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  1. تم إعادة تغريدها بواسطة
    قبل ١٢ ساعة

    Webinar • Online health infrastructure has not kept pace with robust IT security. Do we have necessary protections as cyber attacks increase? , , Gulshan Rai, , , Dhruv Pahwa and discuss—16 July:

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  2. ٨ يوليو

    It is vital that Washington does not miss its moment to cement ties with Delhi nor squander a golden opportunity to amplify pressure on Beijing — writes.

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  3. تم إعادة تغريدها بواسطة
    ٧ يوليو

    Webinar • 16 July — The growing digitisation of the health sector and associated risks of cyber attacks. Speaking in this discussion: , , Gulshan Rai, , , Dhruv Pahwa and (moderator) REGISTER

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  4. ٢٥ يونيو

    Although unlock 1.0 is aimed towards re-opening the economy — the Google Community Mobility Report indicates that the ease in restrictions has not spurred mobility levels. Read .

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  5. تم إعادة تغريدها بواسطة
    ٢٢ يونيو

    Webinar, 24 June — The changing landscape of the video entertainment industry. Our panel: , , and Register to participate!

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  6. ١٢ يونيو

    The ideas of disinformation and misinformation are as old as history. What is new, are the technologies that enable its rapid spread. From Manoj Joshi |

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  7. ١٠ يونيو

    : Is being ‘anti-China’ a compelling enough driver to bring the ten disparate democracies together? From | |

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  8. تم إعادة تغريدها بواسطة
    ٧ يونيو

    Webinar, 11 June, 16:30 IST • Debates around the architecture of the digital public sphere. Join , and to know how America’s platform wars will implicate the global governance of our digital spaces. Register here ➝

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  9. ٦ يونيو

    .: As India still does not have a Personal Data Protection law in place — it would be unwise to expand the scope of far beyond its original purpose of tracing COVID-19 patients.

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  10. ٢١ مايو

    . and Shardul Manurkar: India is one of the few countries with a robust legal framework that empowers the central bank to regulate and supervise payment systems.

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  11. ١٩ مايو

    .: Every time the government uses an technology it results in — more efficiency, lesser costs, lesser manpower requirement and lesser physical presence of humans in the job at hand.

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  12. ١٢ مايو

    — Internet usage across the world and networks has risen up to 80%. Will the internet be able to handle the growing pressures, growing traffic and expected increase of latency? From .

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  13. ٦ مايو

    The altering behaviour and preferences of consumers are propelling changes within service models, says .

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  14. تم إعادة تغريدها بواسطة
    ٣ مايو

    “We are witnessing an interesting social experiment called the ‘’ — but it is no longer the future and is happening right now.” Read Silvana Lopez:

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  15. ٢٨ أبريل

    As work from home becomes the new normal — regulators around the world have come under pressure to relook at the rules relating to bandwidth, traffic and indeed network neutrality. Read :

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  16. ٩ أبريل

    .: In the near future, we will likely see the United States supplement domestic mechanisms to decouple from China — with systematic escalation — at key global technology norms-making bodies.

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  17. ١٥ مارس

    | Will our global collective understanding of the world change as democratise storytelling? in conversation with . Watch ⬇

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  18. ١٤ مارس

    ., , and examine the phenomena of and and look at methods to protect institutional integrity and a healthy citizen-government relationship. Watch ⬇

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  19. ١٤ مارس

    | How should states, business and communities respond to the challenge of ? in conversation with , Michele Coninsx () and Ankhi Das at . Watch ⬇

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  20. تم إعادة تغريدها بواسطة
    ١٣ مارس
    عرض هذه السلسلة
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