Posts Tagged ‘Athens’

BAD News #34: Angry Voices From Around The World

Tuesday, May 19th, 2020

Episode number 34 (05/2020) of “B(A)D NEWS – Angry voices from around the world”, a monthly news program from the international network of anarchist and antiauthoritarian radios, consisting of short news segments from different parts of the world, is now online.

Length: 1:22 h

You’ll also find the audio on A-Radio Berlin’s new website.

In this episode you will hear contributions from:
1. Free social radio 1431AM:
• Hunger strike of V. Dimakis
• 1st of May in Greece
• Some words about Grup Yorum, the hunger strikes and the deaths of 3 comrades.
2. A-Radio Berlin:
• Interview on the film “Radical Resilience” about political burnout and how to avoid it.
3. FrequenzA:
• The audio is from two internationalist, which are based in Rojava at the moment, about their thoughts and analysis of the impact of COVID-19 on the society there and why it makes sense to fight the capitalist system worldwide.
4. Radio Fragmata:
• Updates on situation in Greece and coronavirus (May Day 2020, New environment destructive policy, police brutality, refugees struggles and fascists attacks, anarchist and revolutionary prisoners situation, mutual aid actions)
5. Invisible Radio:
• Voices of people from Moria camp and Last incidents in prisons and camps in Greece

Other audios from A-Radio Berlin in English here:

Or visit the anarchist 24/7 online stream from the Channel Zero Network:


A-Radio Berlin

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Posted in Autonomy

Firefund campaign for the financial support of Solidarity Fund for imprisoned and persecuted revolutionaries from Greece

Monday, May 11th, 2020

“In this current circumstance, especially in light of the new facts about the virus spreading and the restrictive measures imposed by the state on this occasion, it is again extremely difficult to secure the resources to support the material needs of the ones within the walls. Perhaps it is more difficult than ever. The slogan “no one left alone in the hands of the state” is becoming more crucial and tangible these days than ever. We urge you to defend it once again in practice. Factual solidarity will again be our weapon.”


The Solidarity Fund for imprisoned and persecuted militants was established in 2010 in a circumstance where, on the one hand, a hard capitalist restructuring was carried out under the guise of the “economic crisis” and, on the other hand, the radical movement, having very recent memories from the experience of the social revolt of December ’08, was in full bloom. Under those circumstances, repression became even more intense, resulting in an ever-increasing number of political prisoners. It is precisely in this context that the Solidarity Fund was formed, initially setting out to provide regular and consistent support to those persecuted or imprisoned for their subversive action or for their participation in social struggles. The basic aim of the structure is to ensure decent living conditions for the imprisoned comrades through a process that would take place within the political movement; thereby taking the material dimension of solidarity a step beyond close family, friendly and comrade relationships, as well as to help with the immediate coverage of emergencies (such as court expenses and bails for the persecuted). Yet, the actions of practical solidarity and the building and development of communication bridges and united struggles between those inside prisons and those outside of it, remain as priorities of the people who form and sustain the structure. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Greece: Worldwide Call For Solidarity to R.O-Revolutionary Struggle

Saturday, May 9th, 2020

May 2020

Whenever the oppressed masses attempted the inversion of an injustice social, economical, political system, the resource to the arms and revolutionary violence has been the cornerstone of each revolutionary undertaking. It is a fact that no revolutionary process can’t reject violence as a form of struggling against the oppressors. Anarchists throughout the ages never divided the forms of struggling. For that reason Anarchism as a revolutionary movement has an unbroken and fundamental relationship with armed struggle because armed struggle springs from the roots of the lower social status and proletariat, acts for its interests, emerges as a pattern of construction with a revolutionary prospect. A revolutionary movement which respects itself, cannot exist without having a parallel path and an organic connection with the armed struggle. So we stand in solidarity with the comrades, men and women, who choose to fight also with armed struggle as urban guerillas having the analysis and strategy with main aim the creation of a society of economical equality and political freedom. We respect and support their choice especially when our comrades are still fighting for the cause of Social Revolution even in the most difficult circumstances.Two of those comrades are Pola Roupa and Nikos Maziotis , members of the Revolutionary Organization “Revolutionary Struggle”.

