June 15, 2020
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Milan, Italy: Enjoy cars damaged in solidarity with Op. Bialystock prisoners

Milan, Italy: Enjoy cars damaged in solidarity with Op. Bialystock prisoners

We received by anonymous mail and publish:
In Milan in the night of Friday June 12, 3 Enjoy cars were set on fire in response to the repressive operation that has struck the anarchists in Rome.
Everybody Free
Long live anarchy

via: roundrobin.info

Translated by Act for freedom now!

June 15, 2020
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Athens, Greece : Solidarity to all those who are in cells! PROTEST, THURSDAY 18/06, 18:30, MONASTIRAKI, ATHENS

Athens, Greece : Solidarity to all those who are in cells! PROTEST, THURSDAY 18/06, 18:30, MONASTIRAKI, ATHENS

The COVID-19 pandemic has once again brought the miserable living conditions in prisons and camps to the fore. No access to pharmaceutical and medical care, with minimal means of protection against the pandemic, but also with constant mockery from government agencies, the only way out left in this world is resistance and rebellion.
Either with coronavirus or without their lives are of secondary importance to the State. Let’s show once again that for us they are not!
Gathering-Microphone [12/06, 20:00, Exarcheia Square]

Protest [18/06, 18:30, Monastiraki athens
via: athens.indymedia translated by Act for freedom now!

June 15, 2020
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Italy – Operation “Prometeo” [Prometheus] – Updates on Natascia from the prison of Piacenza – 24th May 2020

Italy – Operation “Prometeo” [Prometheus] – Updates on Natascia from the prison of Piacenza – 24th May 2020

In accordance with the decree concerning the end of the lockdown, the prison of Piacenza has resumed visits as follows: only one hour per month, a two-metre distance between the prisoner and her relative/friend, masks and partition glass and prohibition of physical contact. Not even a hug or kiss to say hello. Understandably, Natascia has chosen to carry on seeing her relatives and friends via Skype from time to time, rather than the face-to-face farce with a two-metre distance through a partition glass and absolute prohibition of physical contact.
The greetings from comrades and those in solidarity last Tuesday outside the prison of Piacenza were finally heard where Natascia is being held, the AS3 wing where the cells are more internal and further away from the prison walls. Natascia and the other prisoners shouted and tried to answer, hoping they would be heard in turn.
After the wing went from open to closed regime – officially as a measure due to the health emergency – the atmosphere changed. Now it’s clear to all that the health excuse was just a joke and that they have no intention of reinstating the open regime, as rest of the prison is now in open regime.
Elena and Nicole, recently arrested along with five comrades [all were released on 30th May] are also in the prison of Piacenza, but in “health confinement” and therefore she [Natascia] had only a glimpse of them. Even if she is sad and angry because of their (and the others’) arrest, she can’t wait to see them.

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June 15, 2020
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Cremona, Italy : Stones against the premises of the Northern League 

Cremona, Italy : Stones against the premises of the Northern League 

From the local media we learn that in the night between Friday 29th and Saturday 30th May the windows of the League premises in Cremona were hit with stones, [shattering one of them]. Writings were found in the vicinity, including: “Racists and guards murderers” and “strike the racists or at the borders”.
via: roundrobin.info
Translated by act for freedom now!

June 13, 2020
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Αthens,Greece: Responsibility Claim , by George Floyd Revenge Unit

Αthens,Greece: Responsibility Claim , by George Floyd Revenge Unit


Responsibility Claim: Attack on Nea Ionia Police Station

How amazing is a perfect rendezvous? Somehow finding oneself, through luck, persistence, diligence, history, blind will, in the company of comrades. Then to find oneself in the grand plan of these people, then in the particular plan of a daring action. A leap into the unknown. To be in one moment, perfectly, together. Then to escape into the night, for another day of living, fighting, and making our own history.

