Beyond the soft palate

Category: RELIGION


Jim Wallace, Managing Director of The Australian Christian Lobby is outraged today that his recent comments suggesting a homosexual ”lifestyle” was more hazardous to health than smoking have been grievously misconstrued and misrepresented by media and gay activists to mean a homosexual ”lifestyle” was more hazardous to health than smoking.

What Mr. Wallace was trying to make clear was that heterosexuality and homosexuality are very, very different – one is like a rainbow, and the other is more of a starfish with spotty bits – and they shouldn’t be put in the same package together because there isn’t enough room and they don’t get on.

Perfectly clear, really.


And I feel fine …

I might get a curry and bottle of wine and watch the last episode of “The Walking Dead” again.

So I’ll expect I’ll be asleep on the couch by 10pm, and I’ll never know what hit me.

UPDATE: For tips on preparing for the apocalypse, please visit Zombie Apocalypse Preparation on Facebook. The Zombie Apocalypse Anticipation Party of Australia appears to the mob we’ll all be joining soon, and though we may all wind up being lost souls in Hell, that’s no good reason to treat those less fortunate than ourselves with insensitivity, so I do recommend boning up on some manners with the fine folk over at People for the Unethical Treatment of Zombies.



From The Arab American Institute


The content of Robert Rodriguez’s upcoming “Machete” according to the Christian Movie Review at Movieguide …

Evil, rotten, disgusting, humanist, nihilistic, Communist, politically correct, pro-revolution, pro-illegal immigration worldview with extreme Anti-Christian blasphemy and sacrilege (including a corrupt priest), racist elements, anti-white elements, anti-American, and anti-capitalist content, radical feminist elements, overt discussion of incest, and other anti-family content; 68 obscenities and 17 profanities; ultra-graphic, gory, very bloody, snuff extreme, constant violence such as gruesome decapitations, limbs severed, eye shot out, numerous gun battles, woman dresses as nun and mows down people with machine gun, man disemboweled and intestines used to rappel off building, priest nailed to a cross, torture, electrocution, etc.; extreme sex includes group sex, exhibitionism, and overt discussion of incest; extreme nudity includes full frontal female nudity; alcohol use and drunkenness; smoking cigarettes, marijuana use and selling drugs; and, very strong miscellaneous immorality includes lying, cheating, kickbacks, blackmail, betrayal, manipulation, corruption, greed, envy, reverse racism rationalized, and revenge.


This is a High School …

Facts are taught here. Knowledge is imparted. The ability to comprehend and analyse information. Skills are developed. Literacy and numeracy.

An understanding of the real ways and workings of the world and so forth.

This is a Sunday School …

This is where the fantasy happens. Typically in such places, some dodgy old cunt will attempt to make you a “better” person by trying to scare the living shit out of you with fucking fairy tales. Facts need not apply.

It’s a “faith” thing.

If you want your kids to be educated in such fairy tales, then TAKE THEM TO A FUCKING SUNDAY SCHOOL!



Worse than yesterday.


According to Massachusetts’ “pro-family” action group Mass Resistance, huge men in skirts are gleefully peeing with wild and carnal abandon in the public toilets of the American nation, and in the women’s toilets no less.

Ever mindful of their onerous responsibilities to maintain and enforce righteous moral standards across the breadth of God’s chosen land, Mass Resistance bravely elected to hang around a toilet door at a transgender conference recently to document the outrageous horrors being perpetrated upon the porcelain …


(Taken from “Rebus Flatbush’s Famous Fables & Folk-Tales from the American Mid-West”)

Once upon a time, there was a little feller by the name of Tomothy Crudes and he was a purty little feller too, that’s for sure. All the ladies wanted to have their wicked, wicked ways with purty little Tomothy (an’ some a’ the fellas too by gosh, but let’s not go down that manky old tunnel of troubles), but thing was that purty little Tomothy was a mite more interested in a funny old religion that was all about holdin’ tin cans in your hands so as to get yourself right in the head.