The comrades are imprisoned with life sentence and 27 years for Pola and 83 years (after breaking the life sentence in the 4th trial against “Revolutionary Struggle”) but they unremorsefully continue their fight in the court rooms and prisons of the Greek regime. The Revolutionary Organization “Revolutionary Struggle” was constituted in 2003 when the social and political environment in Greece was characterized by the absence of social and class resistances toward the neoliberal reforms. With the diffuse consent of the biggest part of the society, the system seemed steadfast. At this first period of action (2003 – 2007), “Revolutionary Struggle” had two main peaks of action against the imported neoliberal reforms on the political and social sphere and the “War on Terror” that had been declared by the USA and the rest of the political and economical elite of the West. Through the analyses, the strategy and the symbolically definitive high-impact blows, “Revolutionary Struggle” was directed to reveal the double nature of globalisation – political and martial- and disputed the state’s omnipotence. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Athens, Greece: Responsibility Claim for Domiciliary Incendiary Attacks

Friday, May 1st, 2020

Received on 30.04.2020:

Translation of a text claiming responsibility for incendiary attacks against people serving the political, journalist, repressive, judicial machinery. The attacks took place in the first days of March in Athens, Greece, by the “Anarchist Groups of Nocturnal Visits”. There are also a few photos from some of the attacks below. This is the source-link from the original publication on Athens Indymedia (including the Greek text and the photos)…

We live in the era of hyper-information and perpetual production and flow of news. The dominant power is defined by the control over the info-flow and the big-data. The control of human force is now possible via the constant analysis of the data daily collected by everyone’s digital tracks, and intends to a voluntary enslavement under the dominant order. These imposition terms are totally different and more whitewashed in comparison with the previous years. The strategy of counter-insurgency and preventive repression against the damned ones has been framed by dystopic new technologies, specialized knowledge and even more fluid and complex methods of investigation and evidence collection. The constant mapping of our anarchist environments from the police forces -i.e. the prosecutions and the arrests for postering and interventions, or the GPS trackers and the micro-cameras planted to comrades’ homes and vehicles- intends to the perpetual enrichment of their data-base, utilised by the State’s machinery.

Once more we see a systematic imposition of far-right and racist narratives by the media. This way, they justify the image of militarized public spaces and the droves of cops dispersing through every street and square. The national body is spreading its roots in the arid soils of its downfallen inheritage, supporting again the rising of neo-nazis and fascists who were hiding under the umbrella of patriotism and “frustration”. We also notice an increasing intensity on their actions, along with operational development of the means they use, and apparently the equivalent State’s support and analgaesia. The armed citizens’ guardings in Evros, under the tolerance and the covering of the police forces, are a gloomy depiction of the future. All those who had signed an informal or formal truce with the previous government due to their supposed social-democratic mediocrity, lost the “deal” after July. All those who supported the politics of SYRIZA due to ideological affinity, are now dully shouting, trying to persuade us that it was the lesser evil.

Greek State, in the present historical conjuncture, is coping with the interior enemy applying the intensive strategy, imposing states of exemption and “law and order” doctrines, erecting monuments of victory against our imprisoned and prosecuted comrades, striving for the establishment of capitalist normality and the interception of every insurrectional move. It’s our responsibility to develop a militant infrastructure and to carefully plan our next steps to the formation of a prepared anarchist movement, able to stand as a barricade against the totalitarian capitalist attack. At the last months, the actions of individual and collective insurgency become more frequent, painting the nocturnal metropolitan canvas with fiery shines of arsons, deafening melodies of explosions and beams of successful conspiracies.

Domiciliary incendiary attacks as one of the fine arts

The complex of the dominant capitalist relationship is not only composed by faceless nets of capitalist violence and relentless reproduction of the social relationships being imposed by them. It’s not only composed by our mental mutilation, by our fragmentation, by the repeated behaving of the capitalist ritual inside the metropolitan factory which destroys our memory, our creative imagination, our identity. It’s not only composed by the capital’s expansion on every second of our daily life, even further than the working condition; a process of denervation that destroys every non-capitalist cell of our individuality. The capitalist formation is also composed by human beings who become an integral part of it by serving a social, economical, political role. They are one among the many expressions of capitalist brutality; they are its body and it voice, its eyes and its ears, its guns which target us, and its stormy propaganda.