On this particular night, we gathered almost perfectly. That ‘almost’ almost crumbled our commitment, but a few assuring words, and the sight of each other together and ready brought our will together again. The sterile orange lights of the state like a veil on a horizon only a few meters away, we started our run. Masks on our faces and bottles in our hands we made our way to the corner. A few men drinking late, looked at us, and then surprised that they were witnessing an event, quickly stood up and ran away. Maybe to view the event better later from the safety of their couches and TV screens. We turned the corner, and launched our attack. Fire exploded on the hoods of the police cars, the policeman inside his box turned in fear, shouting as he fled into the night. For him it was a job, for us it was our duty, and also a good bit of fun. After we made our attack we vanished safely into the present. From the police reports we understand that not only was our attack successful, but they have no information on how or who made our attack, and decided to lie instead of admitting an ignorant defeat.

This last period of life has been characterized by the state advancing and anarchists making retreat after retreat. The quarantine brought with it a new level of social control and imprisonment which cleared the way for repression in Thiva, the public spaces, the borders, detention centers, and environmental struggles throughout the country. The state gave millions for propaganda to the media companies, and millions more to the ever increasing police/terrorist apparatus of the state, while we wasted away without money, but thankfully with free data (thanks cosmote!). It is obvious that the state cares more about social peace than it does about our own survival. So, it finds military and police solutions to the disaffection and disappointment coming from the ever expanding and exploding crisis of capital.

Meanwhile in the USA, an insurrection against this very militarized police apparatus is in full effect. The racist police in the US have been pushed into retreat in cities all across the country, as people face off against one of the largest repressive mechanisms in humanity’s history. As anarchists we applaud their struggle, and see it as our goal to provide solidarity in the way we know best, direct action and attack. The promotion of agency, our own and others, is at the core of what we believe can destroy this oppressive system. If one person filming the death of George Floyd had decided to push, just push, the policeman, Floyd would be alive today. This lesson has been taken up and is the reason why the military has been called to the streets throughout the USA to try and reclaim the agency it thought it monopolized.

One of the main obstacles in the development of popular power and agency is the police system, which murders any opposition which dares to contest its dominion. This fear is what has held the people in the USA and here in Greece from insurrection, and it is this fear we must return to the police. If the state pays dearly for every life it takes from us, it will surely think twice about its repression and racist assassinations. In the state’s continuation of junta fetishism, Mitzotakis declared that the police is the state. We don’t agree with this assessment, but understand that the bureaucrats with guns are the main opposition to us in our control of our streets, and the main threat to us in public spaces.

We took this action, inspired by the happenings in the US, and in revenge for George Floyd.

We took this action in solidarity with the imprisoned throughout the world, and in conjunction with the three days of international solidarity with the imprisoned. We must make them think twice, before they take our lives. Hopefully, we can build the power to make it impossible for them.

For Black Liberation! Death to the State! Attack the Police! Destroy the System! Loot the World!

George Floyd Revenge Unit


June 12, 2020
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Italy, Rome: 12/6/20 New police operation and arrests

Italy, Rome: 12/6/20 New police operation and arrests

Rome – Comunique Op.Bialystock 13.6.20
About operation Bialystock
Here we go again.
The umpteenth anti-anarchist repressive operation began at dawn on 12/06/20 in the territories dominated by the Italian, French and Spanish States. In grand style, i.e. in balaclavas  and guns blazing, the guards searched several houses seized the usual material and arrested 7 people, 5 of whom are in prison, 2 are under house arrest.
Nothing new under the starry sky.
The State’s accusations against them are varied, among which the usual subversive association with aims of terrorism as well as fire, incitement to commit a crime, etc. etc.
Now, while it is not important to get involved in their judicial quibbles, it is necessary to confirm that direct action, mutual aid, the refusal of all hierarchy and all authorities, and the practice of solidarity are expressions of our anarchist tension. We are not interested in going into the logic of guilty/innocent, the individualities struck are our comrades and will have our closeness, solidarity and complicity.
Ros shit
To each their own
Some occupants of Bencivenga Occupato
For the moment the known addresses of the comrades are:
Nico Aurigemma
C.C Rieti
Viale Maestri Del Lavoro, 2 – 02100 Vazia (RI)
Flavia Di Giannantonio
C.C Femminile Rebibbia
Via Bartolo Longo 92. Roma 00156
Claudio Zaccone
C.C Siracusa Via Monasteri, 20C.
Contrada Cavadonna
Siracusa 96100
via: roundrobin.info
Pending further information we learn from the regime press that this morning 12.6.20 , the judiciary in Rome carried out 7 arrests resulting in 5 people being taken to jail within a repressive operation named “Bialystok”.

