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    2. lip

    Any can approach with complaints of denial of benefits at cases of and at home and when their to live with is violated

    NCW deals with cases of cyber crime, molestation, denial of maternity benefits, domestic violence, physical or mental torture at home and at workplace against women
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  2. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    prije 8 sati

    On 29th March 2020, upon the intervention of , Ministry of Home Affairs issued a clarification that sanitary napkins are essential commodities that should be supplied during lockdown without interruption.

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  3. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    prije 8 sati

    . issued an advisory to States/UTs on addressing the needs of ‘Internal Women Migrants’ in India during highlighting the need to ensure distribution of sanitary napkins as a necessary step for menstrual hygiene.

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  4. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    12. lip

    Panelists discuss the challenges faced by with , denial of their , their segregation from the mainstream and ways in which they can be provided with the and dignity of life that they deserve

    , , i još njih 7
  5. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    12. lip

    , Secretary, in her keynote address talked about legal provisions in place for with and stressed on the need to address reproductive health of these women, who often stay uninformed and unaware about it

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  6. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    12. lip

    , Founder & Executive Director, speaks about inclusion of with and the need to address the cracks in , society and legal framework

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  7. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    12. lip

    intervened to help an woman facing in . took up the matter with requesting all possible assistance for her return to . With 's intervention, the has finally reached home safely.

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  8. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    12. lip

    Secretary Gamlin thanked the Chairperson, NCW to take up this extremely important and sensitive issues concerning women with disabilities at such an opportune time when the society is faced with during this worldwide pandemic.

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  9. 12. lip
  10. 12. lip

    " so much for helping in such responsibleand supportive way in most difficult times. I am so obliged to for ensuring my safety and helping me come back to ", wrote the woman in her letter to

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  11. 12. lip

    intervened to help an woman facing in . took up the matter with requesting all possible assistance for her return to . With 's intervention, the has finally reached home safely.

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  12. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    12. lip

    Dr Prabodh Seth,JS(Policy) chaired a session in the webinar hosted by today.He highlighted the provisions for empowerment of women laid down in RPwD Act 2016 and in various schemes for physical,social, educational and economic empowerment of Divyangjan.

  13. 12. lip

    Panelist Ratnaboli Ray from stressed on unsoundness of mind being used as an excuse to deny with the to

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  14. 12. lip

    Dr Davar Bhargavi from Bapu Trust for Research on Mind and Discourse discussed about with who also survive abusive husbands are prone to severe stress and issues

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  15. 12. lip

    , Founder & Executive Director, speaks about inclusion of with and the need to address the cracks in , society and legal framework

    , , i još njih 7
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  16. 12. lip

    , Secretary, in her keynote address talked about legal provisions in place for with and stressed on the need to address reproductive health of these women, who often stay uninformed and unaware about it

    , , i još njih 7
  17. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    12. lip

    Say No❌ to Child Labour Dial 1️⃣0️⃣9️⃣8️⃣ & alert authorities against child labour - let us collectively work towards eradicating child labour.

  18. 12. lip

    Panelists discuss the challenges faced by with , denial of their , their segregation from the mainstream and ways in which they can be provided with the and dignity of life that they deserve

    , , i još njih 7
  19. 12. lip

    Chairperson speaks on how with face routine and are denied their basic . She says with shouldn't be discriminated and have access to .

    , , i još njih 6
  20. 12. lip

    Happening now on 'Mainstreaming with ' to discuss faced by them in accessing their

    , , i još njih 4
  21. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    11. lip

    is conducting a tomorrow on the topic 'Mainstreaming with -a Multi-Stakeholder Consultation' to discuss challenges, prejudices, stigma and dilemmas faced by them in accessing their

    , , i još njih 7

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