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Sonia Hickey

Sonia Hickey is a freelance writer, magazine journalist and owner of 'Woman with Words'. She has a strong interest in social justice, and is a member of the Sydney Criminal Lawyers® content team.

Premier Freezes Public Sector Pay, Having Approved 15% Pay Rise to Police Commissioner

by Sonia Hickey
Despite having just recently approved a massive pay rise to the New South Wales Police Chief, equivalent to about 15% of his salary, The Berejiklian government is now proposing a wage freeze for public servants, including frontline health staff. In...

RIP Press Freedom: PM Pressures ABC to Change Report About COVID-19 App

by Sonia Hickey
Last year, when the Australian Federal Police raided the home of journalist Annika Smethurst over a story she wrote about government plan to spy on ordinary Australians, and, days later,  the Sydney offices of the ABC in relation to a...

Teen Fined $1,000 for Not Breaking the Law

by Sonia Hickey
Public pressure is mounting over the heavy-handed actions of New South Wales police officers during the COVID-19 pandemic, which has seen them handing out tens of thousands of dollars in fines, with the latest being to a teenager who had...

Officer Who Punched Teen in the Head Cleared of Misconduct

by Sonia Hickey
Questions are being as a result of Victorian Police refusing to release details that would explain why a female police officer has been cleared of any wrongdoing after punching a 15-year old girl in the head at a pro-marijuana rally....

Victorian Government Wants COVID-19 Powers to be Permanently Expanded

by Sonia Hickey
Under its original strategy to enforce public health laws which were created at the height of the COVID-19 Pandemic, the Victorian Government expanded the powers of ‘protective services officers’  (PSOs) on an emergency basis. Now, they want those powers not...

Sports Rorts Scandal: Emails Suggest Morrison Lied About Involvement

by Sonia Hickey
Further investigations by the Australian National Audit Office (ANAO) into the ‘sports rorts’ scandal have uncovered emails that show the PM’s office took more than a ‘passing interest’ in the grants scheme and that Senator Bridget McKenzie – who was...

Government Proposes to Ban Mobiles Phones from Detention Centres

by Sonia Hickey & Ugur Nedim
The Federal Government has proposed new laws which would give the Immigration Minister the power to ban mobile phones, computers and other items it sees fit from detention centres and other places of immigration detainment. The laws – a similar...

Robodebt Class Action is Coming

by Sonia Hickey
Centrelink will be contacting hundreds of thousands of Australians in the coming weeks to notify them that they could be part of a Robodebt class action lawsuit against the federal government. About 13,000 people have already signed up to the...

Australian ‘Church’ Fined for Selling Bleach as a Coronavirus Cure

by Sonia Hickey
If you thought Donald Trump spouting the potential health benefits of disinfectant to cure the coronavirus was ridiculous, a church in Australia has just been fined more than $150,000 for selling a concoction called Miracle Mineral Solution (MMS). In a...

Sydney Man Sent to Prison for Child Sexual Offences

by Sonia Hickey
“Police don’t have the tools or the power to catch people like me,” Kurtis Whaley boasted to a friend of one of his victims shortly before he was arrested at Sydney Airport in February 2019. In January 2020, the 24-year...
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