Joseph T Noony


Reason is precious, but culture even more still. A doctor & an aspiring writer. Curious about Prehistory, Vedic/IE history, genetics & evolution. Bhāratīya.

Cochin, Kerala
Đã tham gia tháng 1 năm 2017


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  1. Tweet đã ghim
    22 thg 11, 2019

    For the first time in history, an integral equation is stated by Jyestadeva. The sankalita(integral/summation) of a pada(variable) is half its varga(square). ∫xdx=x²/2 +C From the basic to the very advanced, Yuktibhasa is the founding text of calculus.

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    Patliputra(Patna) at its peak, was the largest city on earth(twice the size of Rome) with a pop. > 1 mil. The city overflowed with wealth and wisdom (Arthashastra was written here). Armies marched from here to defeat the Greeks,Huns& Shakas. "The greatest city on Earth"-Fa Hien

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    2 giờ trước
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    I think regional awareness comes primarily from rich kingdoms. Sadly, the Gangetic plain had been plundered for several centuries and laid waste. So people forgot how special it is..

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    2 giờ trước

    Interesting thesis. I can see what he means especially if we line eras up (500 BCE to 500 CE).

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    Maslow's hierarchy. You need to satisfy the bottom tiers before you move up (esteem). Grossly lacking in the two states specially in Bihar.

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  6. đã Tweet lại
    3 giờ trước

    Absolutely, Unlike many states in India there is no sub nationalist undercurrent, totally aligned with d fate of Indian nation..

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  7. 3 giờ trước

    And yet ironically, these two states have perhaps the least sub-national/regional/ethnic pride. Wonder why.

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  8. 5 giờ trước

    Not to mention the colonial accusation of Indias not having the sense for dates is blatantly wrong. We have three distinct lineages of literature which give sheet anchors. Puranic, Buddhist and Jain. All predate Alexander. We don't need Mueller, Harvard, Stooges & Co to teach us.

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  9. 5 giờ trước

    If there is such a thing as 'criminal ignorance'- Indians were the first to realize the need of a sheet anchor and created the Ahargana day counting just for this. Not even the Greeks could do it. The Copernican gang plagiarized it & now they accuse us of not writing dates.

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  10. 5 giờ trước

    What Uttar Pradesh and Bihar means to India is exactly what Greece and Rome means to Europe. Culture and Empire.

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  11. đã Tweet lại
    9 giờ trước

    Reputed Harappan archaeologist JM Kenoyer states that Takshashila in Gandhara can now be dated back to 1100 BCE and it continued as an urban center even from late Harappan times. This would mean Takshashila as an advanced center of learning existed as early as 1100 BCE.

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  12. đã Tweet lại
    22 thg 10

    This wonderful example of Panini's grammar shows that ideas from linguistics (and in general from the humanities) may be applied to other fields after more than 2000 years. Give credit where credit is due! For an in-depth study on this topic, see

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    22 thg 10
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    The issue is that we let them. How many of these people do you see in China telling the Chinese what their history is? Cut access for these people first. Tiny poor Pakistan has managed to do this, they don't issue visas for Westerners who don't tow the line.

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  14. 22 thg 10

    Why can't these people date their own manuscripts using C14? What are they afraid of? At the very least, if they are addicted to manipulation, they should stick to their own continent. Stop polluting all of South Asian history. India is not a colony anymore.

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  15. 22 thg 10

    Thankfully ASI excavated Piphrawa and demonstrated NBPW antiquity of 5th century BCE. Do not blindly accept western declarations on our culture.They almost always have their own biases to pander to. Lots of colonial dates have to be reexamined with C14. Big surprises are waiting!

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  16. 22 thg 10

    Western historians of religion & their suspicious standards- The Rylands Gospel fragment was dated~125 CE using 'handwriting analysis' to push back Christian tradition. Piphrawa inscription was called post Ashokan owing to 'poor style' to undermine the age of Buddhist relics.

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  17. đã Tweet lại
    22 thg 10

    None of the early Brahmi inscriptions have been C14 or TL dated. Most of the dating is inferential and more than a century old. There seems to have been hardly any effort in recent decades to find early Brahmi inscriptions let alone dating them.

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    Could you please take up this required people in the Govt? Dhanyavada & Namaste 🙏

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  19. 21 thg 10

    People have been pondering over 'consciousness' in India for atleast 4000 years. The ancient word is 'Chitta'. Deepak Chopra has nothing to do with it.

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  20. đã Tweet lại
    21 thg 10
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    2/n At the Obervatiory in Jaipur, there were several Jesuits who were employed by the king. Since the Indian Rajahs and Panditas weren't much bothered about plagiarism and misappropriation, the Jesuits must have abused their trust.

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  21. đã Tweet lại
    21 thg 10
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    Forget Euglena or Sponge, Ancient Indians have gone ahead and declared even stones have consciousness however in frozen state. In other words Hindu idea of evolution is based on consciousness rather than physical attributes.

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