Posts Tagged ‘Trial’

Italy: Update on the anarchists arrested on May 13th in Operation Ritrovo

Saturday, May 30th, 2020

From Malacoda:

Giuseppe, Stefania, Duccio, Leonardo, Guido, Elena and Nicole, the seven anarchists arrested on May 13th, 2020, for the «Ritrovo» operation were all released today, May 30th. Four of them are required to stay in the municipality of residence, with return at night from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. The same repressive measure, but without signatures at the barracks, was also maintained for two other persons among the five who had not been arrested on May 13th, as they were only subject to the residence obligation. No restrictions were maintained for all the others.

The crime of fire with the aggravating circumstance of subversion or terrorism, of which only one person was accused, was reworded into «damage followed by fire». The accusation of «subversive association with the purpose of terrorism or subversion of the democratic order» has been dropped. The accusation of «incitement to commit a crime» remains, without the aggravating circumstance of terrorism.

The charge of fire was linked to the incendiary attack of December 16th, 2018, against some telecommunications antennas located in Monte Donato in Bologna, antennas intended for the transmission of national and local television networks. On the site was left the inscription «Turn off the antennas, awaken consciences. Solidarity with the anarchists detained and guarded». The other accusations were (and are) of incitement to delinquency, defacement, soiling and damage.

Following the arrests, the repressive forces had declared that the arrested were accused of having created a subversive-terrorist association having «the objective of affirming and spreading the anarchist-insurrectionalist ideology, as well as instigating, through the diffusion of propaganda material, the commission of acts of violence against the institutions». Furthermore, the public prosecutor’s office of Bologna, with the usual aid of the regime media, had underlined that the precautionary measures assumed a «strategic preventive valence aimed at avoiding that in any further moments of social tension, arising from the particular emergency situation», connected to the coronavirus epidemic, «other moments of a more general anti-State fight campaign could take place».

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The Fenix 2 Trial: 7th hearing (Czech Republic)

Monday, May 11th, 2020

On Monday the 18th of May at 8:30 a.m. there will take place the next hearing of Fenix 2 at the court in Most. Just for reminding, the trial is against four anarchists and one environmentalist and they face to 3-10 years of prison. Show support to the accused ones by being present at the court or by any other solidarity action.


What is Fénix 2 about?

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Italy: Updates about the Scripta Manent trial / Italia: Aggiornamenti sul processo Scripta Manent

Friday, May 1st, 2020

Italy: Updates about the Scripta Manent trial

For the date of July 1, 2020, the first appeal hearing of “Scripta Manent” trial has been established at the bunker hall of “Le Vallette” prison in Turin. The dates set for the appeal hearings are as follows: 1, 8, 10, 15, 17, 22, 24, 29 July; 9, 11, 16 September.

In spite of the pandemic, the Court of Turin is among those that have guaranteed the holding of “important” trials, and with inmates, already scheduled for this summer. So presumably this date remains confirmed.

The comrades are accused of article 270 bis (subversive association with the purpose of terrorism or subversion of the democratic order) and for various anti-militarist actions, against the CPRs (Centri di permanenza per il rimpatrio, “Repatriation detention centres”, formerly known as CIEs, i.e. prisons for migrants), in solidarity with imprisoned anarchists, against barracks, headquarters and men of the institutions claimed by FAI and FAI/FRI (Federazione Anarchica Informale/Fronte Rivoluzionario Internazionale), from 2003 to date. The accused currently imprisoned will be in videoconference, as in all the last hearings of
the first degree.

In fact, during the period of the preliminary hearings, there was still no law requiring videoconferencing. Subsequently, at the beginning of the first degree, the law that provided for it was passed, which granted a year of time to prisons and courts to adapt, imposing, in that year, videoconferencing only on the defendants accused of being at the top of the “associations”. After one year, videoconferencing was applied to everyone as planned.

