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Criminal Law

Embracing New Technology Could Reduce Court Delays

by Sonia Hickey
New South Wales Courts are back in swing, and jury trials in the District Court have recommenced, now that the most acute threat of COVID-19 spreading has subsided. In March, when the threat of COVID-19 was just beginning to hit...

Against the Death Penalty: The Execution of George Stinney Junior

by Paul Gregoire
George Stinney Junior was only 14 years old when a South Carolina court sentenced him to death. Executed on this day, 16 June, in 1944, the African American boy was the youngest person to be put to death by the...

NSW Police State Moves to Silence Protest Voices

by Paul Gregoire
The scene was reminiscent of what one might expect to be depicted in a photo of Mussolini’s fascist Italy. However, the massive 600 police officer presence in the Sydney CBD last Friday night marked a new post-COVID lockdown show of...

Is Hate Speech a Crime in Australia?

by Ugur Nedim
The perceived tension between free speech and hate speech is a topic of significant controversy and heated debate. Whereas proponents of unfettered free speech argue that a tenet of a healthy, functioning democracy is the freedom to express oneself however...

What is Workplace Bullying in Australia?

by Sonia Hickey
Controversial Sydney radio announcer Ray Haydley is being sued over allegations of workplace bullying and harassment. The lawsuit is being brought by his former programme producer, Chris Bowen, who says he suffered years of abuse at the hands of Mr...

Sydney Criminal Lawyers® Weekly Rundown – Articles from 8 to 14 June 2020

by Sydney Criminal Lawyers
In case you’ve missed any of them, here’s a rundown of the past week’s articles: The Law, Penalties and Defences for Sexual Intercourse Without Consent The Queen’s son is refuting claims that he sexually abused teenage girls. Click here to...

The Offence of Publicly Threatening or Inciting Violence in NSW

by Ugur Nedim
Sunday, 11 December 2005 was a day of national shame for Australia. By midday, around 5,000 Anglo-Australians had converged on Cronulla beach to secure their ‘revenge’ against people of “Middle Eastern descent”, after an alleged altercation on 4 December 2005...

What is the Cannabis Cautioning Scheme in New South Wales?

by Sonia Hickey
With Indigenous deaths in custody firmly in the spotlight across Australia, attention is also being drawn to the inherent racism present at every level of the Justice system, and now it has  been revealed that New South Wales Police disproportionately...

Why the NSW Court of Appeal Declared the Protest to Be Legal

by Paul Gregoire
Looking out from Sydney Town Hall steps at 2.40 pm on 6 June the size of the crowd gathered for the Stop All Black Deaths in Custody-Black Lives Matter rally was staggering. But, the thousands there were all about to...

New Laws Against Police Brutality Introduced In the US

by Sonia Hickey & Ugur Nedim
In the face of global condemnation, and the nation outraged over the death of George Floyd at the hands of police, the US Democrats have introduced sweeping legislation to hold officers accountable for their criminal conduct. Called the Justice in...
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