Injury Data

The Sports Grounds Safety Authority requests that football clubs in the Premier League and the English Football League Championship, Wembley and the Principality stadium keep records of reported injuries that occur at the sports grounds during each season.

Sports grounds are asked to provide the following information:

  • The total attendance at the ground for the 2016/17 season (excluding pre-season
  • The number of spectators (i.e. not people working at the ground, such as police officers, stewards, other staff, journalists etc) that were treated for injuries that were sustained at the ground. This figure excludes anyone treated at the ground for pre-existing illnesses, conditions or injuries that they had before they entered the ground.
  • The number of those treated for injuries that occurred at the ground that were subsequently taken to hospital.

2017/18 Season Injury Data Report 

2016/2017 Season Injury Data Report