During the hearing on February 11, 2019, in the bunker hall of the Turin prison, a large group of comrades expressed their warm solidarity with the anarchists on trial. The prosecutor, Roberto Sparagna, was unable to take the floor to present his indictment. After several slogans and the reading of the text below, the Court interrupted the hearing. The courtroom was evicted through the intervention of the riot police.

Consistent with the strategy employed by the investigators to date, aimed at isolating the prisoners and undermining the support expressed to them, pursuing the various manifestations of closeness and solidarity, following the presence in the courtroom in February 2019 the Turin police headquarters issued about sixty “fogli di via” (prohibition to reside or to go to a specific municipality or area) from the city and seven accusations for interruption of public office and outrage.

It remains important to continue to show our solidarity with the defendants.

«Twenty years of the history of anarchism are being accused here. We are not accused, but this is our history and our revolutionary path. And it is precisely to this path that the practices on trial today belong.
We are all involved and the executioners of the State cannot define or understand our ideas and our lives.
Solidarity with anarchist and revolutionary prisoners!
Not a step backwards, Always Heads Up.
“Firmly and uncompromisingly towards our goal”.
For Anarchy!».


Italia: Aggiornamenti sul processo Scripta Manent

Per la data del 1° luglio è stata stabilita la prima udienza di appello del processo Scripta Manent presso l’aula bunker delle Vallette di Torino. Le date fissate per le udienze di appello sono queste: 1, 8, 10, 15, 17, 22, 24, 29 luglio; 9, 11, 16 settembre.

Nonostante la pandemia, il Tribunale di Torino è fra quelli che hanno garantito lo svolgersi di processi “importanti”, e con detenuti, già in calendario per questa estate. Quindi presumibilmente questa data rimane in effetti confermata.

I/le compagni/e imputati/e sono accusati di 270 bis e per varie azioni antimilitariste, contro i CPR, in solidarietà agli anarchici
prigionieri, contro caserme, sedi e uomini delle istituzioni a firma FAI e FAI/FRI, dal 2003 ad oggi. Gli imputati prigionieri saranno in videoconferenza, come in tutte le ultime udienze del primo grado.

Infatti durante il periodo delle udienze preliminari non c’era ancora nessuna legge che imponesse la videoconferenza. Poi, all’inizio del primo grado è passata la legge che però concedeva un anno di tempo a carceri e tribunali per adeguarsi, imponendo in quell’anno di adeguamento la videoconferenza solo agli imputati accusati di essere ai vertici delle “associazioni”. Passato l’arco di tempo di un anno, la videoconferenza è stata applicata a tutti/e come previsto.

All’udienza dell’11 febbraio 2019, sempre nell’aula bunker del carcere di Torino, un nutrito gruppo di compagni e compagne ha espresso la sua calorosa solidarietà agli anarchici/e sotto processo. Il PM Roberto Sparagna, è stato impossibilitato a prendere parola per formulare la sua requisitoria. Dopo diversi slogan e la lettura del testo sottostante, la Corte ha interrotto l’udienza. L’aula è stata sgomberata dall’intervento delle squadre antisommossa.

Coerentemente alla strategia impiegata dagli inquirenti fino ad ora, tesa a isolare i prigionieri e minare il sostegno espresso loro, perseguendo le varie manifestazioni di vicinanza e solidarietà, la questura di Torino in seguito alla presenza in aula di febbraio, ha emesso una sessantina di fogli di via dalla città, e sette denunce per interruzione di ufficio ed oltraggio in concorso.

Rimane importante continuare a dimostrare la nostra solidarietà agli/le imputati/e.

«Qui si stanno mettendo sotto accusa 20 anni di storia dell’anarchismo.
Non siamo imputati, ma questa è la nostra storia ed il nostro percorso rivoluzionario.
E proprio a questo percorso appartengono le pratiche oggi sotto processo.
Siamo tutti coinvolti e i boia dello stato non possono definire né comprendere le nostre idee e le nostre vite.
Solidarietà ai prigionieri anarchici e rivoluzionari!
Non un passo indietro, Sempre A Testa Alta.
“Fermamente e senza compromessi verso il nostro obiettivo”.
Per l’Anarchia!».


