Joseph T Noony


Reason is precious, but culture even more still. A doctor & an aspiring writer. Curious about Prehistory, Vedic/IE history, genetics & evolution. Bhāratīya.

Cochin, Kerala
Gått med januari 2017


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  1. Fastnålad Tweet
    22 nov. 2019

    For the first time in history, an integral equation is stated by Jyestadeva. The sankalita(integral/summation) of a pada(variable) is half its varga(square). ∫xdx=x²/2 +C From the basic to the very advanced, Yuktibhasa is the founding text of calculus.

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  2. 20 aug.

    It is only when you fathom how poorly most cultures & peoples fared against ravages of time can you truly appreciate the success of India as a civilization-state. Lingering effects of partition & modern elitist English obsession/addiction aside, India is a 5000 year old wonder.

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  3. 20 aug.

    Pakistanis are not Arabs, though they pretend to be. Likewise, Turkey is not really a 'country of Turks'. Anatolia has had multiple turnovers of language, traditions and religion in the last 4000 years. The natives eventually identified themselves with their conquerers each time.

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  4. Retweetade
    19 aug.

    Look at these beautiful images, and ask yourself, why is there not a single one from India - which easily had the largest number of manuscripts in the world, for the most of human history.

  5. 19 aug.

    In early Vedic times, Prayaga/Pratisthana was the most powerful city. In Late Vedic era the fulcrum is Hastinapur. Later Rajagrha, Pataliputra, Ujjain, Kannauj, Hampi etc in respective eras. But when Turks invaded, Delhi became 'eternal capital of India' for 'eminent historians'

  6. Retweetade
    18 aug.

    You may like reading this on Indian sciences by Will Durant in The Story of Civilisation. Without understanding trigonometry & algebra, Indians could not have calculated solar, lunar & planetary movements centuries before Islam was even founded.

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    18 aug.
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    A must read to understand the contributions of our ancient Indian mathematicians to this world.

  8. Retweetade
    18 aug.

    Very informative thread on scientific research and endeavor in ancient India. Definitely worth reading.

  9. 18 aug.

    Avanti-The most important scientific institution in the world from ~200 to 1233 CE. Trigonometry, astronomical(aka Toledo) tables, latitude & longitude determination, heliocentric periods, seminal heliocentric ideas etc are some of Avanti's contributions.

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  10. 18 aug.

    The founding fathers of Trigonometry are Aryabhata, Varahamihira & Bhaskara II.They discovered Trigonometric identities, formulated & perfected the tables.They all worked in the great Observatory of Avanti. 'You' brutally destroyed Avanti in 1233 CE. Stop stealing our heritage.

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  11. Retweetade
    16 aug.

    I live in Netherlands. They don't need any English to do research or run the country.

  12. Retweetade
    15 aug.
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    An online course just concluded teaching calculus and infinite series in Malayalam and Sanskrit. No board for equations and figures either. From the mouth of the teacher to the intellect of the student - it can be done.

  13. 15 aug.

    Do you think that Germans, Russians, French, Chinese and Japanese are learning STEM in English? Do you think Einstein learned English before he did Physics? Do you think Kerala Mathematicians invented Calculus in English?

  14. Retweetade

    1947 was a transfer of power, not "independence." The British left, but installed their own stooge to continue the English system. Nothing changed, the Courts, the bureaucracy, the language used. The entire system is based on British India Act of 1935.

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  15. 15 aug.

    I am not a hypocrite asking you not to learn English. Or to stop talking or reading or chatting or singing in English! It's an easy, irreplaceable global language now. But please.. Stop doing science & math in English Stop running the Govt & courts in English

  16. 12 aug.

    Greco-Romans candidly admit more than once that Indian philosophers reached Greece & that Greeks went to India to learn under Brahmins. There is undeniable similarities esp with Neo-Platonists with a flow of philosophy east-->west. Refer book 'Journey of Upanishads to the west'

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  17. Retweetade
    10 aug.
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    Agree. Remembering Acharya Jagadish Chandra Bose who insisted that our mother tongue should be the medium of instruction, especially in technical subjects. Only then, can we evolve into an innovative & scientific powerhouse. Learn English, but don't learn in English.

  18. Retweetade
    10 aug.

    So true. We lag far behind the chinese in computer literacy. China has all software in mandarin. And, with the slavish mentality of following the ruler's english language, we only write codes for others, when china creates programs and apps for the world.

  19. Retweetade
    9 aug.
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    .Worse is those in India serving as tech coolies in low wage jobs to service the neocolonial masters long distance. China also sold cheap labor, but as transitory strategy while building independent capacity and intellectual property (including stealing it).

  20. Retweetade
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    "English advantage" is an advantage for the US and UK to keep an ancient civilization enslaved and a subservient to their culture, besides supplying labor. There is no advantage to India.

  21. 9 aug.

    So what has been the 'English advantage' that India boasts it enjoyed? Yes, it enabled millions of Indians to migrate to the west and get well paid there. For the pittance of remittance, India funded a major brain drain. India can never develop like the west in this manner.


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