Now this funny old religion was put together a whiles back by a funny old sailor fella by the name of Elron Bubba who useta write stories about flyin’ saucies and little green fellas from outta space ‘til he figgered that that weren’t no proper way for a grown man to make a decent livin’, so he thought he’d start himself a religion on account of all the other religions didn’t have no truck with holdin’ onta tin cans and such, and they weren’t no little green fellas from outta space in ‘em either, and Elron figured there damn well oughta be.

Little green fellas and flyin’ saucies and volcanos and atom bombs, now them were the makin’s of a proper religion!

Y’see, all those other religions was abouts some silly fella from way back who got hisself nailed to a couple a’ chunks of two-by-four and were stuck out in the desert to die on a fencepost with a rosebush on his head, and by golly, that weren’t no fun to be readin’ on, Bubba reckoned, that were just plain grim and nasty.

So ol’ Bubba set himself to thinkin’, and soon enough he wrote himself a new religion and set about callin’ it The Church of Tincanology.

And many years later, long after Bubba had passed on, and when the Church of Tincanology was takin’ off somethin’ mighty powerful and popular, purty little Tomothy Crudes found out about it and reckoned it sounded like a right fine idea, yessir, and so he joined hisself up, read a whole bunch of books on it, and he held onto those tin cans somethin’ fierce and awesome and mightily impressive, until one day a buncha senior Tincanologists came up and told him he was finally right in the head.

Now, not long after that a few of the folks in Ol’ Bubba’s Church thought it might be a fine idea if purty little Tomothy gave grabbin’ them tin cans a rest for a bit and got himself a lady to grab onto instead.

You see, they figured that purty little Tomothy with his purty little face could pull some womenfolk into the Church and then they could ‘pregnate those girlies with some of the frozen spuzz from Ol’ Elron they’d been keepin’ aside so they could have ‘emselves some little Elron’s to fawn on and follow after … also, they was runnin’ real short a’ tin cans at the time, too …

Now …

Little Tomothy may have been a purty fella, but he was only about two and a half feet and one inch tall and some of those womenfolk he was hangin’ around with didn’t stay around for very long on account of how Tomothy was way more inclined to wanna play with tin cans than to take to pokin’ about their lady bits as much as they’d have liked him to …

One of these ladies, who went by the name of Nikky Pigman, why, she was as tall and pale and scrawny as Tomothy was short and dark and stumpy and even standin’on a step-ladder that little feller couldn’t so much as scratch at her lady bits, and dang if those bits of hers weren’t just itchin’ for some scratchin’ action after a whiles, so eventually she told him where he could put his tin cans in no uncertain terms and she ran off and found herself a gee-tar playin’ feller to get her bits scratched at by …  

But never no mind, cause one day, Tomothy met another cute little gal by the name of Cattie Ohms, and he told her again and again and again and over and over and over all about holdin’ onta tin cans and the Church of Tincanology and Ol’ Elron Bubba ‘til her brain fair did rattle with confusion and afore she knew it she’d agreed to marry the little feller and have his babies …

But little Tomothy had himself no intention of pokin’ ‘bout her private bits, no sir, he and the Church had ‘emselves another plan altogether …

So’s one night … he waited … and he waited … and he waited, ‘til poor young Cattie had fallen fast asleep, and he went to the icebox and got himself a big old blob of Ol’ Elron Bubba’s frozen spuzz that the Church of Tincanology had given him a whiles back and which he’d kept hidden behind the turkey gizzards for just this very moment, and he put that spuzz on a turkey baster and crept toward Cattie’s sleepin’ self so’s he could stick that spuzz into Cattie where it could do what spuzz does when it’s stuck there … 

But …

As little Tomothy moved himself toward Cattie, he had not noticed that some of that spuzz had melted a bit and had dripped onto the floor and just as he’d got himself real close to Cattie, he slipped on some of that melted spuzz and went scootin’ across the floor, bangin’ his head smack into the wall so hard that he bounced right back across the room and onto the sofa with such a mighty force that one of the sofa springs popped right through the ‘polstery and right into his neck where it ripped his neck innerds to red strings and blood went a-spurtin’ all over and little Tomothy Crudes done up and died right there and then.