The strategy of personalized targeting serves plenty of political and tactical purposes. It transfers the fear and the terror -grown and practiced against the oppressed ones- to the dominants’ homes, to the places in which they feel safe and invulnerable. It proves that we are able to afflict them, when being organized and having the will; that, when we choose the time and the place, when we choose the guerrilla methodology as a tool of struggle and conflict, we can be the front of counter-attack against the state’s and capitalism’s strategy of counter-insurgency. It’s in our hands to remind the zealous guardians of the capitalist world that they can face determined resistance if we realize the social war’s full dimensions. If we reify the material consequences that will be paid by all those who serve the modern gloom.

If we take the decision to become really dangerous and to organize ourselves. Let’s bring the warfare to their garden, outside their doors. Because, even if the people serving important positions on the authoritarian pyramid are expendable, it’s still of a high political importance to give them back the fear and the psychosomatic pain which they’ve exercised over the oppressed bodies. Let’s become the constant threat dangling over their heads; the threat that makes them need 24/7 armed security outside their homes or during their transportations, cameras on every corner, and finally a whole machinery of research, prevention, data collection, repression and justification of their disgrace. Let this threat hunt them. The active supporters of the dystopic neo-liberal normality are targeted. Therefore, it would be appropriate for them to count their choices and their words, claiming the importance we intend to impute to them counting their addresses.

Unfolding our roots and origins on the public sphere

That’s where we come from: From the apartments of the miserable cement and the metropolitan isolation. From the failed crises of conscience attempted by the media via brain-washing and reality inversion; from the mass culture of consumerism and advertising which construct pseudo-necessities, so as to fulfill the bosses’ pockets; from the body punishment of the beatings at the police stations and the protests, when we decide to stand against power; from the “non-violent” ideology, which is nothing more than a humiliating bow and a call for the dominant subjects to continue their murderous work; from the depression, which is massively spread by capitalism via asphyxiating pressure, virtual stupor, ruination of every healthy social relationship – intending to give us the “solution” and heal us via psycho-pharmaceutical drugs, leaving us limp, unconscious, wandering victims of the post-modern decay.

Facing the violent present of our times, we regret remaining indifferent servants and pathetic observers.
We want to counter-attack; against the functions of management and reproduction of the capitalist reality, against the “bellum omnium contra omnes”, against the individualization and the constant antagonism. We want to make barricades of resistance against a state which rises nationalism and racism; which divides the people into locals and foreign ones; which decides for their life or their death at the ground or sea borders, under the sound of war drum beat and the screamings of the expanding social fascistization.

Anarchy -as the embodiment of the constant war for freedom- is a permanent reminder to those serving the authoritarian institutions that it can be perceived as a revenge on a small scale for everyone who feels that capitalism is social death in disguise, an open wound from which the blood of the world’s damned ones spills all over. A revenge on a small scale for all of us that feel we’ve lost thousands of beautiful days enclosed in the labour camps, producing profit for the bosses; that we’ve lost thousands of beautiful days incarcerated in the concentration camps, in their open or closed detention centres and prisons; that we daily destroy our bodies so as to cope with the ridiculous employer’s demands; that we become expendable so as not to disrupt the capitalist profit-seeking. That’s why these actions are also a signal of solidarity to those who will find a part of themselves reading this text; a promise that the struggle goes on; an open challenge, because we need comrades with whom to create militant bonds and collective prospects. Let’s fulfill the vision of freedom and resistance, so as to become the worst nightmare of those who want us with our head bowed.

Our relationships and our beliefs are planted like a seed deeply inside the soil. They flourish like cracks of vegetation out of the mousy and cold cement. They flourish everywhere and always. This time, they flourished from the flames and the whomps of the incendiary/explosive devices that we placed at the doors and the property of some wingmen of the capitalist abjection that we experience and fight inside our territory.

