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  • aradio_berlin: [Extra] TFSR: Perspe 17. June 2020
    [Extra] TFSR: Perspectives from Iranian AnarchistsWe are now republishing an interview by The Final Straw Radio (TFSR) with aäge #ExterneSendungen #Afghanistan #armedstruggle #Bakunin #China #imperialism #internetshutdown #Iran #Iraq #Kurds #Lebanon #LGBTQ #Mujahedin #Pakistan #Protest #Quds #Refugees #RevolutionaryGuard #Russia #sanctions #Shah #Syria #Taliban #tankies #USA #WaronTerror #Yemen
  • aradio_berlin: [Extra] Channel Zero 4. June 2020
    [Extra] Channel Zero Network: Staying safe at street actions (PSA)As A-Radio Berlin we are part of the anarchist Channel Zero Network (CZN), an alliance of podcasts and radio shows in English language from around the world.In the context of the recent BlackLivesMäge #BLM #ChannelZeroNetwork #Covid-19 #policebrutality #protection #PSA #Repression #safety #streetactions #USA
  • aradio_berlin: Libertärer Podcast M 4. June 2020
    Libertärer Podcast Mairückblick 2020Unsere dieses Mal 60-minütige Sendung blickt auf folgende Themen aus dem Vormonat zurück:Der EA-Berlin zur ID-Verweigerung als Taktik EA-Berline*vibes-KaärerPodcast #Abtreibung #Argentinien #ChannelZeroNetwork #Chile #Corona #Ermittlungsausschuss #evibes #Feminismus #GeorgeFloyd #Hungerstreik #ID-Verweigerung #Mai1987 #mapuche #Minneapolis #Polizeigewalt #Repression
  • aradio_berlin: Chile: Dirti Lepra – 26. May 2020
    Chile: Dirti Lepra – Trap, Anarchism & RevolutionThe struggle is not only in the streets but in how we represent and inspire each other. In January 2020, the Anarchist Radio Berlin was with Dirti Lepra, a trap artist with whom we talked about why make music for dancing with social critique and revolutionäge #Chile #classism […]

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