Now, with all this commotion and hullabaloo, poor little Cattie woked herself up and then she looked over to see the tiny little body of tiny little Tomothy Crudes layin’ dead on the floor, a big ol’ turkey baster with meltin’ sailor spuzz on it still in his hands, and she realised then what he’d a-been goin’ to do to her all this time and she thanked her lucky stars that she had escaped his foul and spuzzy intentions.

And even though she survived this ordeal, from that time to this, poor little Cattie Ohms still can’t hold on so much as a tin ‘a beans without a shiver a-creepin’ up her spine.

Whiles at Christmastime, no matter how loud and how long her mama hollers at her, there ain’t no way in this world or that world or the next one that she’s gonna help out stuffin’ no goddang fuckin’ turkey.


(A slightly different version of this was previously posted on Tongues back in January 2008)


From Tongue, a dummy spit in atheist minor over at Groupthink.

And I had to laugh at this letter in today’s Sydney Morning Herald at the news of poor, put-upon Pauline’s imminent departure to the Mother country …

I dunno, these people – coming over here, taking our jobs … – Nick James London


A couple of recent posts from Tongue at Groupthink, The Illustrated Guide to Tony Abbott, and some thoughts on the Australian Christian Lobby, surrogacy and the absurd assumptions that gay couples or singles are not fit to raise a child.

I posted the latter yesterday afternoon, but overnight the Queensland State Government ignored the bleatings of the stupid and decided to decriminalise altruistic surrogacy. So much for the rednecks. The Opposition’s argument against appeared to revolve mostly around public toilets, pets and women with careers. Deep they are not.

In other news, over in Hamerica, Teabaggers are ticked off about being bagged in a Captain America comic book. Even though the signs in the panel are drawn from life, the nutbaggers say it’s all too “juvenile” and should be withdrawn. Marvel, unfortunately and much to their shame, has complied.

But as one commenter remarked re the “juvenile” tag, “It IS a comic book”.

Speaking of comic books, A.O. Scott of the New York Times had this to say about the recently released remake of “The Wolfman” …

“The climactic showdown resembles an extreme-fighting cage match conducted by a pair of rabid Wookies.”

… and I laughed.




Nothing seems more effective at inciting religious hatred than these loud-mouthed bullies, these pious little shitheads of faith who are forever shouting from the rooftops at the rest of us about their fucking beliefs and what it all means and what it all stands for.

These self-absorbed, self-righteous cunts who take it upon themselves to present their understanding and interpretation of their God, their messiahs, their fucking prophets and fucking books full of fucking fairy tales as if they, and they alone hold the key to absolute truth and the meaning of life and if you don’t agree with them, if you question them, if you even attempt to point out a few obvious irrationalities in their faith, somehow you’re the one whose soul is stuffed to its rancid brim with hate.

So fucking fragile are they that, when a handful of people write a handful of books questioning the basis of religious belief, it’s not just a handful of books, it’s a “WAR ON RELIGION!!1!”

And not content with just going about their business and leaving the rest of us to go about ours, these smarmy-faced self-anointed protectors of “our” morality now feel they have the right to dictate to us what we may read and see on the internet, or even what films do or do not get made.


How’s this for hate? Excuse me while I go piss up the gaping anus of God, take a dump in the holy water and wipe my arse with pages torn from your holy books and then bugger a nun with a nail-studded crucifix.

Get out of my fucking life.


Now, having got that off my chest, please take the time to listen to this gorgeous piece of music from Transglobal Underground & Natacha Atlas, “Sky Giant” which is my not-so-smelly Christmas gift to all of you who read this crap …

“The earth was like a marble and I was a giant on it” …

That’s better.

See you next year. 


It burns, mummy … it burns my head inside … it burns reeeeaaaal baaaaaad ….

Wubbidywubbidywubbidywubbidy, wubblewubblewubble ….



Splock … dribble … blurd … drip, drip, drip, drip, drip, drip ….


Feeling left out? …

CHRISTIAN churches are getting ready to launch Australia’s biggest cross-denominational media campaign, featuring the ultimate pin-up boy: Jesus Christ.

