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Korso - Akseli Tuomivaara (wpatrywanie cz. 30)

Debiut, film dyplomowy w School of Motion Picture, Television and Production Design (University of Art and Design Helsinki).
Ten, kto stwierdził, że to "fiński Trainspotting" chciał pomóc filmowi, ale bardziej mu zaszkodził. Korso jest jednak o czymś innym, a do tego też na innym poziomie.

I tak jest spoko, mógłby sobie spokojnie istnieć jako przyzwoity dramat o trudnym (a które nie jest?) dojrzewaniu, a takim porównaniem ktoś postawił go w otoczeniu, do którego nie należy.

Pitting the teenagers stale lives against the light starved, almost post – apocalyptic environment of Helsinki is a pivotal stylistic move for Korso and even though many of the characters themselves are quite repulsive in their sexist and racist ways, it’s hard not to become involved with Marcus’s own journey which is almost Shakespearian in its tragic arc. As a character based drama like many of the ‘teen spirit’ films, lead actor Mikko Neuvonen is incredibly versatile, evoking both sympathy and shock in several powerful scenes exploring his reactions to failure and impending change. (via)

This feels like a story that we've seen before but it isn't worn out yet. Andrea Arnold's Fish Tank is comparable but Korso packs more of a punch. This proved to be a great first exposure to Finnish cinema with its raw nature and aggression. The best quality found in Korso is how divided we are made to feel about Markus. We route for his escape and fresh start but he remains a troublesome, selfish and self destructive child whose lack of education is apparent along with his warped priorities. Korso is fine. It's not particularly gripping or interesting but it attempts a lot in its entirety. (via)