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Porto, Portugal: Update on the situation of our comrade Gabriel Pombo da Silva – EN/ES

Monday, March 2nd, 2020

One month after the arrest of our comrade Gabriel, who was detained on January 25 in Portugal, the Guimaraes court has ruled in favor of extradition to the Spanish state.

This news does not surprise us, considering the active revenge of the Judge Mercedes Navarro of court number 2 of Girona against Gabriel. This Judge is the same one who, in May 2016, ordered the then Dueñas prison director (of Palencia) to hide the order of Gabriel’s immediate release. Gabriel, after 3 weeks of being “kidnapped” finally tasted freedom on June 16 (for this reason the Navarro was denounced for “prevarication”).

During this last month, Navarro has not stopped pressuring Portugal in order to consign “this very dangerous individual”.

We remember that the main objective of the defense is to obtain Gabriel’s freedom under the “special principle” (thanks to which he was released four years ago without it losing legal validity) and, in any case, avoid extradition, given the Portuguese nationality that Gabriel has recently obtained (Portugal should not extradite its own nationalized citizen).

Neither the principle of specialty nor the Portuguese nationality have been taken into consideration by the court of Guimaraes, which has been limited to giving us the reason to later conclude that it must proceed to the extradition (that is, it cannot resist indifferently to the pressure of Mrs. Navarro).

The lawyer is presenting the appeal to the Supreme Court of Lisbon and until this is pronounced (around a week) Gabriel will remain detained by the judicial police of Porto.

We continue to express all our solidarity … And so that it is not left as an empty word!





Un mes después de la detención de nuestro compañero Gabriel, arrestado el pasado 25 de Enero en Portugal, el tribunal de Guimaraes ha resuelto a favor de la extradición al estado español.

Esta noticia no nos asombra, teniendo en cuenta la venganza activa de la Juez Mercedes Navarro del tribunal número 2 de Girona en contra de Gabriel. Esta Juez es la misma que, en Mayo del 2016, ordenó al entonces director de la prisión de Dueñas (Palencia) ocultar la orden de liberación inmediata de Gabriel que, después de 3 semanas de “secuestro”, saboreó finalmente la libertad el 16 de Junio (por esto la Navarro fue denunciada por “prevaricación”).

Durante este último mes, la tal Navarro, no ha parado de presionar a Portugal con la finalidad de que le fuera consignado “este peligrosísimo individuo”.

Recordamos que el objetivo principal de la defensa es obtener la libertad de Gabriel en virtud del “principio de especialidad” (gracias al cual fue liberado hace cuatro años sin haber perdido validez jurídica) y, en todo caso, evitar la extradición, dada la nacionalidad portuguesa que Gabriel ha obtenido recientemente (Portugal no debe extraditar a un nacionalizado propio).

Ni el principio de especialidad, ni la nacionalidad portuguesa han sido tenidas en consideración por el tribunal de Guimaraes, que se ha limitado a darnos la razón para después concluir que debe proceder a la extradición (o sea, que no puede resistir indiferente a la presión de la señora Navarro).

El abogado está presentando el recurso al tribunal supremo de Lisboa y hasta que este no se pronuncie (entorno a alguna semana) Gabriel permanecerá detenido en la policía judicial de Oporto.

Continuamos expresándole toda nuestra solidaridad… ¡Y que no quede como palabra vacía!




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6th hearing of the Fenix 2 trial against four anarchists and one environmentalist (Czech Republic)

Wednesday, February 26th, 2020

On Monday the 9th of March at 8:30 a.m. there will take place the next hearing of Fenix 2 at the court in Most. This time, there will be witnesses present and the experts who elaborated their opinions on these topics:

– Politology: Miroslav Mareš

– Language expertise and determining of the authorship: Václava Musilová

– Clinical psychology: Pavel Král

Just for reminding, the trial is against four anarchists and one environmentalist and they face to 3-10 years of prison. Show support to the accused ones by being present at the court or by any other solidarity action.


