Emmanuel LenainVerified account


Official twitter account of the Ambassador of France to India. RTs are not endorsement.

New Delhi
Joined July 2013


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  1. Retweeted
    6 minutes ago

    – India has been exemplary in providing drugs, medical equipment that we needed. French companies in India have also exemplary in helping workers engaged with them: French Ambassador, Emmanuel Lenain tells .

  2. France and India are working together to preserve ’s rich biodiversity? Through we work with Assam’s authorities to reduce poaching & increase forest cover, while supporting local forest-dependent communities.

  3. Retweeted

    Protéger les écosystèmes permet de prévenir l'apparition d'épidémies comme celle du COVID-19. Pour mobiliser et agir pour la biodiversité, la France organisera le 11 janvier 2021 un One Planet Summit à Marseille, pendant le Congrès mondial de la nature de l’UICN.

  4. Congratulations on being elected Chair of Executive Board. France & India attach great importance to and international cooperation on human devt issues btw States, which are essential for meeting the challenges of our times.

  5. May 22

    Fascinated by the of visit Sonia Vihar drinking water production plant today, run by in Delhi. The French company operates 25 sites in India, sharing its know-how to bring to people. It contributes to providing water supply to 44 million Indians every day

  6. Retweeted
    May 22

    | Envoy Emmanuel Lenain said French development agency AFD is working to provide a special loan of 200 million euro to finance and support some health programmes in

  7. May 22

    « Friends in happy times, friends in rough times says French envoy Lenain as Paris-Delhi cooperate during covid-19 crisis ». Read the transcript of the interview given to of |

  8. Retweeted
    May 21

    Glimpses from the interaction on ‘India-France Cooperation in Post-Covid-19 World’ with H.E. Mr. Emanuel Lenain, Ambassador of France in India at

  9. May 20

    Suite au passage du cyclone Amphan, en cas d’urgence, appelez l’Ambassade de France en Inde : 91 (11) 4319 6100 / 91 (11) 4319 6250

  10. May 20

    Read my interview to from about France and India’s sustained cooperation, overcoming the hurdles of the pandemic.

  11. Retweeted

    Comment pallier les conséquences de la pandémie de dans les grandes ? C'était une des❓ abordées lors du wébinaire Global Lessons from Urban Responses to Covid-19, organisé par , en charge de , un programme

  12. Retweeted
    May 18
  13. Retweeted
    May 18

    France et Allemagne unies pour une relance européenne face à la crise. Suivez en direct la conférence de presse commune du Président et de la Chancelière Angela Merkel.

  14. Retweeted

    La France 🇫🇷 soutient l’action de l’ en réponse à la pandémie de et son rôle clé pour la coordination et le soutien des pays pour assurer la sécurité sanitaire internationale En savoir plus 👉

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  15. Retweeted
  16. Retweeted

    🇫🇷 firm , world leader in products and present in 🇮🇳 through , & , is supporting India’s fight against the .

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  17. Retweeted
    May 17

    French envoy to India on post world: At the core of the strategic partnership between India and France lie strong people-to-people ties & as France and India gradually emerge from lockdowns, enhanced exchanges will pave the way for a new world.

  18. May 17

    As the COVID-19 pandemic brings about lockdowns and suspended events, 🇫🇷 is proposing innovative ways to foster cooperation with 🇮🇳, particularly through direct exchanges between their peoples. Read more 👇

  19. Retweeted
    May 17
  20. Retweeted

    Fighting against and is not solely about We are fully mobilized in this fight, today and everyday 🇫🇷 , and it has been all the more essential during this pandemic.


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