We claim responsibility for the incendiary attacks on the houses of:

Manolis Asariotis, a police reporter of ANT1 (Greek corporate media). His role as a person that totally supports the state and expresses the government’s propaganda on his public speeches, in fact being their physical extension; his total co-ordination with the (un)known circles of the counter-terrorist unit which publicize fake news so as to target comrades; his opportunism and his hatred against anarchists that lead him to build a “reality show” around the personal lives of anarchist combatants, to reproduce the police narratives, to construct guiltiness for many people, to prepare the ground for their repression; his role to cover up all the crimes of Greek Police against combatants, migrants, excluded ones; these are some of the reasons why we visited him. Next time he reproduces fake news and targets people, let him be aware that his house is known in our circles.

Thanos Tzimeros, a fascist politician. His role as a graphic, though potentially dangerous politician; his public statements that profane our fallen ones, such as Alexis Grigoropoulos and Pavlos Fyssas, his racist and xenophobic gutter against migrants, the shameful reproduction of the theory of the two extremes (horseshoe theory), and the equation of nazism with communism; these are some of the dozens of reasons why we visited him. To solve the question of our poor Thanos: maybe he hasn’t served any political position – even if he has elected 3 members on the county council of Attica. Though, he is still a visible voice of the far-right wing, of the neo-liberal pole, of the conservative narratives. His stupidity surprised us once more, as we learned that he makes a fundraising to collect money and fix his house’s burnt-down entrance. Let him be sure that now, as we know his house, maybe we will unsuspectedly give him our fund.

Ioanna Mandrou, a journalist of SKAI (Greek corporate media), and her judicial husband. Nothing was mentioned in the corporate media about the incendiary attack on the authoritarian couple’s house. Her role as a priest of the judicial reportage, based on the “objectivity” and the “valid information” coming straight out of her husband, who serves an important position on the judicial hierarchy; her constant slandering against political prisoners (i.e. the case of the negative decision about the furloughs of Dimitris Koufontinas) and prosecuted combatants; her offensive comments against Magda Fyssas (that during the court she was provocative against the murderer of her son, Pavlos Fyssas); her responsibility for the perpetual covering of every political and economical scandal (see Novartis), as she always creates atmosphere for the social justification of the pre-decided acquittals; the fact that she is politically organized on New Democracy party, and she can be noticed at every encounter, outing or meeting of ND politicians (see the video of her dancing at en event of the Minister of Maritime Affairs, Giannis Plakiotakis, along with all the far-right gutter); the fact that she is a fanatic supporter of fascism, of the memoranda, of the social inequality, of state repression; all these were enough for us to target her. Let both her and her husband keep in their minds that we still have unfinished business with them. The choice of Mandrou to pressure our comrades through slandering, lies and obsessions, opening the doors for the judicial scum -like her husband and his “high class” fellows, who hung our comrades on the loop of incarceration- will not remain unanswered.

Manolis Themelis, a veteran cop who is now a local politician next to the mayor (ex PASOK member) of Nea Filadelfia region, Giannis Vouros. This was an attack also not mentioned at the media. He is a fascist militant, with an active role on reproducing the governmental strategy on his neighbourhood. He has worked as a cop at the Police Station of Omonoia -known for its cops’ plenty of brutalities and murders (among others), having a prominent position on torturing, attacking, bullying and humiliating migrants over the past years. He has served the Greek Police in several ways, always reproducing the dominant cannibalistic and exploitative morality. He is one among the many “anonymous” cops, well-buried inside the slime of the supposed anonymity ensured by their position as expendable executive organs. We exhumed him as an example for every equivalent piece of human garbage, so as to remind them that they’ve made very specific and unforgettable life-choices. Maybe an incendiary gift to their cars or to their houses’ entrance can help them remember that they are on the first line of the war against the revolutionaries and the damned ones, and that this position will possibly have a personal price for them.

Our total solidarity to our comrades K. Athanasopoulou, D. Valavani and G. Michailidis, who are now imprisoned, after a counter-terrorist operation.

Strength for the four comrades who are prosecuted for their participation to the supposed organization “Comrades”, after a stupidly orchestrated operation intending to terrorize the anarchist movement in total.

Signals of solidarity and strength to our comrade Gabriel Pombo da Silva, to the two comrades arrested for the arson of an ATM in Madrid, to the Park Bench three in Germany, and to all the anarchist, anti-authoritarian and antifascist prisoners in Russia and Italy.

Our thoughts for the imprisoned people who revolt against the state of isolation inside the Italian prisons, after the generalized emergency situation.

