Superior cloud hosting

Give yourself the unfair advantage, and deploy on cloud infrastructure with unrivalled performance & flexibility. Cloud hosting pricing starting at $5/mo.

Case study

Everything you need, batteries included

World's fastest cloud

MaxIOPS block storage

Our scalable MaxIOPS block storage provides higher performance at a lower price, and doesn’t throttle your performance based on price. Create and boot up a new cloud server in just 45 seconds!

Reliable partner for hosting companies

Offer the perfect cloud to your customers, adding a flexible and reliable ecosystem to your technology services, in minutes! Experience superior cloud performance, productivity and profits with UpCloud. Test us for free and get $1000 free UpCloud credits with the ability to deploy up to 100 servers!

100% uptime SLA

With an N+1 philosophy throughout our entire infrastructure, all single points of failure have been eliminated. We trust our redundancy so much, that we will give you a 100% SLA with 50x payback for any downtime of over 5 minutes.

24/7 support you'll love

We believe in providing help when it’s needed, not when it’s too late. With a 1m 55s average median response time and a 95% satisfaction rate, we pride ourselves in providing probably the best support in the industry.

Simple pricing starting at $5/mo

Get going with one of our Simple plans, starting from $5/mo with 30-days money back guarantee. Or start our free trial and try cloud hosting for free!

2-month free migration period

Don’t worry about the extra costs of migrating from a different cloud provider. During a 2-month free migration period, we will charge you no service costs. The offer is available to all new customers whose infrastructure costs on UpCloud will exceed $500 per month.

Our versatile API

Designed for developers

Our easy-to-use control panel and API let you spend more time coding and less time managing your infrastructure. Together with the community, we develop and maintain a large library of open source API clients and tools.

View documentation

Easily integrate your app with our infrastructure

- hosts: localhost
  connection: local
  serial: 1
  gather_facts: no

    - name: Create upcloud server
        state: present
        zone: uk-lon1
        plan: 1xCPU-1GB
            - { size: 25, os: Ubuntu 14.04 }
        user: root
            - ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAA[...]ptshi44x [email protected]
            - ssh-dss AAAAB3NzaC1kc3MAA[...]VHRzAA== [email protected]
      register: upcloud_server

    - name: Wait for SSH to come up
      wait_for: host={{ upcloud_server.public_ip }} port=22 delay=5 timeout=320 state=started

    - name: tag the created server
        state: present
        uuid: "{{ upcloud_server.server.uuid }}"
        tags: [ webservers, london ]
resource "upcloud_server" "server1" {
    hostname = ""
    zone = "nl-ams1"
    plan = "1xCPU-1GB"
    storage_devices = [
            size = 25
            action = "clone"
            storage = "01000000-0000-4000-8000-000030080200"
            tier = "maxiops"
    login {
        user = "root"
        keys = [
            "ssh-rsa public key xxx"
   "variables": {
   "builders": [
         "type": "upcloud",
         "username": "{{ user `UPCLOUD_USERNAME` }}",
         "password": "{{ user `UPCLOUD_PASSWORD` }}",
         "zone": "nl-ams1",
         "storage_uuid": "01000000-0000-4000-8000-000030060200"
   "provisioners": [
         "type": "shell",
         "inline": [
           "apt update",
           "apt upgrade -y",
           "echo '' | tee /root/.ssh/authorized_keys"
for image in driver.list_images():
    if'Ubuntu') \
    and'16.04') \

for size in driver.list_sizes():
    if == '1xCPU-1GB':

for location in driver.list_locations():

node = driver.create_node(
    name='Libcloud Example',


Multiple open source API-clients available

// Create the server
serverDetails, err := svc.CreateServer(&request.CreateServerRequest;{
	Zone:             "fi-hel1",
	Title:            "My new server",
	Hostname:         "",
	PasswordDelivery: request.PasswordDeliveryNone,
	StorageDevices: []request.CreateServerStorageDevice{
			Action:  request.CreateStorageDeviceActionClone,
			Storage: "01000000-0000-4000-8000-000030060200",
			Title:   "disk1",
			Size:    30,
			Tier:    upcloud.StorageTierMaxIOPS,
	IPAddresses: []request.CreateServerIPAddress{
			Access: upcloud.IPAddressAccessPrivate,
			Family: upcloud.IPAddressFamilyIPv4,
			Access: upcloud.IPAddressAccessPublic,
			Family: upcloud.IPAddressFamilyIPv4,
			Access: upcloud.IPAddressAccessPublic,
			Family: upcloud.IPAddressFamilyIPv6,
import upcloud_api
from upcloud_api import Server, Storage, ZONE, login_user_block

manager = upcloud_api.CloudManager('api_user', 'password')

login_user = login_user_block(
    ssh_keys=['ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAA[...]ptshi44x [email protected]'],