Arrests in Rome
The comrades Daniele, Nico, Francesca, Falla, Flavia, Claudio and Robi, have been arrested, perhaps for 270bis and instigation.
Named “operation Bialystock”, according to the newspapers seven comrades have been arrested with the accusation of association for the purpose of terrorism or subversion of the democratic order, act of terrorism with deadly devices and explosives, possession of and carrying explosive material, instigation to commit crimes against State personalities as well as fire and aggravated damage with the purpose of terrorism and subversion of the democratic order.
The investigations started after the explosive attack on the Roma San Giovanni carabinieri barracks  on December 7 2017.
Translated by Act for freedom now!

June 12, 2020
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Kiev, Ukraine: Criminal Investigations Department Building Petrol-Bombed by the ‘Brave Ones’ Group

Kiev, Ukraine: Criminal Investigations Department Building Petrol-Bombed by the ‘Brave Ones’ Group

On the night of June 10, 2020 the building of Criminal Investigations Department (Kyiv, 25, Naberezhne highway) was attacked by petrol bomb.
The other day appalling news came from Kagarlyk, Ukraine, where on the night of May 24, police officers assaulted and raped a woman who had been summoned as a witness. The details – policemen put a gas mask on a woman, handcuffed her and shot from their duty weapons above her head – flashed around the nation.
Same kind of news come from the other side of the Dnepr river, where police officers who killed a five-year-old boy in Pereiaslav-Khmelnytskyi were released from prison on bail.
Since the beginning of this quarantine the police flooded the streets of Kyiv. Control and police pressure have increased, unwarranted and unjustified inspections have become more frequent. Like the conduct of the police in Kyiv’s Podol: stop-and-search inspections of passersby under false pretenses, solicitation of bribes, beatings in police stations.

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June 12, 2020
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Athens,Greece: “the struggle escalates!”

Athens,Greece: “the struggle escalates!”

9 June 2020:
16 of the 26 women detained at Petrou Ralli refused to eat. They decided, once again, to go on hunger strike because they cannot sustain themselves eating the appalling food the authorities insist on giving them—food which results in illness, digestive problems, vomiting, and weight loss. The wretched quality of the food has persisted over the four years we have been visiting Petrou Ralli, likely longer. Likewise, on 17 March, 9 detained women started a hunger strike which lasted 3 days. They sent us the following message on Day 3: “9 women we started a serious (i.e. hunger and thirst strike) hunger strike. The situation is terrible and it’s getting worse and worse. Two of us passed out and still haven’t regained consciousness. We will continue the hunger strike until we are free from this captivity. They will either set us free or we shall die, followed by their names.
On this occasion, the authorities employed the standard method for terrorizing detainees, employed in all prisons in the totalitarian world of patriarchy. The women were called down one by one and a police officer or Commander questioned them and threatened that if they didn’t stop the hunger strike, it would be at the expense of their case— it would be too late for them to be released or they will be transferred to Korydallos prison. Their strike ended after Day 3. Continue Reading →

June 12, 2020
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on [DIFUNDIR] Sale Rebrote nº 5 (mayo-junio 2020), boletín anticarcelario para presxs

[DIFUNDIR] Sale Rebrote nº 5 (mayo-junio 2020), boletín anticarcelario para presxs

Palabras previas

Compañerxs, tenemos el gusto de compartir con ustedes la publicación de un nuevo número del boletín anticarcelario Rebrote.

Anhelamos profundamente que los gestos de solidaridad hacia lxs presxs se sigan proliferando a pesar de este complicado contexto de crisis y control social, en donde las expresiones del apoyo mutuo entre
marginadxs se diversifican con la finalidad de sobrevivir mientras el
aumento de la militarización de las calles pareciera volverse algo ya

Las medidas restrictivas en las cárceles con la suspensión de las
visitas pareciera no cambiar por lo pronto, al menos mientras siga
siendo justificado por la pandemia mundial. Sabemos claramente que el aislamiento ha sido un arma que el poder siempre ha utilizado para
reprimir hacia quienes se rebelan y no precisamente para protegerles.

