Mohandas Pai已認證帳戶


A global citizen and a Bangalorean at heart. Chairman at Aarin Capital | Co-founder



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  1. 1 小時前

    NewsWithFEJune9 via . The Show

  2. 2 小時前
  3. 5 小時前

    Globally situation worsening on COVID-19: Dr Tedros | Goa Chronicle. ⁦

  4. 已轉推
    16 小時前

    Only unsolved issue now left in Kashmir is that the 7 lakh Kashmiri pandits haven’t been brought home. One wonders whether that fabled arc of moral universe would ever bend justice towards them: , Author tells Rahul Shivshankar on INDIA UPFRONT. |

  5. 已轉推
    17 小時前

    NHSRCL today invited bids for Data Collection & Associated Survey Work to prepare the 865 km - High Speed Rail Line's Detailed Project Report. Volume of tender notices specifically for this line among 6 suggest it'll be next to be built:

  6. 已轉推

    The elimination of 9 -sponsored terrorists in J&K’s in 2 separate operations within a span of 24 hours counts as one of the most successful counter-terrorism ops by Indian security forces

  7. 已轉推
    17 小時前

    A sarpanch named Ajay Pandita has been shot by terrorists in Kashmir. Another innocent victim. Let us start a movement. Hindu Lives Matter.

  8. 已轉推
    18 小時前

    Why is using as a fact checker? How did you vet them as reliable & unbiased? How do you ensure political neutrality? Can also factcheck? Do you censor & check all posts indiscriminately? If not, ,there is URGENT need for regulation.

  9. 已轉推

    Really liked this piece by . He argues that the reason anarchists have not been able to get masses riot against the state, is civilisational. We are not a rights-based society but a Dharmic (duty-based) one, he says. Do read.

  10. 已轉推

    Ajay Pandita, Sarpanch from Anantnag, was killed today by terrorists. The killings and subjugation of Kashmiri Pandits has not stopped in Kashmir. Many a time terrorists have threatened to “cleanse” the Valley. This is that cleansing. And it continues.

  11. 已轉推
    17 小時前

    NONSENSE! In Malabar rebellion(1921) alone, at least a 100 temples were destroyed. Number given by your own legislative council. Many more temples were destroyed during Kohat riots & Kanpur riots. British encouraged Muslim League as a check against Hindus fighting for freedom

  12. 已轉推

    Churchill was more than a racist. A born imperialist, Churchill supported the use of chemical weapons during WWI. The 1942-45 Churchill-made Bengal famine killed millions. India suffered more casualties in WWII than the U.S., France, and Britain combined.

  13. 已轉推

    Wishing good health. But I hope you don't ever consider coming here to Bangalore for treatment again as you always do, given the parochial Delhi-hospitals-for-Delhiites-only policy of yours!

  14. 已轉推

    Elephants are loving & loveable. I have seen such scenes several times. Do watch this playful relationship.

  15. 已轉推

    A rare shot: the amazing earth. When the iceberg falls off it floats and continues to rise upward, forming a pillar of sky because of different specific gravity as it’s lighter in weight than the sea water.

  16. 已轉推

    The real dangerous priests are not the Brahmins who have preserved the Vedas, the world's oldest and most profound spiritual legacy, but the missionaries who have gone worldwide to eliminate all native cultures and cast their followers into damnation.

  17. 已轉推

    Under the leadership of PM ji a historic decision was taken to pass the Muslim Women (Protection of Rights on Marriage) Bill 2019. This was done to abolish the practice of instant triple talaq and provide justice to muslim women.

  18. 已轉推

    We would like to wholeheartedly thank and their employees for supporting our COVID-19 relief efforts. Their support enabled us to provide 4430 essential grocery kits to migrant families in Gurugram.

  19. 已轉推

    Together, & enabled us to provide 520 grocery kits to needy people in Hyderabad. Thanks to the teams for supporting our COVID-19 relief effort.

  20. 已轉推

    Sincere thanks to & for supporting our COVID-19 relief effort. Their kindness enabled us to serve many needy people in Hyderabad.



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