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Anthony Bellanto

Queen's Counsel
(Barrister We Instruct)
Queens Counsel
Extensive experience in criminal law matters, trial advocacy, sentencing and appeals

Anthony Bellanto QC is a barrister from Samuel Griffith Chambers who we instruct in serious criminal cases.

He has been a barrister since 1967 and has held the honour of Queen’s Counsel since 1988. Currently instructed by Sydney Criminal Lawyers®, he possesses extensive experience in criminal law matters, trial advocacy, sentencing and appeals.

He is recognized as one of Sydney’s top barristers, and has appeared in high profile cases, such as that of Manly Sea Eagle player Brett Stewart, who was acquitted of sexual assault charges.

Mr Bellanto has delivered an impressive collection of papers both in NSW and abroad, making him well-recognized within the academic community as well as within the court room.

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