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Two heroes deeply rooted in Cuban character

Maceo estatua

Born on the same date, although 83 years apart, Antonio Maceo and Ernesto Che Guevara eloquently represent fundamental characteristics of Cubans’ quest to reach our dreams. On the 175th anniversary of the Bronze Titan’s birth, and the 92nd of the heroic guerilla’s, the President of the Republic of Cuba, Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, recalled on his Twitter account: “Maceo and Che are always present in our daily struggle, in our conquests, in our aspirations as a nation, in our commitment to solidarity, in our patriotism.”

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We will recover and triumph

canel mesa

Three months after the first cases of COVID-19 were reported in Cuba, as the recovery phase is about to begin, President Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez insisted that we must “continue to work responsibly, convinced that we can control the pandemic and avoid new outbreaks.” Speaking June 11, on the Mesa Redonda television program, to present plans for the first stage of post-COVID-19 recovery period.

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Cuba prepares to begin post-epidemic recovery

canel covid

Cuba is preparing to enter the first stage of recovery, with a view toward maintaining control of the COVID-19 epidemic within the country, achieved as a result of “the work of all institutions and our people’s participation as an active element in the battle,” noted President Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, presiding an extraordinary session of the Council of Ministers yesterday morning, June 10, led by Prime Minister Manuel Marrero Cruz, where the plan of measures to be implemented in the three phases of the first stage of the country’s recovery was presented.

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These hard times motivate us to continue working together, with more cooperation and consensus building

canel alba

I would like to begin by thanking brother President Nicolas Maduro Moros for convening this ALBA-TCP Economic Conference. Urgently needed are the exchange of experiences and agreement on positions to confront together the effects of COVID-19, a pandemic that threatens to significantly deepen the multi-sectoral crisis suffered by our societies, particularly in the economic field.

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ALBA-TCP faces new challenge


The President of the Republic of Cuba, Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, will participate today in the High-Level Conference on Economy, Finance and Trade within the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, convened by the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America-People’s Trade Agreement (ALBA-TCP). The online gathering, promoted by the President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro Moros.

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Cuba bids farewell to Rosita Fornés


The Ministry of Culture published a message on social media stating that Rosita, our 2001 National Prize for Theater winner, honored with many other distinctions and recognitions, will always be remembered by the public she charmed around the world and especially by the people of Cuba. “We offer our condolences to family, friends, and your great audience.”

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Nine desalination plants to provide access to drinking water

agua desalinacion

The National Institute of Water Resources (INRH) plans to complete construction of nine desalination plants this year, which will supply drinking water to communities with high levels of salt in their water tables. According to Fernando Perez Gomez, INRH director of Infrastructure and Investment, the project has financing of over $3.6 million pesos, and will operate with German technology.

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Raul leads Political Bureau meeting to analyze proposals for post-COVID-19 recovery period

Canel Raul covid reunion

Chaired by its First Secretary, Army General Raul Castro Ruz, the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of Cuba Central Committee met yesterday, June 9, to analyze proposals regarding the post-COVID-19 recovery period in the country, including a set of measures to be implemented in the three phases that the first stage of this gradual process includes. This issue will also be examined today, Wednesday, in an extraordinary session of the Council of Ministers.

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The murder of George Floyd impacts the world of culture

EEUU prtestas floyd

Musicians, writers, actors, screenwriters, painters, designers, graffiti artists: the artistic community in the United States has not only sent a clear message repudiating the murder of George Floyd by a Minneapolis police officer, but is demanding justice and reparations following the brutal event. These expressions are echoed by citizens of diverse ethnic backgrounds and skin colors, indicating growing awareness of an evil deeply rooted in the U.S. social system.

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You have shown the world a truth that Cuba’s enemies have attempted to silence and distort: the strength of Cuban medicine!

canel discurso medicos italia

“Just a few minutes ago, members of the task force that has been leading our actions to confront the pandemic concluded a meeting, and a group of compañeros have remained here, to participate in this remote reception, which we will make more intimate once you have completed the quarantine; but we did not want to violate protocols the country has established to avoid transmission of the pandemic.”