "Liars" by White House Reporter

The Daily Beast

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Mark KarlinComment