Inside our hearts, the flames of the Chilean insurrection are still burning, and we don’t forget neither the fallen ones, nor the imprisoned ones, nor the people who experienced the brutality of the uniformed scum.

And because memory is a weapon on our hands, Lambros Fountas always accompanies our hearts and our struggles. On the 10th of March nobody dies, as the 10th of March gives birth to guerrillas.

Anarchist Groups of Nocturnal Visits

PS: We consider as non-equivalent for this situation to just make a fragmentary mention on the issue of COVID-19. We would just like to simeologically focus on the enforced exercises of social distancing, alienation, self retirement, loneliness, insecurity and fear for the people next to us. Exercises of consolidation of the emergency state, of the metropolitan militarization, of the capitalist restructuring in terms of militarized and battle management on the social field, of the fluid and elastic readjustment of the working relationships via the house-work and the temporary engagements, of the destruction of every collective feeling inside the working spaces or the fields of social reproduction. Exercises of closed mouths end eyes in front of the modern upgraded panoptic control, the thermal cameras or the cameras of immediate biometric analysis, the silent drones, the justification of the mobile tracking. Exercises of insensitivity and apathy in front of the total unfolding of the modern death-politics and the social exclusion of migrants, prisoners, homeless ones, people that practically couldn’t follow the infamous “We stay at home”, because they don’t have a home, or maybe because their “home” is a place where they are invisibly accumulated, with no medical care, as they are not considered as “normal people”, as “citizens”, but as superfluous bodies.

The management of this “health crisis” in terms of war, is just one more point of the social-class war. It’s a straight attack against the exiled from the kingdom of privileges, as there’s no golden cell for them to be stoically enclosed, but precarious and underpaid long hours, savage working hours without the necessary means of hygiene, firings and unemployment, hunting for handouts, high anxiety and insecurity for what’s next. The class truce which we are about to sign, coping with the “invisible enemy threatening the society”, makes even more visible for us where to direct our fire. What we deeply need to communicate with our comrades now, is that -beyond the basic issues of solidarity, mutual aid and self-protection- this conjuncture should find us prepared. Let’s communicate – Let’s talk – Let’s organize – Let’s get ready. So that we can be able to stand on our ground and cope with the coming capitalist crisis and the war against us.

Translated from Greek by: Translation Initiative

Formatting via AWW.

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Posted in Direct Action

BAD News #33: Angry Voices From Around The World

Friday, May 1st, 2020

Welcome to the 33rd edition of Bad News. This is our Angry Voices From Around The World for April, 2020. A report from the international network of anarchist and anti-authoritarian radios.

If you’d like to get involved in the network or want to hear more – send an email to a-radio-network@riseup.net.
Check out all the shows look for the a-radio-network collection on archive.org or at our website, a-radio-network.org.


1. Črna Luknja sharing a thought on how does corona virus influence our society and thoughts on how to intervene politically in state of emergency – from Federation for Anarchist Organizing from Slovenia and part of Croatia.
2. 105fm (Mytilene, Lesvos) for the general situation in Lesvos, situation in Moria camp and hunger strike in Moria’s prison.
3. The Final Straw Radio sharing a short description of recent covid-19 subjects in the US and some commentary by anarchist prisoner Sean Swain on how to make it through isolation more safely.
4. R.O.S.E. (Athens) with updates and news from Athens.
5. A-Radio Berlin on a commentary about the global situation these days.
6. Free Social Radio 1431AM (Thessaloniki) about
the cut of power supply in BIO.ME. (an occupied and self-organized factory in Thessaloniki)
movements and struggles in prisons during the quarantine and corona-virus.
repression in so-called Greece during the quarantine and corona-virus.
arrests of Kurdish and Turkish comrades in Athens.
evictions of migrant’s “home” squats.
7. Dissident Island (London) focuses on issues around housing in the UK, discussing moves the state has made to protect landlords, the lip service paid to renters and homeless folk, and the self-organised solutions that are emerging through rent strike and mutual aid groups.
8. Frequenz A with an interview with somebody of the anarchist network Dresden (Germoney) about their initiative in their neighborhood during the covid-19 crisis.
9. Radio Fragmata (Athens) with an introduction on the socio-political situation and struggles in Greek territory.

