Joseph T Noony


Reason is precious, but culture even more still. A doctor & an aspiring writer. Curious about Prehistory, Vedic/IE history, genetics & evolution. Bhāratīya.

Cochin, Kerala
Joined January 2017


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  1. Pinned Tweet
    22 Nov 2019

    For the first time in history, an integral equation is stated by Jyestadeva. The sankalita(integral/summation) of a pada(variable) is half its varga(square). ∫xdx=x²/2 +C From the basic to the very advanced, Yuktibhasa is the founding text of calculus.

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  2. Retweeted
    Jun 5

    An effort here to compile all the Puranic geneaologies

  3. Retweeted
    Jun 5
    Replying to

    It is interesting how attempt to discuss historical info of that age is sought to be circumscribed to RV samahita only, right? When the information there is a pittance compared to Puranic info

  4. Jun 5

    The oldest books VI, VII & III of the Rig Veda are contemporary to six or seven generations of Maudgalya Kings. Any reference to older historical personalities in the Rig Veda are non contemporary. Yet the Puranas preserve tons of primary Kshatriya tradition of much older kings.

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  5. Jun 5

    A lot of information in the Puranas are actually older than even the Rig Veda. This is a recent, shocking realization for me.

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  6. Retweeted
    Jun 3

    RT if you think reservation in medical post graduation must stop totally.Not just OBC but totally in All India as well as state quota. Once completing MBBS, the reserved doctors are equally competent to their peers.Mandal doubts their capability.

  7. Retweeted
    18 Sep 2019

    When will professional Indian historians publish critical books on ancient Greek science? When will Indians challenge western academia- 'Look, you studied our texts & interpreted them as you please. But When we studied yours, we find your sources are nearly useless for history'

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  8. Retweeted
    18 Sep 2019

    Lack of curiosity & ignorance about general human prehistory and its broad ground facts is also the reason why many Hindus readily accept claims like 'Rig Veda was composed in 20,000 ++ BCE'. Stop looking inward all the time. Look outside! Outside India. Outside your own texts!

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  9. Retweeted
    18 Sep 2019

    Indians have historically lacked a curiosity about the outside world.Thus ancient Greco-Romans lied that Alexander defeated Indians. And now Indologists lie that Aryan invaders brought Sanskrit. Western history will be DISMANTLED the day WE start exposing their pathetic sources.

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  10. Retweeted
    May 31

    If the battle for civilization comes down to the wimps versus the barbarians, the barbarians are going to win.

  11. Retweeted

    Time for online retailers like Amazon India to specify if a product is made in China.

  12. May 29

    This is infuriating. Our priceless heritage in OUR LAND being destroyed by China. Even as they make a fuss in Ladakh border. India is generally apathetic to our lost Buddhist heritage. But i assure you, we will all regret it in the near future.

  13. Retweeted
    May 29

    Ancient Buddhist Rock Carvings in Gilgit-Baltistan destroyed by Pakistani fundamentalists. Reminds of the 2001 destruction of Bamiyan Buddhas by Taliban. Minorities and their religious freedom is being increasingly stifled.

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  14. May 29

    Oh, apologies. I forgot, Indian 'civil society' applauds the USCIRF.

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  15. May 29

    Now may be the right time for civil society in India to return 's favor and express deep concern about the growing intolerance and racism in the United States.

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  16. Retweeted
    May 28

    Yali represents immense strength, ferocity & agility. The combined strength of an Elephant, ferocity of a Lion & agility a Horse. Yalis were depicted with increased ferocity in Temples after Vijayanagara rulers liberated Southern Bharat from brutal islamic occupation.

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  17. May 28

    I almost want to watch an intense animation of this fight. Can the artists start drawing pictures please?

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  18. May 28

    We should stop downplaying ourselves as the Indian 'Elephant' against the Chinese 'Dragon'. It portrays us as an underdog before the world. There are mythical beings in our arsenal fit to face the dragon: Vyali & Garuda.

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  19. May 26

    Weaponize your strengths. Or someone else will steal them and use them against you. This is one of the lessons of Indian history.

  20. May 26

    If Nalanda had not been destroyed, it would have become the Buddhist equivalent of the Vatican. The knowledge and power India lost that day is inestimable.

  21. May 26

    Tenzin Gyatso,14th Dalai Lama, has been called 'The spiritual heir of Gandhi'. If that is true, god help the Tibetans. They can forget their land, religion, culture and even their identity as Han Chinese demographically annihilate them. India, meanwhile, struggles to hold a lake.

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