
In-depth analysis of the moments that define the day from Paddy Manning.
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Black Lives Matter

Australia should draw lessons from the riots in the US


The PM imposed an illegal ‘debt’ collection scheme on Australia’s most vulnerable

No news is bad news

Australia’s free press is on life support

Bottoming out?

But the RBA governor Philip Lowe offers a glimpse of optimism

Hard Labor

Being in Opposition but not in conflict is a tricky balance to strike

Accord 2.0

The PM’s JobMaker program deserves a chance to work


A $60 billion ‘error’ proves the wage subsidy has been weaponised

Long farce

It may be time to reconsider the Huawei ban

Picking losers

The Coalition’s energy thrust is one for the fossil fools

Australia made

The Coalition shares the blame for the dire state of our manufacturing

‘Not a trade war’

The China–Australia relationship is deteriorating fast

Building back green

The pandemic recovery could prove a battleground


The pandemic is no excuse for misleading parliament

A tough day

One in five employed Australians lost work last month

On notice

Fast and loose worked okay in a crisis, but no longer

Flying blind

The treasurer’s economic statement had neither detail nor vision