Mr Willis said the campaign would not shy away from the reality that some people had had negative experiences with Christian churches, but Jesus – who had stood up to religious leaders and those using the church for financial gain – ”stands up to scrutiny”. ”We acknowledge that some people have been dealt a rough deal by the church but Jesus, when he was here and was talking to people, he cut through all that as well,” he said.

The church has published a book, Everybody Welcome, advising the clergy to consider that some parishioners have ”special needs”, such as the bald, short people, the colour-blind – and readers of tabloid newspapers.

Oh, joy.

I am loved.


From the Most Reverend Punchy Abbott



1. As a condition of entering into marriage (marriage herein defined as a conjugative union between an adult male person and an adult female person, adult in this respect defined as any individual over 16 years of age), all couples should be required to produce a child or children within a nominal period of three to five years (maximum) of wedlock. Should no child or children be forthcoming from the union due to physical incapacity or disability; impotence; infertility; advanced age; or professionally diagnosed medical condition (approved documentation required), a child should be assigned to the couple in question from the relevant state or territory’s Federal Government Surplus Youth Repository.

2. If any couple refuse to comply with the proposed legislation in respect of either (a) bearing a child or children, or (b) undertaking care of any child assigned to them for care, then it should be determined through application of the legislation that the marriage be declared null and void, and any and all agreements undertaken by the relevant parties either during the union or made in preparation for the union (for example, financial or property matters; prenuptial agreements) no longer be binding on either party under any circumstances.

3. Contraceptive medications and/or devices should henceforth from the date of enactment of the proposed legislation only be made available via prescription to those married couples who have successfully bred a minimum of 3 children within the nominal period of three to five years (maximum) of continual wedlock. No contraceptive medication and/or device should be prescribed to any individual or individuals who are not engaged in a conjugative union of a type that has been approved by an appropriately authorised religious faith and practitioner thereof. Unauthorised supply and consumption of contraceptive medications and/or devices should be determined an offence under the proposed legislation and punishable by law and should attract a fine and/or term of imprisonment up to, but not exceeding AU$50,000 and 5 years incarceration.

4. Under the proposed legislation, termination of a pregnancy upon request should not be permitted under any circumstances. Should the pregnancy have resulted from an occasion of alleged or confirmed sexual abuse, the carrier of the developing foetus should be provided with appropriate and comprehensive counseling by State or Federally accredited health and welfare officials until such time as the pregnancy reaches full-term, and birth of a child or children has been achieved. 

5. If diagnosis determines that the pregnancy may pose a hazard to the health of the carrier of the foetus, the right of the foetus to a full life should prevail over that of the carrier in any and all cases. In such an event, appropriate and comprehensive counseling should be provided to the carrier and/or their partner so that they may adequately prepare for any ensuing trauma that may present during the pregnancy, including the possibility of the carrier’s death. In case of the latter, generous financial assistance from the Australian Federal Government’s Bereavement Bonus Fund should be made available (upon application) to the surviving spouse for a period of up to, but not exceeding 6 (six) months subsequent to the carrier’s demise.

6. Should a pregnancy be terminated due to an alleged event of miscarriage, the carrier of the foetal matter and their primary health care provider should be required by law to report the event within 7 (seven) days of occurrence to the Australian Federal Police Foetal Abuse Investigative Division (F.A.I.D.). It should be the responsibility of F.A.I.D. to engage the cooperation of all relevant parties so as to ascertain whether or not the miscarriage event was either deliberately induced by the carrier and/or her partner, or was the result of any inappropriate behaviour (for example, consumption of alcohol, tobacco, illegal drugs, unsuitable foodstuffs) that could rightly be deemed as damaging to the health of the developing foetus. Should F.A.I.D., during the course of their investigation, find that the occurrence of the event falls outside the applicable definitions of “accidental” as set out in the proposed legislation, the individual concerned should be charged under that legislation and a fine and/or term of imprisonment up to, but not exceeding AU$100,000 and 5 (five) years incarceration be imposed upon them.

(Previously published April 2008)


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