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Solidarity with imprisoned anarchist Nikita Emelyanov (Belarus)

Sunday, February 23rd, 2020

Yemelyanov studied at the Belarus National Technical University in the 3rd year, worked as a courier after study. He was detained on October 20, 2019, together with an accomplice on suspicion of an attempt to set fire to Minsk remand prison- SIZO1. The action was held in solidarity with political prisoners. He was convicted by judge Alexander Yakunchikhin for 7 years in a reinforced regime colony.

Yemelyanov came to anarchism gradually, having evolved from a social democrat with a brief stop on the left-leaning nationalist ideas. He was an administrator of the ”Chorny Supracivus” telegram channel.
“I didn’t want to communicate with leaders, I wanted to be autonomous”.

Realizing himself as an anarchist, Nikita made a wise decision not to join the existing organizations. Anarchist groups, which are under massive police surveillance, can only teach you intrigue and how not to go beyond the limits established by the system, thus turning the anarchist struggle into a farce. Instead of simulating activity, Nikita chose the path of direct attacks against the state.

Carrying out a fiery attack on the prison and having successfully escaped, the comrade came across the arrived patrol of the Department of Security and was detained along with an accomplice. (more…)

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Two anarchists from Belarus sentenced to 7 years for series of direct actions

Saturday, February 22nd, 2020

On February 12, 2020, Mikita Yemelyanau and Ivan Komar were found guilty of intentional destruction of property on several accounts.

Activists were detained on October 20, 2019, just after an attack with a Molotov cocktail on the pre-trial detention facility in Minsk made in solidarity with another anarchist Dzmitry Paliyenka (who was kept there at the time) and other political prisoners in Belarus. From day one, Ivan Komar made a statement of Mikita Yemelyanau being guilty in it. He also talked about two other attacks – one similar attempt to attack the same pre-trial facility when Molotov didn’t start burning and an attack with light bulbs on the Minsk City Court as a protest against the judge who decided to hold a closed court hearing of Paliyenka’s case.

Mikita Emelyanau refused to make any statement, but some time later he talked to cops informally and confirmed his involvement in the attacks.

Although Mikita said in court he planned the attacks alone and Ivan Komar didn’t know about them and was just asked to film his action, they were considered as a group and both were sentenced to 7 years of prison.
The total damage made to both buildings amounts at 70 euros.

Belarusian human rights defenders issued a statement demanding reconsideration of sentences and called them political prisoners.

Independent journalists and photographers initiated an open letter in support of the activists.

ABC-Belarus refused to support Ivan Komar for his collaboration with the police. You can support Mikita Yemelyanau here.

via ABC Belarus.

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USA: Accused ELF / ALF Militant Joseph Dibee Could Do With Some Solidarity

Wednesday, February 19th, 2020

Joseph Dibee was arrested in August 2018 after more than a decade on the run. He is accused of being part of a group that organized arson attacks against earth destroying and animal murdering enterprises. He is accused, for example, of taking part in the arson against the Wild Horse Meat Slaughterhouse in Oregon that was completely destroyed by fire and never reopened.

He has been locked up since his capture even though he has not had a trial yet. In January, Joseph was attacked by a “white-power” piece of shit. His jaw was shattered to bits and he suffered multiple skull fractures. His mouth is wired shut. He is stable, but needless to say he went through a very scary and terrible experience.

This comes as no surprise since the FBI has insisted on plastering the media with his full name (Joseph Mahmoud Dibee) alongside the word “Terrorist”. They have paved the way for Joseph to be continuously attacked in prison because of this. They are utilizing any tool (in this case, the spread of anti-Muslim and neo-nazi philosophy) to make Joseph suffer as much as possible.

His lawyer has insisted to the judge over and over that Joseph is not a risk to society and that he has changed his life around, helping build solar and thermal systems in Syria and working as a teacher whilst on the run. The judge did not care and decided to keep Joseph locked up waiting for trial. We will say it again, he has not even been found guilty and he is supposed to pay the price.