Resulta más necesario entonces que nuestras palabras e ideas por la
destrucción total de los centros de exterminio sean consecuentes con
nuestro actuar y se materialicen en acciones de solidaridad reales y
concretas, tanto en el apoyo a diario hacia nuestrxs compañerxs que
permanecen secuestradxs, como en ataque directo a las instituciones y
sostenedores de este sistema de tortura y muerte.

El estallido de la rabia por el hambre y la marginalidad se ha esparcido
por las calles, mientras que los intentos del gobierno por callar a
quienes sin miedo se atreven a romper la cuarentena y el toque de queda.
Los medios de comunicación burgueses por otra parte, se alimentan de la pobreza y miseria que siempre ha existido en las poblaciones tanto en este territorio como en todo el mundo. La prensa siempre ha sido una herramienta del poder y en tiempos de aislamiento los intentos de
adormecer la rabia que se venia desatando en la revuelta son el único
motivo por el cual la presencia policial y militar en las calles se ha

Este boletín nace en medio de la revuelta y la sección «Cartas desde
Adentro» es su esencia, ya que allí reproducimos las cartas y
comunicados enviadas por compas en la cana tanto al boletín como a otros medios. En este número compartimos varios escritos emanados desde distintas cárceles en Chile como también de compas en Italia y Francia.
Abrazamos en complicidad a quienes se posicionan en guerra contra el
poder y establecen vínculos afines entre compañerxs, rechazando las
dinámicas de hostilidad y competencia que el sistema carcelario pretende imponer para autoaniquilación de lxs presxs.

La memoria es una de nuestra armas y como publicación anticarcelaria
decidimos dar un espacio para recordar al compañero anárquico Mauricio Morales, el panky Mauri, quien cae accidentalmente en combate el 22 de mayo del 2009

Como siempre hemos incluido también diversas noticias, artículos e
ilustraciones extraídas de medios afines.

Aprovechamos también de avisar que hemos armado un blog donde estaremos subiendo todos los números de Rebrote en sus formatos de lectura e impresión junto a los artículos, cartas, reflexiones y traducciones que no estén disponibles en otros lados. Asimismo podrán encontrar los archivos de las propas de distintos temas que hemos armado para una distribución más inmediata. Alentamos a que vayan al blog (rebrote.noblogs.org), y reproduzcan el material en todos lados.

Recordamos que además nos interesan las voces de todas las personas
reprimidas por la sociedad carcelaria, incluyendo a quienes estén o
estuvieron tras los muros del Sename e instituciones psiquiátricas, como tambíén la de sus familiares y compañerxs.

Agradecemos profundamente a quienes nos aportan tanto con el contenido como con la difusión de esta publicación: que se multipliquen las redes de solidaridad y lugares de encuentro entre compañerxs.

Venganza por George Floyd, Alejandro Treuquil y todxs lxs asesinadxs por el poder a manos de su bastarda policia.

¡Compañero Mauricio Morales presente!

¡Abajo todas las jaulas!

Boletín anticarcelario para presxs
8 de junio, 2020
rebrote@riseup.net | rebrote.noblogs.org

Descargar Rebrote boletín anticarcelario nº 5
Versión para leer:
Versión para imprimir:

June 12, 2020
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on June 11th mixtape!

June 11th mixtape!

“A few notes on this world” was especially written and performed for the 2020 Mixtape for June 11th, International Day of Solidarity with Marius Mason & All Long-Term Anarchist Prisoners : june11.noblogs.org/2020-mixtape/
A note by Non Serviam for the Mixtape : We have a strong relationship of hate with the prison complex, not only because most of the members of our musical collective have visited its cells on occasions, but also because it is the reason why this world of greed and control that we despise and suffer from keeps on existing.
Society needs prisons to instill the fear of breaking the law and all of its rules. Marius Mason was convicted for breaking the rules, like any anarchist with a practical sense of theory and courage, therefore Marius needs all our solidarity. Because this world he’s still fighting against from inside the walls is everywhere, there is no escape from it, and escape could never be enough anyway : this fucking world has to burn and everything else is poetry. Compagnons dedans, dehors, le cœur bat encore…
The song is here :