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Posted in Autonomy

Athens: Report from third day of prisoner strike in Korydallos Prisons – Alpha sector (Greece)

Friday, April 17th, 2020

New: From the Greek Prisons Updates, by Solidarity translations

(Video clip sent from Delta sector)

Today is the third day of the prisoner strike in Korydallos. Basically the prisoners who work in the jail’s kitchen and the ones who work as cleaners are on strike. Social services is only supplying 2 sandwiches per day for each prisoner. Everything else is the same.

Nothing much changed of prison life although there is the strike.
At least here in Alpha sector.
Problem is that the strike didn’t yet start in all prisons of Greece, but it did start in around 65%.
And there are not yet determined demands. It is obvious it is for changes of law because of corona but nothing is specified what exactly we want.

Last 2 days there was symbolic noise protest of prisoners. Against closing of the cells at 20h, which is the normal time of cell closing. Basically just hitting doors to make noise to annoy cops, but nothing happened here they just closed us in cells

In Delta sector of Korydallos prisoners have set some fires yesterday.

After the fire, MAT (riot cops) arrived and they heavily beat one guy and took him with them. I don’t know where they took him, I just hope they will not say “he died of corona”. Maybe they took him to an isolation cell or to the jail hospital…

To find out more about the current situation in the Greek prisons read these articles on the site of Actforfreedomnow:

1. Greece: Imprisonment is a death sentence

2. Thebes, Greece: Rebellion in the women’s prisons of Eleonas in Thebes following the death of a prisoner – Announcement of women prisoners


4. Greece: Transfer of Pola Rοupa to the prison of Eleonas in Thebes and update on the situation in the Greek prisons

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Call for financial support to the Solidarity Fund for imprisoned and persecuted militants in Greece

Friday, April 17th, 2020


Call for financial support to the Solidarity Fund for imprisoned and persecuted militants

The Solidarity Fund for imprisoned and persecuted militants was established in 2010 in a circumstance where, on the one hand, a hard capitalist restructuring was carried out under the guise of the “economic crisis” and, on the other hand, the radical movement, having very recent memories from the experience of the social revolt of December ’08, was in full bloom. Under those circumstances, repression became even more intense, resulting in an ever-increasing number of political prisoners. It is precisely in this context that the Solidarity Fund was formed, initially setting out to provide regular and consistent support to those persecuted or imprisoned for their subversive action or for their participation in social struggles.

The basic aim of the structure is to ensure decent living conditions for the imprisoned comrades through a process that would take place within the political movement; thereby taking the material dimension of solidarity a step beyond close family, friendly and comrade relationships, as well as to help with the immediate coverage of emergencies (such as court expenses and bails for the persecuted). Yet, the actions of practical solidarity and the building and development of communication bridges and united struggles between those inside prisons and those outside of it, remain as priorities of the people who form and sustain the structure.

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Bad News: Episode #32 – Angry Voices From Around the World

Saturday, April 11th, 2020

This is the 32nd episode of “B(A)D NEWS – Angry voices from around the world”, a news program from the international network of anarchist and antiauthoritarian radios, consisting of short news segments from different parts of the world.


1. Radiofragmata (Athens, Greece): Updates for arrested anarchists and political prisoners. / News from the Greek regime.
2. Free Social Radio 1431AM (Thessaloniki, Greece): About the revengeful deportation to Albania of the anarchist comrade Irdi K.
3. Radiozones of Subversive Expression (Athens, Greece): A review for the current situation in Evros (the Northeastern borders of Greece).
4. 105FM (Mytilene, Greece): An update from the recent refugee demonstrations in Lesvos, the repression and the fascist attacks.
5. Dissident Island (London): A roundup of happenings from around the so-called United Kingdom.
6. A-Radio Berlin: An interview with an organizer of the first feminist congress in Poland that took place in February.
7. Frequenz(A): About the resistance against a deportation in Leipzig, Germany back in the 10/7/2019 and the repression like for example the current court case linked to that.

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Posted in Autonomy

Greece: A first statement on 2/3/20, from anarchist comrades D.Valavani, K.Athanasopoulou and Michailidis G.

