
This website was started as a project of the Los Angeles Anarchist Black Cross (a member of the Anarchist Black Cross Federation) in 2014 as a way of solving the problem of inaccurate prisoner lists, and it is now maintained by Philly ABC. Once you register an account, you can edit pages and contribute to the database. If you have a particular affinity for a political prisoner, you can "adopt" their page and become responsible for making sure it stays up to date. Adopting pages prevents them from being edited by anybody else, but people can still leave comments.

In addition to providing up-to-date information on political prisoners around the globe, we also want to foster solidarity with these prisoners, so we encourage contributors to post action alerts here or correct/update this information by emailing us at philly[at]riseup.net.

Get Involved
This site takes work and dedication to keep working. We need talented volunteers to maintain it with us, do outreach, and help us do all the tasks that come with a project of this scale. If you would like to get involved, please see our "Get Involved" page.