June 11, 2020
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Italy : News from the state of emergency (issue 7)

Italy : News from the state of emergency (issue 7)

4th May 2020
1st May in Rovereto
On 1st May about twenty comrades took to the streets for about an hour in the Fucine working-class neighbourhood with amplified talks around the Itea blocks of flats (Istituto Trentino Edilizia Agevolata, [social housing agency of the Trentino province]. As already happened on 25th April in Brione, it was a chance to talk about the structural causes of the epidemic – all to be linked to the capitalist world of plundering and exploiting nature – and the way Confindustria [bosses’ federation] and the government tackled it, resulting in a true massacre. During the initiative we again encouraged Itea residents in economic difficulty (the managers of this provincial agency announced a rent freeze for shoppers but not for tenants) to self-organize to stop paying rent. We pointed out that the ban – which will continue even after 4th May – against people meeting up in the open air is aimed at keeping us isolated and passive in the face of what they’re preparing for us: the loans that the government is about to request from European institutions and national creditors (banks, insurance companies, investment funds) will be repaid by increasing the exploitation of workers and the poorest groups of society, an aspect which “pro-europeans” and “sovereigntists” all agree on. In order to resist this – and the introduction of 5G – it is necessary to breach social confinement responsibly. Some residents – mainly young – approached the initiative. Two police patrols, on the contrary, kept at a distance.
“If we can work, we can strike too”
With this slogan blocks and strikes in many logistics industries were organized between 30th April and 1st May. In Bologna, Casoria, the province of Naples, Turin, Campi Bisenzio, Calenzano, Modena (where protests had already started at the beginning of the week). And then Genoa, Milan, Brescia, Bergamo, Piacenza, Florence, Rome, Caserta… Once again warehouse workers – mainly immigrants –– proved to be the most combative sector of the working class. Riders in Turin and transport cleaners in Naples, who blocked the underground service on 30th May, also went on strike.

Continue Reading →

June 11, 2020
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Athens,Greece :[GR,ENG] Παρέμβαση ενάντια στις δολοφονίες ζώων από φόλες στην Κυψέλη από Αντισπισιστική συνέλευση

Athens,Greece :[GR,ENG] Παρέμβαση ενάντια στις δολοφονίες ζώων από φόλες στην Κυψέλη από Αντισπισιστική συνέλευση


During the few weeks many incidents of murdered cats and dogs from baits were brought to light , in the form of little nails inside cat and dog food, in the area of Kipseli in the center of Athens. The extermination of stray animals is a recurring tactic, that happens from common citizens annoyed by dogs’ barks, shop owners that want to clean their neighborhood from strays, or municipal services for the strays that either murder them or imprison them in closed structures.
Every day we are faced with the hypocrisy of highly esteemed citizens, who might tolerate the fact that some cats or dogs exist around their neighborhood, but when those strays become more, then without any hesitation they turn against them, call them a threat and kill them. This culture of clean and sterilized cities leads to the extermination of every creature that doesn’t fit in the “normativity” that dictates our lives. A normality, that cleans streets and parks from strays and only allows animals with a leash, a micro chip and certificates to exist. Continue Reading →

June 11, 2020
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on NOTES ON UPDATE’S RATE from plague and fire project it/en/es

NOTES ON UPDATE’S RATE from plague and fire project it/en/es

—– It —-


Se in questi pochi mesi questo sito è stato aggiornato con frequenza,
cercando di riproporre in maniera puntuale e rapida ciò che accadeva nel mondo e portando alla luce ciò che veniva segnalato, ora ciò non potrà più essere fatto come prima in quanto alcune persone diminuiranno il proprio impegno nel progetto.

Il numero di cellulare, ad esempio, non verrà per il momento più
utilizzato, mentre la mail verrà in ogni caso guardata con regolarità e
i contributi ugualmente pubblicati, anche se magari non con lo stesso
ritmo di prima.

L’obiettivo di questo sito è sempre stato quello di parlare della
pandemia e della rivolta. Non è sicuramente esaurito come proponimento, ma deve fare i conti con la realtà sociale cambiata. Un rischio è anche quello di sopravvivere a sè stessi. Abbracciare la distruzione vuol dire anche saper accettare il divenire dei progetti, sapendo che la prospettiva di lotta non può limitarsi alla propria ripetizione.