cluster = {
    'web1': Server(
        core_number=1, # CPU cores
        memory_amount=1024, # RAM in MB
        zone=ZONE.London, # ZONE.Helsinki and ZONE.Chicago available also
            # OS: Ubuntu 14.04 from template
            # default tier: maxIOPS, the 100k IOPS storage backend
            Storage(os='Ubuntu 14.04', size=10),
            # secondary storage, hdd for reduced cost
            Storage(size=100, tier='hdd')
        login_user=login_user  # user and ssh-keys
    'web2': Server(
            Storage(os='Ubuntu 14.04', size=10),
            Storage(size=100, tier='hdd'),
    'db': Server(
        plan='2xCPU-4GB', # use a preconfigured plan, instead of custom
            Storage(os='Ubuntu 14.04', size=10),
    'lb': Server(
            Storage(os='Ubuntu 14.04', size=10)

for server in cluster:
    manager.create_server(cluster[server]) # automatically populates the Server objects with data from API
import upcloud_api
from upcloud_api import Server, Storage, ZONE, login_user_block

manager = upcloud_api.CloudManager('api_user', 'password')

login_user = login_user_block(
    ssh_keys=['ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAA[...]ptshi44x [email protected]'],

cluster = {
    'web1': Server(
        core_number=1, # CPU cores
        memory_amount=1024, # RAM in MB
        zone=ZONE.London, # ZONE.Helsinki and ZONE.Chicago available also
            # OS: Ubuntu 14.04 from template
            # default tier: maxIOPS, the 100k IOPS storage backend
            Storage(os='Ubuntu 14.04', size=10),
            # secondary storage, hdd for reduced cost
            Storage(size=100, tier='hdd')
        login_user=login_user  # user and ssh-keys
    'web2': Server(
            Storage(os='Ubuntu 14.04', size=10),
            Storage(size=100, tier='hdd'),
    'db': Server(
        plan='2xCPU-4GB', # use a preconfigured plan, instead of custom
            Storage(os='Ubuntu 14.04', size=10),
    'lb': Server(
            Storage(os='Ubuntu 14.04', size=10)

for server in cluster:
    manager.create_server(cluster[server]) # automatically populates the Server objects with data from API
var upcloud = require('upcloud');

var defaultClient = upcloud.ApiClient.instance;

// Configure HTTP basic authorization: baseAuth
var baseAuth = defaultClient.authentications['baseAuth'];
baseAuth.username = 'UPCLOUD_USERNAME';
baseAuth.password = 'UPCLOUD_PASSWORD';

var api = new upcloud.AccountApi();
  function(data) {
    console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data);
  function(error) {
require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');

$api_instance = new Upcloud\ApiClient\Upcloud\AccountApi();
$config = $api_instance->getConfig();
$config->setUsername('YOUR UPCLOUD USERNAME');
$config->setPassword('YOUR UPCLOUD PASSWORD');

try {
    $result = $api_instance->getAccount();
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo 'Exception when calling AccountApi->getAccount: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;

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Cases studies

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What our users have to say

Case Studies

How took control of server management with ease

We offer web hosting and managed servers and we have found UpCloud to be the fastest and the most reliable for our use.

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How DrugBank considerably increased website speed and reliability

Our website is now much faster after migrating to UpCloud than on our previous host as reported by Google page speed insights.

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How Nomadat enhanced years of experience with faster infra

By our calculations, the speed and performance of our infrastructure on UpCloud are now up to 60% faster depending on the website.

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How Hostaan launched a new hosting service on UpCloud

UpCloud's 100% SLA gives us an environmental advantage to offer the best reliability to our customers.

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How Visuon simplified hosting by consolidating on one provider

Standardising our systems on a single service has made managing our servers faster and easier saving us time and money.

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How WebZenitude got their zen on by migrating to UpCloud

System response times are constant and excellent, UpCloud truly fulfils its promises and commitments.

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How we built on worry-free cloud infrastructure

One key advantage for me has been that UpCloud makes strong guarantees about uptime and redundancy. Together with automatic backups, I have little to worry about.

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How Hosted Power leaps beyond the conventionally possible

One thing we've noticed in particular is that some websites and applications are sometimes already up to 100% faster just by moving onto UpCloud.

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How finalwebsites builds lasting partnerships on mutual values

UpCloud's customer service for support and account questions is very personal, and you always get an answer that makes you feel like a respected customer.

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How Evomira decreased load times by taking control of their hosting

On most of our sites, load times have decreased by approximately 50% when compared to other managed hosting providers.

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How XSbyte reduced application load times and the hassle of configuration

After migrating to UpCloud, we've seen reduced application load times and the hassle of configuration.

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How BNESIM built their global mobile network on the agility of the cloud

Our high availability setup has proven very reliable, we haven’t had a single outage due to technical problems while hosting on UpCloud.