Joseph could do with letters of support and love. Nobody should be writing anything related to direct action or to his case, but sending letters explaining how the day has been might be a good start to make him feel better.

Here is the address to send letters:

Joseph Dibee #101799,
Inverness Jail, 11540 N.E.
Inverness Drive,
Portland, OR 97220

Remember that “Support the ALF” isn’t just a fucking t-shirt!



via Unoffensive Animal, AWW.

See Also:

We Don’t Forget – Support Joseph Dibee, Environmentalist Accused of Sabotage: Joint Statement by Crimethinc and It’s Going Down

Previous article: Alleged ELF and ALF Fugitive, Joseph Dibee, Arrested After 12 Years (USA)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Trial update on the 6 imprisoned anarchist comrades in Makassar (Indonesian)

Wednesday, February 19th, 2020

February 19th, 2020. Makassar, Indonesia.

According to the court’s decision, our comrades (Supriadi, Anto, Haerul, Alif, Agus, and Faruddin) were sentenced to prison for 1 year and 6 months, they were charged under art. 506 About Actions Against the law and art. 170 regarding acts of violence/destruction carried out jointly.

*Note: On September 26, They were arrested during the nationwide protests in Indonesia in September 2019. Insurrectionary anarchists in Makassar claimed responsibility for blocking a highway and attacking state vehicles.

Don’t let them feel alone, solidarity never stop, anywhere!

Smash the state!

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Defendants in Network Case Receive Up to 18 Years in Prison (Russia)

Tuesday, February 11th, 2020

Note from the Russian Reader: This verdict doesn’t leave me at a loss for words. I’m just convinced there is no point in using them when everyone who could listen has made a point of tuning out people like me. If someone invited me to appear on their aptly named alternative radio program or their globe-spanning Qatar-based international TV network (as nearly happened in the past), I could talk for hours about the Network Case. But that’s not going to happen. Although if I were a betting man, I would wager that our tiresome planet’s obnoxious pillars of liberal truth—the New York Times, the Guardian, the Washington Post, and Al Jazeera, among others—will suddenly weigh in on the case after blithely ignoring it for two years, as will many if not all of the crypto-Putinist “Russia watchers” in our midst, eerily silent until now. Barring a sudden revolution, don’t imagine this is the last such case in Russia, a country that has worried so many people around the world for the last several years that they’re determined not to know anything particular about it except “Putin” and “troll factories.” And don’t imagine that a show trial just as juicy and unjust won’t be coming to a theater near you. Please don’t reprint, repost or otherwise reference this article without prefacing it with my remarks. I’d like to preempt “spontaneous” shows of “solidarity” by people who couldn’t be bothered to do anything when it would have made a difference. Despite the well-known saying, it IS a popularity contest, and seven innocent young men in Penza have lost it.

February 10, 2020

The Volga District Military Court, [sitting in Penza], has [convicted and] sentenced seven defendants in the Network Case.

Dmitry Pchelintsev was sentenced to 18 years in a maximum-security penal colony. Ilya Shakursky was sentenced to 16 years in a penal colony and fined 50,000 rubles. Investigators claimed they were organizers of a “terrorist community.” Both men alleged that FSB officers had electrocuted them in order to obtain confessions.

Maxim Ivankin was given 13 years in a maximum-security penal colony, while Andrei Chernov was sentenced to 14 years, and Mikhail Kulkov, to 10 years. They were found guilty of involvement in a “terrorist community” and attempting to sell drugs.

Vasily Kuksov was sentenced to 9 years in a penal colony. He was accused of involvement in a “terrorist community” and illegal possession of a weapon. Another defendant, Arman Sagynbayev, received 6 years in prison.

The verdict handed down by the court in Penza suggests that the acquittal of the Petersburg defendants in the case is less likely, Viktor Cherkasov, the lawyer for Viktor Filinkov, a defendant in the Network Case, told Bumaga.

“It sends a message,” said Cherkasov. “It is difficult to hope [for a positive outcome], but we are still determined to protect Filinkov’s interests.”

