Wyniki dla zapytania #nasscom

Najlepsze / Wszystko
  1. Kochi, Tvm Emerge on India's Startup Map

  2. India is the fourth fastest growing startup destination in the world, after the US, UK and Israel.

  3. Indian Techies In U.S. Highly Trained:

  4. Happy to have hosted at . Encourage more from & elsewhere to visit .

  5. will pose headwinds for IT cos:

  6. doesn't have to mean chaos - here's how

  7. ‘Imagine and innovate in India’ must be the new slogan lm

  8. Rumi Mallick Mitra, Foundation: There are 60 million people with disabilities in India; how to extend digital inclusion?

  9. Foundation Organises Technology Conference In Bangalore

Wydaje się, że ładowanie zajmuje dużo czasu.

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