Tuesday, March 31st, 2020

A first statement from comrades Valavani, Athanasopoulou and Michailidis

Difficult is the moment when freedom is lost. Especially when it had been won in adverse conditions. The situation gets worse if we consider that the blow we received on a material level has even stronger symbolic implications. Our cinematic arrest was followed by similar media propaganda, our graphic tour with bulletproof vests and the usual judicial management to find ourselves once again with an overblown set of charges, elements that form an extension of the handcuffs and weapons of the uniformed assassins.

A look at the wider social situation around us which is changing at a rapid pace so that we can slip away from our own microcosm a little.
From the magnitude of the workers’ exploitation and abolishing of labour rights to the stranglehold of animals in meat production units. From the intensive repression against protests and the purchase of state-of-the-art equipment from anti-terrorist services around the world, to deforestation and the disappearance of wildlife. From the financial exclusion of a growing social segment to the violent marginalization of most of the earth’s population. To the murders of the poor, the excluded, of all who are leftovers in the world of the mighty. From the provocative economic and business elite to the peoples being bombed, shot and uprooted. Where the interests of the powerful mean death, danger or a life drowned in submission. Nature, animals and humans mean nothing more than units generating profits and wealth. These and many others led us to choose the anarchist struggle, a choice that challenges the existing social order.

Our initial focus is on creating authentic and sincere relations, while at the same time there is the lasting need of our participation in the multiform struggle. After all, the anarchist struggle does not differentiate its means or support a hierarchy of forms of struggle. It is imperative and adjusts according to the conditions of each era, placing its bet on collectivization and diffusion on the social fabric.

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Anti-Covid19: Network for Mutual Aid and Struggle (Greece)

Saturday, March 28th, 2020

From Athens Indymedia:

In the unprecedented social conditions we are living in, the spread of coronavirus has taken critical dimensions for the national healthcare systems and the capitalist mode of production as well as social organisation in general. For the system to survive, state and bosses implement totalitarian politics and a further devaluation of our lives.

– Lack of health facilities for the big majority of the population

– Militarisation of our everyday life, with a ban on transportation enforced through economic, surveilled and penal repression

– Mass layoffs, intensification and dire conditions for those working in hospitals, super markets, fast food restaurants, telecommunications

– Creation of concentration camps for migrants and mass incarceration in prisons without any health provision

– No meaningful measure for the homeless, drug users, sex workers

– Increase of domestic and gender violence cases as well as psychological breakdowns due to the prolonged confinement of people in their homes

All of the above make up a dystopia to which we deem necessary to respond to in a direct and collective way, self-organised and in solidarity with every subject that is experiencing the physical, psychical and mental consequences of totalitarianism; and at the same time to fight to break the unproductive and totalitarian management of the present crisis by the state. For these reasons we want to communicate and create a network for solidarity and struggle, with initial aims the following: (more…)

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Posted in Autonomy

Greece: The news program of STAR channel tried to identify anarchist refugee Abtin Parsa as a terrorist

Thursday, March 26th, 2020

On 14/3/2020, the news program of STAR channel, which is a part of the general Greek media mafia, controlled by known cocaine smuggler “Marinakis”, did show a propaganda video clip in reference to my public statement.

The news program of STAR channel, obviously tried to identify me publicly in the TV, as an terrorist. In the beginning of the video clip, two pictures of me(with cover faces) have been showed, which one of the pictures has anarchy symbol in the background. During the video clip, there is a clear manipulation on my words in the statement and in the same time, focus on my identity as an immigrant. Finally in the end, a journalist show up only to mention that I have been under research about terrorism.

The news program of STAR channel, connected three items in the video clip: Anarchism, Immigrants and Terrorism, which these items are exactly what Greek oligarchy regime used them as propaganda to act about social security.

Why social security is a important point for the state?

Because social security is the basic tool for the state to control the society. For us who have been lived in the middle east, it is very clear: If you need to control the society, you need to create a enemy, so you create a need for the society to have your protection from the enemy. Clearly what Greek media mafia have showed until now as enemy are: Anarchists and Immigrants. (more…)

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Posted in Social Control

‘After 10 Years! Lambros Fountas Lives in the Heart of Every Fighter’ by Act for Freedom Now!

Tuesday, March 10th, 2020

”There are some people for whom there should have been mountains with their names written upon them for all time. Tombstones are not tall enough..”