Con questa precisazione sull’impegno di alcune persone che verrà
ridimensionato non si vuole comunque chiudere il sito. Invitiamo quindi chi sentisse fondamentale questo sito e la sua impostazione
internazionale a portare il proprio contributo. Chi volesse collaborare
al sito (singoli o gruppi, come ad esempio siti di controinformazione
già esistenti) potrà contattare la mail plagueandfire@riseup.net per
sapere come fare.

Bene, che il gioco continui ad essere praticato, tanto quello della
distruzione che della diffusione delle informazioni.

Alcun* che hanno iniziato

— EN—-


If in these few months this site has been updated frequently, trying to
propose in a timely and rapid way what happened in the world and
bringing to light what was reported, now this can no longer be done as
before because some people will decrease their commitment to the

The mobile phone number, for example, will not be used for now, while
the mail will in any case be looked regularly and the contributions
equally published, even if perhaps not at the same rhytm as before.

The goal of this site has always been to talk about the pandemic and
revolt. It is certainly not exhausted as proposition, but it has to deal
with the changed social reality. A risk is also that of surviving to our
self. Embracing destruction also means knowing how to accept the future of projects, knowing that the prospect of struggle cannot be limited to its own repetition.

With this clarification on the commitment of some people that will be
downsized we do not want to close the site. We therefore invite those
who feel essential this site and its international approach to bring
their contribution. Those wishing to collaborate on the site
(individuals or groups, such as counterinformation sites already
existing) can contact the email plagueandfire@riseup.net to know how to do.

Good, that the game continues to be practiced, both that of destruction
and the dissemination of information.

Any that have started

— ES—


Si en estos pocos meses esta web se ha actualizado con frecuencia,
intentando reproducir de forma puntual y rápida lo que ocurría en el
mundo y visibilizando lo que se nos comunicaba, ahora no podremos seguir haciéndolo como antes ya que algunas personas disminuirán su dedicación al proyecto.

Por ejemplo, el número de teléfono no se utilizará por el momento,
mientras que el email se seguirá mirando con regularidad y se publicarán los contenidos, pero quizás no con el mismo ritmo de antes.

El objetivo de esta web siempre ha sido hablar de la pandemia y de la
revuelta. Ciertamente la propuesta no termina aquí, pero tiene que
afrontar la realidad social cambiada. Sobrevivir a nosotros mismos
también es un riesgo. Abrazar la destrucción también significa ser capaz de aceptar el devenir de los proyectos, sabiendo que la prospectiva de lucha no puede limitarse a la propia repetición.

Esta aclaración sobre la dedicación de algunas personas no implica que
se quiera cerrar la web. Invitamos a quien sienta fundamental esta
página y su planteamiento internacional a contribuir. Quien quisiese
colaborar (individuos o grupos, como por ejemplo sitios de
contrainformación ya existentes) podrá contactar al mail
plagueandfire@riseup.net para saber como.

Bien, que el juego continúe, tanto el de la destrucción como el de la
difusión de las infos.

Algunxs que han empezado.

The Plague And The Fire

June 11, 2020
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on ITALY : THREE DAYS AGAINST TECHNO-SCIENCES 24-25-26 July 2020 en/it


Here the complete program of the meeting:
24-25-26 July 2020
Second international meeting
At Altradimora, strada Caranzano 72, Alessandria (AL), Italy
Qui programma completo dell’Incontro:
24-25-26 Luglio 2020
2° Incontro internazionale
presso Altradimora, strada Caranzano 72, Alessandria (AL), Italia
Received on : 9/6/20

June 11, 2020
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on [Madrid ,Spain] La pandemia es la obediencia: recuperemos la calle. Pequeña intervención en las calles de vallekas

[Madrid ,Spain] La pandemia es la obediencia: recuperemos la calle. Pequeña intervención en las calles de vallekas

Receved on: 9/6/20
El pasado sábado 6 de junio, una treintena de compañeros y compañeras recorrieron varias calles de vallekas con varias pancartas y el panfleto que adjuntamos más abajo. Finalmente, se leyeron los panfletos en el parque Amós Acero y no hubo ningún incidente destacado con la numerosa policía que acabo desplazándose al lugar.