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How Zoner doubled their customers web site performance

On average, WordPress sites that are transferred to our service, have reduced site load time in half and being able to handle multiple times more visitors than before.

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How found the balance between cost and performance

For our architecture especially the single core CPU performance is essential, and this is something where UpCloud shines against the similarly priced competition.

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How Space2host is delivering perfect uptime for half the cost

UpCloud Singapore DC delivers 100% uptime, security, cloud performance, snapshot backup, and with MaxIOPS storage, there is no one that compares to UpCloud.

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How Finqu attained 100% availability with superior performance

Previously, we ended up wasting a lot of time investigating and resolving technical problems. In contrast, we've been extremely happy hosting on UpCloud thanks to their reliable infrastructure.

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How Vaimo achieved faster time to market with performance to spare

Our services have benefited from the new solution resulting in a faster time to market with the performance that is required with large eCommerce systems.

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How Wunder unified their infrastructure in all regions

Our projects vary greatly between implementations, therefore, we really wanted to unify our infrastructure. UpCloud has proven to be flexible enough to allow us to adapt to different needs with minimal effort.

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How Haltu built intricate customer solutions on simplicity

UpCloud's offering is simple and easy to understand, cloud servers with a little bit of networking, nothing overly fancy and that's exactly what we want.

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How PointerBP found relief from maintenance in new partnership

Each day our systems ingest large quantities of data and with UpCloud we know that the hardware management is in trustworthy and experienced hands.

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How Anders built their services on minimum maintenance

Consolidating almost everything hosting related to a single provider has been a huge management relief for our system administrators.

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How Polystream’s low latency application streaming reached new audiences

We are always looking to broaden our global reach and thanks to UpCloud we are able to deliver great quality streams to regions yet unreachable by traditional 3D streaming methods.

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How Ruby Studio built trusted design on reliability

With the new solution, we have achieved complete transparency and control. If we experience issues with a server, our server team will always be on top of it even before a client reports the issue.

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How Critical Force supercharged their game with MaxIOPS

UpCloud has enabled us to run large datasets on individual servers. Due to the extreme IOPS performance, we’ve consolidated our services from tens of hosts to but a few high-powered systems.

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How Evermade cloudified their company infrastructure

Cloud-based company infrastructure has provided many benefits. For example, working remotely is a breeze since our work is not tied to any office location or even a specific computer.

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How Fraktio attained rock-solid stability

We have been enjoying the competitive pricing. On top of that, the customer service is always very friendly and responsive thanks to UpCloud being far less corporate than other providers.

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How Sitesbi raised their SLA way above industry norms

Thanks to your offerings, our SLA is almost as good as yours. Your backups are also, in our experience, the best in the market. It was love at first sight.

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How Barabra took control of their cloud hosting solution

We're able to adapt to different situations much better thanks to being in full control of our software stack. The ability to activate and deactivate instances on-demand has proven very useful.

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How SportMonks increased their API performance to new heights

The new servers at UpCloud are so much faster on the disk, CPU, and memory performance. We get way more requests out of the same amount of money that the migration was well worth it.

Read the Case Study

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Blog Posts

Moving to cloud boosts performance and efficiency of your hosting

When your MSP business grows, there comes a time when you should consider how to handle your server infrastructure more efficiently. You can choose to manage it on your own with the necessary personnel and knowledge resources. But leaving this...

Welcome Sonja, our new Head of People Operations

Our company culture has always revolved around the exceptional talent of our employees. UpCloud is currently accelerating its growth, and the key in this development is people. Therefore, we’re excited to welcome Sonja Semmelmayr as the new Head of People...

Hanna Tuomisto: In digital marketing, you face constant change

Hanna’s primary responsibility at UpCloud is digital marketing in social media. She plans, develops and optimizes our paid social media campaigns, and makes UpCloud visible to new potential users. Like the whole Marketing team, Hanna is relatively new in the...

Saj Abbas: At UpCloud, I feel like running my own business

Saj joined UpCloud three years ago as one of the first employees in our London office. He started as a technical support engineer but quickly moved to the sales department. He takes advantage of the support experience every day in...

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Helsinki FI-HEL1

+358 9 4272 0661

Helsinki FI-HEL2

+358 9 4272 0661


+44 20 358 80000


+1 415 830 8474


+44 20 358 80000


+44 20 358 80000


+65 3163 7151

San José

+1 415 830 8474

Free trial! World's fastest cloud! 100% uptime SLA.

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Helsinki (HQ)

In the capital city of Finland, you will find our headquarters, and our first data centre. This is where we handle most of our development and innovation.


London was our second office to open, and a important step in introducing UpCloud to the world. Here our amazing staff can help you with both sales and support, in addition to host tons of interesting meetups.


Singapore was our 3rd office to be opened, and enjoys one of most engaged and fastest growing user bases we have ever seen.


Seattle is UpCloud’s current base in the USA and our way to reach out across the pond to many users in the Americas.