On March 10, 2010, in Athens the anarchist and member of Revolutionary Struggle, Lambros Fountas falls dead in an armed clash with the uniformed servants of the state, during a preparatory action of the organization.
Lambros Fountas cannot easily be categorized. He has always been THERE. He fell fighting, as a member of R.S., of an organization that came to question the end of the history of urban guerrilla struggle in Greece in a deafening way. Where the broader radical movement fought with all its force so as not to internalize the imposed defeat of the revolutionary struggle by all means. The burial of the revolutionary perspective. In this repression and media delirium, R.S. with its upgraded operational capability and its anarchist-theoretical elaboration raised the bar for revolutionary organizations.

Lambros died with a gun in his hand, just as he lived: standing up, fighting for a human society of equality and solidarity, without state and exploitation. And for that exactly we will remember the life and death of Lambros everywhere on labour protests, strikes, anti-fascist actions, in solidarity structures, in clashes with the state’s lapdogs, in guerrilla actions. At this difficult point in history Lambros will always be with us there where the barrier against the march of capitalist barbarism is built, where the dignity of human resistance is standing high, where a new world is shaping.
Lambros will always be with us in the struggles for the Social Revolution, for Anarchy.

… in the hard times you never abandon the city, in the good times you didn’t gain any interests, in the desperate times you didn’t fear anything…


Act for freedom now!

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Posted in Autonomy

Athens, Greece: Claim of responsibility for car arsons in Philopappou Hill near Koukaki area

Sunday, February 23rd, 2020

Four VIP van (Tourist small taxis buses) arsons took place in the early hours of Wednesday in Koukaki, near Philopappou Hill.

We carried out this attack as retaliation and a sign of solidarity with the people who were beaten and arrested by the forces of State repression during the reoccupation of the squats in Koukaki as well in solidarity with those arrested after the buildings were recaptured.

The target was selected near the squats firstly to remind to the cops that no matter how hard they try they can’t protect neighbourhoods from black-hooded people and secondly because these vehicles exist only to serve tourists and the tourism industry.

“There is a right to the brick.
There is a right on the stick.
There is a right to Molotovs in Exarchia, or anywhere.
There is a right to car arson.
There is a right to armed struggle.
There is a right to revolt and liberation from slavery.“

Chrysochoidis (Minister of Citizen Protection of Greece)

1,000 squats for each eviction
One bullet for each cop

Translated by Act for freedom now!

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Posted in Direct Action

Athens,Greece: Hands off Exarchia – New Democracy’s War on Anarchists

Tuesday, February 11th, 2020

On July 8th, 2019, the New Democracy government of Kyriakos Mitsotakis assumed power in Greece, after campaigning on a promise to ‘clean up’ the central Athens neighbourhood of Exarchia, and ‘take it back’ from the anarchists.

Since then, the Greek state has launched a renewed attack against the anarchist and self-organized migrant movements, targeting squats and promising future raids. Against this threat, Greek anarchists have responded with characteristic resolve and determination.

Featuring interview with Pangiotis Varthalis of the squat Lelas Karagiannis 37

Translated by Boubouras (Act For Freedom Now)

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Posted in Autonomy

Athens, Greece: Notara 26 Squat is Attacked by Cops

Tuesday, February 11th, 2020


Last night at Notara26 Refugee/Migrant Housing squat we were attacked for the third time in the past six months by the state uniformed bullies.

Around 4:30 am – only a few minutes after one more attempt by undercover police to intimidate one of our comrades who was on her way to our squat- a riot squad, totally unprovoked, surrounded our squat twice.
The first time they were flashing their torches and laser pointers into our lobby persistently trying to see our faces and how many we were. They then withdrew for about ten minutes but came back reinforced. Τhis time apart from torches and laser pointers, they tried to force our squat’s door open.

These practices of the uniformed state terrorists DO NOT SCARE US! We are here, we continue our everyday struggle against fascism, racism and repression. We form strong solidarity and comradeship ties.
The only result this kind of bullying can have is to bring us even more together and our ranks closer!!!
There is only one thing to say…


Assembly of Notara 26, 10/2/2020

via Enough 14.

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Posted in Social Control