Porque ahora que el Estado y el capitalismo repuntan sus procesos de
explotación y dominación, no nos resignamos a quedarnos en casa o pedir permiso para tomar las calles. Porque la represión no frena la
solidaridad y la lucha ni en Madrid, ni en cualquier punto del planeta,
por más que le pese al Estado. La revuelta es imparable.

Porque hay mil y un motivos para luchar, permanezcamo atentos a más
convocatorias y reputemos la lucha contra este sistema y sus miserias.

¡La pandemia es la obediencia, recuperemos la calle!

¡Viva la anarquía!

A continuación el panfleto:


La crisis sanitaria surgida que vivimos ha puesto de patas arriba el
mundo. En cuestión de semanas hemos visto como los límites de nuestras vidas, ya precarizadas de por sí, se han visto reducidos a los márgenes de acción más estrechos de nuestra historia más reciente.
El bombardeo y el despliegue mediático que siguió en directo todas las
noticias, primero de fuera, y luego dentro de nuestro país nos encogió
el corazón. Nos llenó la cabeza con hospitales abarrotados, incapacidad
para controlar la situación, ancianos y enfermos abandonados a su suerte en residencias y pasillos. Cada día más contagiados. Cada día más muertos.
Con este panorama ponemos el horizonte fijado en recuperar esa
normalidad que tanto ansiamos, han conseguido que echemos de menos nuestras antiguas condiciones de vida, obviando que esas condiciones ya eran lo suficientemente miserables como para detestar esa normalidad. Y nadie pone en cuestión los factores sistémicos que nos han traído aquí.
Y es que las vidas que creíamos tener delante de nosotros ya nos la
habían arrebatado hacía tiempo.
Pero esta crisis ha puesto de relieve el entramado social, económico y
político que permite perpetuar una explotación sobre las personas y el
territorio sin límites. Una explotación que nos coloca sujetando los
pilares de un sistema que nos aplasta. Una explotación que nos releva a
ser meros consumidores en ciudades administradas y vigiladas por
burocracia, tecnología y policía. Una explotación que suprime toda
espontaneidad posible. Una explotación que regula, vigila, legisla,
controla y sanciona cada acto humano que se salga de los márgenes de lo permitido.

Y de nuevo los ricos: políticos, empresas, bancos, grandes propietarios,
inmobiliarias; trabajan codo a codo para perpetuar este estado de las

Mientras que nadie duda que a Irene Montero o a Santiago Abascal jamás les iba a faltar un respirador a causa del contagio, miles de personas han vivido la parte más cruda de esta crisis. Mientras que medidas como el teletrabajo han convertido nuestros hogares en una extensión de nuestra antigua dominación, otros tantos han puesto en riesgo su salud frente a la imposición de tener que acudir a sus puestos de trabajo.
Mientras que las soluciones para los inquilinos frente a los pagos de
unas rentas que no iban a poder pagar han sido el endeudamiento y el
acoso, se han seguido desahuciando casas y desalojando espacios
okupados. La lista de situaciones sangrantes y degradantes es
interminable, y es que nunca antes había quedado tan claro que la vida
para ellos significa la muerte para nosotros.

¿Pero cómo vamos a cuestionar la situación si vivimos la crisis
sanitaria más importante que nadie recuerda? No pretendemos restarle importancia a la extensión del virus. No tenerlo en cuenta sería precisamente legitimar los riesgos a los que quedan expuestos los
trabajadores que acuden cada día a sus centros de trabajo.
Pero queremos transmitir que la crisis ya estaba. La crisis es el
capitalismo, y hoy vemos como se recrudece y como se perpetúa con un
ejercito de militares y policía en las calles velando por los intereses
de los ricos. En España, con el auge de la precarización que esta crisis
impondrá, se ha sancionado de media a 15000 personas por saltarse el
confinamiento desde el comienzo del estado de alarma. Queremos pensar en como queremos a vivir a partir de hoy, y no en como podemos sobrevivir.
Y para eso tenemos claro que el verdadero enemigo es el mismo de

Es el poder electo, son las empresas que por la misma naturaleza del
sistema capitalista no pueden hacer otra cosa más que explotar, es la
policía que reprime, es el ejercito en las calles, son las cárceles que
castigan y persiguen la pobreza que generan, son los bancos que acumulan beneficios manchados de la sangre de los que se quedan por el camino.

