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Eddie Nedim

Senior Criminal Lawyer
LL.B. (Honours), G.D.L.P.
(Barrister & Solicitor)
Senior Criminal Defence Lawyer
Ender (‘Eddie’) Nedim is a Highly Respected Senior Criminal Defence Lawyer with over a Decade of Experience in Criminal Defence

Mr Ender (‘Eddie’) Nedim is a Highly Respected Senior Criminal Defence Lawyer.

Eddie has over a decade of experience in criminal defence and has produced a string of enviable results in serious criminal cases – especially murder, sexual assault, fraud and commercial drug cases.

Many of the clients in those cases were previously advised by other criminal law firms that they had little or no chance of success.

Eddie is a highly astute defence lawyer with an in-depth knowledge of criminal law, practice and procedure.

He has the rare ability of being able to get criminal cases dropped when the prosecution evidence appears to be strong.

He regularly achieves this by:

  • Issuing subpoena to obtain all potentially relevant materials,
  • Thoroughly interviewing witnesses and obtaining relevant statements,
  • Undertaking views where appropriate,
  • Engaging forensic experts where appropriate,
  • Comprehensively analysing the prosecution evidence in the context of case-law and legislation,
  • Ascertaining factual, legal, procedural and technical problems,
  • Drafting submissions to the prosecution in terms of those problems, and then
  • Exerting immense pressure for withdrawal – often foreshadowing applications for defence costs if cases are not withdrawn.

He is relentless in pursuing successful outcomes for his clients.

He also has an outstanding record of winning serious criminal trials when they proceed.

As a testament to his expertise, Eddie is often consulted by other criminal lawyers for advice on criminal law practice and procedure; especially for guidance on defending and winning complex cases.

He is frequently referred difficult matters which are best handled by someone with Eddie’s level of criminal law knowledge and experience.

Eddie Nedim is an indispensable member of Sydney’s best criminal defence team.

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