Minhaz Merchant인증된 계정


Biographer: Rajiv Gandhi. Ex-TOI, IndiaToday. Startup founder: Sterling Newspapers Ltd, acquired by Ramnath Goenka’s IndianExpress. YT:

가입일: 2008년 12월


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  1. 메인 트윗
    2019년 8월 31일

    Should the top 4.1% slice of rich farmers — with agricultural holdings above 10 acres & nett income above Rs 6 lakh — be taxed? A political hot potato but one that can broaden India’s tax base. Excerpt from . Full episode link

  2. 47분 전

    Poorly argued piece by on the way forward in . Restates the obvious & offers no solutions except that old trope on playing nice with Pakistan because our economy is in a shambles. What have our op-ed standards come to

  3. 님이 리트윗했습니다
    10월 9일

    While Tata-owned Air India faces challenges, it has invaluable assets: global & domestic landing slots, well-trained pilots, experienced engineers and a proud legacy. Like JRD, is passionate about aviation. Air India couldn’t have landed in safer hands. My BW column👇

  4. 1시간 전
  5. 1시간 전

    Yogi may have his faults. But to compare a Chief Minister who at 49 has already been a multi-term MP in the Lok Sabha with Priyanka Gandhi who at the age of nearly 50 has never held a Constitutional position in her life is plain daft.

  6. 3시간 전

    RWers think praising LWers will give them cred. Fool’s paradise. LWers snigger behind such RWers’ backs. Most LWers are corrupt but have soft skills (speak well, write well). RWers have poor soft skills (but are great coders). Seeking approval of corrupt, overrated LWers’ is dumb

  7. 17시간 전

    If MHA had any sense it would have booked on Jan 28 after he sobbed in fear of imminent arrest. Govt chickened out. When an emboldened Tikait says lynching is ok, MHA can’t do a thing. Arresting him now needs nerves of steel which this govt doesn’t seem to have.

  8. 17시간 전

    Finally, after 12 hours of interrogation, Mishra arrested. Didn’t cooperate. Couldn’t prove his whereabouts

  9. 18시간 전

    So says is ok if it’s done as a reaction to an alleged act of violence. Wonder if holier-than-thou agrees.

  10. 19시간 전

    With not able to prove his whereabouts from 2.36pm-3.30pm on Oct 3, arrest imminent

  11. 21시간 전
  12. 님이 리트윗했습니다
    10월 9일
  13. 10월 9일

    While Tata-owned Air India faces challenges, it has invaluable assets: global & domestic landing slots, well-trained pilots, experienced engineers and a proud legacy. Like JRD, is passionate about aviation. Air India couldn’t have landed in safer hands. My BW column👇

  14. 님이 리트윗했습니다
    10월 6일

    Building India’s new geopolitical architecture in the era of and . My column

  15. 10월 8일
  16. 10월 8일

    I wrote 1 year ago why UP CM ⁦⁩ is the man the corrugated Cong-Islamist ecosystem fears most — and why. Sonia Gandhi was quick to natively recognise the ruthless Sicilian in him. Hence in runup to poll Yogi is target no.1

  17. 10월 8일

    Dear , why aren’t you in to protest the brutal murder of a Sikh teacher by Islamist terrorists? Too busy shadowing Rahul & Priyanka in ? No time to upbraid Pak friend whose ordered murder of 7 Kashmiri minorities in 5 days?

  18. 님이 리트윗했습니다
    10월 8일

    ‘The Glee’.. so well said by . Everyday the media leftovers disdainfully spin any/every event to discredit & paint in an unfairly poor light; just to live up to their allegiance to a dying ecosystem & corrupt dynasties lording over it.

  19. 님이 리트윗했습니다
    10월 7일
  20. 님이 리트윗했습니다
    10월 8일

    179/ns is back to its , but with a new twist on : Come into Indian territory, damage Indian infrastructure and try & leave before Indian troops arrive at the scene. Last time they came & got away on horses. This time 👇🏼.

    이 스레드 보기
  21. 10월 8일

    You can almost feel the glee in this header as the analysts rub their hands in “expectation” of oil hitting $90 & its dark “consequences” for India’s economy


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