Por eso planteamos una confrontación contra el estado de las cosas. Por eso estamos hoy en la calle. Porque los que saquean, golpean, humillan, torturan y asesinan, son ellos, condenándonos a la vida que nos obligan a vivir.

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June 11, 2020
by actforfreedom
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Berlin, Germany: Flames for Liebig34 – Against the City of the Rich

On 2.6 we set fire to four Euronet gmbH ATMs (in Berlin Mitte, Kreuzberg, Friedrichshain and Neukölln) in solidarity with Liebig 34 and as a warning to the state, capital and its accomplices what will happen if they try to evict L34.
As the owner of the L34 building and the owner of numerous houses in Berlin, Padovicz rents parts of his land to Euronet for commercial use. Independently of this, Euronet’s ATMs are part of the capitalist infrastructure and capital’s plans for the total gentrification of our neighbourhoods. A city is being created, which is centrally involved in the best possible exploitation of mass tourism, and neighbourhoods are being planned which are intended for residents who do not care about fees for withdrawing money.

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June 11, 2020
by actforfreedom
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Zürich ,Switzerland : Fire at US-Consulate

In solidarity with the people’s uprising in the US, tonight we set on fire some containers adjacent to the local US consulate. May the flames of classwar further spread across the world!
United against cops, racism and capitalism!
Long live the struggle for people’s liberation!
Long live international solidarity!
via: barrikade.info

June 11, 2020
by actforfreedom
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Rovereto, Italy : TIM cars sabotaged on 28/5/2020

From the local newspapers we learn that unknown persons sabotaged three service cars in the parking area inside the TIM main site in Rovereto. Workers became aware of it on Monday morning. After a few metres, the cars “crashed” and were taken away with a breakdown truck. Liquid poured into the fuel tanks had caused the engines to break down. 
Translated by act for freedom now!

June 11, 2020
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Italy : On the gathering outside the prison of Piacenza

Italy : On the gathering outside the prison of Piacenza

In the early hours of 23rd May a large number of comrades in solidarity started to arrive in Piacenza and together we made our way towards the prison. Digos, police and carabinieri lined up along the road leading to the walls. They didn’t miss the chance to film those present. In spite of some technical problems with the sound system, we weren’t discouraged and gathered on the grass opposite the walls, where speeches and greetings were soon called out through a megaphone, accompanied by loud chants; in particular, “fire to the jails!” was taken up and repeated by some prisoners in the male unit, who throughout the gathering continued to shout their anger at this disgusting prison, its governor and the torturers in uniform. Numerous messages of solidarity were read out or made heard, messages in solidarity with Elena, Nicole, Natascia, prisoners of the criminal State and locked up in the prison of Piacenza.
After about three hours, a round of fireworks concluded the gathering, with the promise that it won’t be the last for as long as there are comrades behind bars, for as long as there are people locked up in these infernal places. The next appointment is in Bologna: this Saturday 30th May at 5pm in piazza VIII agosto (on the montagnola side)!


[Note: comrades Elena Riva and Nicole Savoia were released on 30th May along with Giuseppe, Leonardo, Stefania, Duccio and Guido]
Translated by act for freedom now!

June 10, 2020
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Estallido Antisocial / Publicación (Chile)

Estallido Antisocial / Publicación (Chile)

PDF : Estallido Antisocial
Desde la iniciativa autónoma como individualidades ingobernables
propagamos la anarquía sin esperar que el progreso de las “luchas
sociales” nos lleve a un futuro e ilusorio estado de “progreso y
Agradecemos la difusión de esta publicación que busca ser un espacio de comunicación para conectarnos con otrxs afines y no afines
colectivizando ideas, tensiones y propuestas que nos alejan de la
comodidad y del estancamiento.
Por la tensión permanente contra el Estado, el poder y la sociedad que
le da vida.
Contra toda forma de autoridad, seguimos procurando que viva la