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    30 de out.

    Europe’s economic obsession following the 2008 saw it withdraw from political theatres. The has brought it right back to the great churning in Asia-the I pen this as ⁦⁩ visits heart of &

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    25 de nov.

    📈💲 LIVE NOW: Investor Series #9 🇮🇳 National Security Analyst , Founder of & , discussing India, military, tech, defense industry, startups, America, China. And wars? Please join us 🙏 Ask questions 🤔

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    há 1 hora

    Assassination of Iranian Nuclear Scientist, Joe Biden's New Team and MEA's Recent Trip | Harsh V. Pant in conversation with in the latest episode of "The Ideas Factory"

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    há 2 horas

    Brussels, Washington and Beijing are increasingly willing to regulate their national tech champions. There is now a global competition between governance models, with ripple effects impacting people all over the world. New in ↘️

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    há 5 horas

    पर आधारित हमारी दूसरी सीरीज इसमें हम जानेंगे - अफ़ग़ानिस्तान में तालिबान के साथ चल रहे शांति प्रक्रिया के बारे में कोरोना काल में कैसी रही भारत की व नेतृत्व और भी बहुत कुछ जानने के लिए क्लिक करें यहां👇 ~

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    há 4 horas
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    há 5 horas

    Here is a new series by on the 'Future of Mobility' - discussing the new tech and fuels powering the mobility of tomorrow. In the first part, I discuss 'Bio Mobility' with Shishir Joshipura, CEO of Praj Industries (a leader in bio-fuels).

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    há 4 horas

    Important signal - and establish strategic partnership. Highlights importance of and allows strengthening of cooperation in

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    há 5 horas

    Join ! We are looking to hire two experts in the ORF Geoeconomics Studies Programme: Senior Fellow-cum-Programme Manager, and a Fellow. Details at

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    há 8 horas

    For on the necessity to work on mechanisms that would be geared towards the preservation of security.

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    há 6 horas

    ’s aggression is being rejected with bans across the world — 13 countries in the EU and Europe, from the UK and Italy to Sweden and Czech Republic — are rejecting Beijing’s other tool of tech intrusion, points out :

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    há 6 horas

    : Inflow of Chinese investments has worsened the corruption in private-public partnerships — finds out why.

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    há 9 horas

    Visit ORF's : State-wise distribution of active cases and deaths in the country ⬇

    , , e 7 outros
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    há 12 horas

    and - China’s most prolific export tragically has been the ... this and the actions of ’s Eleven thereafter represents what Chinese hegemony may look like if unchallenged. #2020

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    há 7 horas

    कैसे इस मुश्किल दौर में अपने संबंधों को सुधार सकते हैं? वे कौन से क्षेत्र है जिनमें इनके सहयोग की संभावनाएं हैं? क्या है को ज़हर देने का मामला? जाने के इस लेख में

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    há 8 horas

    A modal shift in the transport sector towards public systems will be critical to achieving reduced emission targets and import bills, argues :

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    há 8 horas

    . and Pralhad Kathole analyse state's digital preparedness by using case of digitalising government schools in Maharashtra. In the process, it calls for context-specific policies to strengthen digital ecosystem. Read:

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    há 8 horas

    In our latest report by renowned filmmaker; Vani Tripathi creative professional, actor and producer; advisor, Esya Centre; and Akshat Agarwal, lawyer--we explore the future of India's entertainment industry. Read:

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    há 12 horas

    “More representative forms of government, hopefully devised by us rather than imported from Cornwall, England, will arrive. We need not be “Jeffersonian Democrats”; we can surely do better than a system championed by slave owners.”

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    há 12 horas

    “Africans were well aware of the right course but were thwarted more viciously than East Asia’s most developed states.”

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    há 12 horas

    Whoa, with a 🔥 thrower against WHO.... "China’s growing clout in international organisations is creating new fault lines in global politics, and the WHO has been an early frontline victim..."


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