Cherkasov said that he planned in court to point to the faked evidence in the case. He also that he would take the case to the European Court of Human Rights if Filinkov were found guilty. The next hearing in the Network Case in Petersburg should take place between February 25 and February 28.

[In October 2017 and January 2018], antifascists and anarchists were detained in Penza and Petersburg. They were accused of organizing a “terrorist community,” allegedly called “the Network.” Its alleged purpose was to “sway the popular masses for further destabilization of the political situation” in Russia.

The defendants in the case said investigators had tortured them as a way of forcing them to confess and weapons had been planted on their persons and property to further implicate them. [Some of] the arrested men had played airsoft together: this, investigators, said was proof they were planning terrorist attacks.

Investigators claim that the Petersburg defendants in the case, Filinkov and Yuli Boyarshinkov, acted as the group’s sapper and signalman, respectively. Their trial is scheduled to resume in late February.

Translated by the Russian Reader

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Italy: Convictions in Turin and transfer of Leonardo Landi to Vibo Valentia

Friday, February 7th, 2020


Yesterday, January 29th, the sentence of first instance was issued for a trial in which four comrades from Pinerolo were accused. The proceedings, on charges of robbery and injury, involved a clash with a plainclothes carabiniere [a Carabinieri officer, one of the Italian law enforcement forces] during an anti-fascist protest in Pinerolo, in 2018: the charges relating to the carabiniere‘s injuries were dropped and the “robbery” was reclassified as “attempted robbery”, leading to the sentencing of all four defendants to 18 months’ imprisonment and payment of court costs. Since he was wronged with the physical damage, the cop has filed a claim for compensation for moral damages… 500 euros…

Certainly, even these heavy sentences confirm the criminalisation and repression that resistance movements and individuals in revolt are facing these days.

In the meantime, probably between 26 and 27 January, one of the 4 comrades on trial, Leonardo (Leo) – who was in prison in Lucca prison to serve a final sentence for another crime dating back to 2007 [it is a conviction for robbery in the trial for “Ardesia” repressive operation] – was transferred to the prison of Vibo Valentia for reasons that we do not know at the moment.

Solidarity to the comrades convicted for the facts of Pinerolo! Always enemies of cops and fascists!
Against dispersion and isolation: always at Leo’s side and those who resist in the streets and in the galleys!

To write to Leo:

Leonardo Landi
C. C., nuovo complesso
Contrada Cocari
89900 Vibo Valentia

Anti-repression Fund of the Western Alps
[“Cassa Anti-Repressione delle Alpi occidentali”]

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Posted in Social Control

Athens, Greece: Anarchist comrade Dinos Giagtzoglou sentenced to 11 years and 2 months

Saturday, February 1st, 2020

Friday, January 24, the trial of anarchist Dinos Giagtzoglou ended in the special courtroom of Korydallos Prisons.

With a concurrent prosecution proposal, the Second Three-Member Athens Appeals Court cleared Dino of being a member of and participating in a terrorist organization (C.C.F.), the manufacture of explosives and financing of a terrorist organization but guilty of supply-possession explosive (defective) and illegal possession of pistols, ammunition (felony).

The court found him guilty by a majority (2-1) after one member considered that the charge was defective.
Anarchist comrade Dinos Giagtzoglou was sentenced to a total of 11 years and 2 months’ prison without parole.

Source: Athens IMC & Actforfree.

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Athens, Greece: New Update from the 4th Revolutionary Struggle Trial

Tuesday, January 28th, 2020

23.01.2020: The prosecution’s proposal for the charges of membership of and participation in Revolutionary Struggle to be dismissed was accepted at today’s hearing of the 4th Revolutionary Struggle trial focusing on bank robberies from 2012 to 2015 and the attempted kidnapping of ship owner Martinos.

In her proposal, the public prosecutor accepted, on the basis of non-existent evidence and the assertion of Comrade Nikos Maziotis that bank robberies from 2012-2015 had nothing to do with Revolutionary Struggle or its funding, and by extension, that those accused of this have nothing to do with the organization. She also proposed to waive the charge of criminal organization, which according to the indictment existed between 2006 and 2012. She also proposed an exemption for the PROBANK robbery cases from 2006 and for the attempted kidnapping of Martinos in 2013.

For the bank robberies and some of the other charges (homicide, possession of weapons and explosives, kidnapping, forgery etc), the prosecution’s proposal as to whether or not the defendants were guilty or not did not differ much other than a few exceptions to the original bill of indictment.

The next hearing was scheduled for February 6th, 2020.

Assembly in Solidarity with the Members of Revolutionary Struggle

via Athens Indymedia, translated into English by Anarchists Worldwide

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Letter from Mauro Rossetti Busa in prison (Italy)

Wednesday, January 22nd, 2020

“Open letter from the La Spezia prison

My dear comrades and companions on 10 December 2019 I had the hearing of review in the court of Assisi of Lucca where I filed my reasons on acts committed on February 1, 2018, both against the political seat of “Casa Pound” and the fire at the “ENI” petrol station. On this occasion I also wanted to affirm that violence that took place in Viterbo by group people belonging to the Casa Pound group against a woman to make him understand both the public prosecutor and the court, that these fascists are not as much lambs as they want make believe. I also wanted to specify what were the reasons for the incendiary attack on the fascists. The reason was because in 2016⁄2017 in Piazza S. Michele in Lucca a boy was attacked because he was a militant of the PD and I also wanted to clarify that I have no sympathy for the PD, nor for other parties.

My action was spontaneous / premeditated in that I proclaimed myself a militant of the extreme anti-fascist left. In my trial, besides being present the anti-terrorist cops and the director Dr. Leone Leonardo also came to testify the councilor of the city council, as well as Casa Pound leader, who while taking me away we met in the classroom, where he gave me a look as a challenge and so there was a bit of offense my part, warning him that I am from Lucca and both the cops and the fascists must be careful and above all watch their backs a lot. They don’t have to break or challenge me because I have nothing to lose and I’m able to do even worse. I don’t care if his militant rabbits were inside their meeting that evening. As I claimed in the courtroom, when there is a need for direct action, it must be carried out without many theories. Certainly in some things it is true that it also takes theories, but it is also true that it takes practicality, that is, that certain responses against the beams are immediate. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Athens, Greece: About the New Trial Against Revolutionary Struggle

Thursday, January 9th, 2020

The new trial against Revolutionary Struggle [Επαναστατικού Αγώνα, ‘Epanastatikòs Agonas’] will continue at the special court in Korydallos Prison (Athens) on Friday, January 10th, 2020, at 9:00AM. This ongoing legal proceeding against the organization and its members is part of the wider series of trials that continue to involve and be directed against the comrades, in particular Pola Roupa and Nikos Maziotis. The charges in this trial relate to a car bomb abandoned and discovered by the police in the summer of 2017, seven months after Pola Roupa’s arrest on January the 5th of the same year. Nikos Maziotis, however, has been in prison since July 16th, 2014. In this trial the comrades are accused of “supplying, possessing and manufacturing explosives”. [The date of the hearing for this new trial was announced on Athens Indymedia here].

Revolutionary Struggle is a revolutionary anarchist organization that – since the night of December 5th, 2003, with a double explosive attack against the 1st degree court in Athens – has carried out countless actions against the state and capital in Greece. The group’s actions and analyses were directed against structures, apparatuses and institutional and repressive representatives of the Greek State (IE: 1st degree court, police stations, riot police, Korydallos prison, ministries of labour and economy, former Minister of Public Order G. Voulgarakis), international capital structures, representatives of Greek and international economic power, multinational companies and structures of other states (IE: Ministry of the Economy, Citibank, Royal Dutch Shell, Eurobank, Athens Stock Exchange, National Bank of Greece, Embassy of the United States of America).

On March 10th, 2010, Lambros Fountas, an anarchist and a member of the organization, was killed by police officers while expropriating a vehicle in Dafni (Athens). (more…)

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