
Tour de forced cancellations. Illustration by Jeff Fisher

Tour de forced cancellations

Society / Travel

How Port Douglas, the gateway to the Great Barrier Reef and the Daintree, has been quieted by lockdown

Wage deals on wheels. Illustration by Jeff Fisher

Wage deals on wheels


Uber Eats first case at the Fair Work Commission exposed a gap in the gig economy’s protection of workers

Call for submissions. Illustration by Jeff Fisher

Call for submissions


Hands-off operations for sex-work dungeons in the time of COVID

The Aquarian ‘terrorist’. Photograph of George Dickson

The Aquarian ‘terrorist’

Society / Law and order

George Dickson’s minor act of rebellion, and the state’s major overreach

Most Popular

What really happened at Yuendumu?. Image of police station in Alice Springs with red handprints on wall

➊ What really happened at Yuendumu?

The promised inquiries must answer the biggest questions raised by the police shooting of an Aboriginal man

The last word on George Pell. Illustration by Jeff Fisher

➋ The last word on George Pell

The royal commission’s damning verdict on what Pell knew about child sexual abuse in the Church

Quiet life. Illustration by Jeff Fisher

➌ Quiet life

The acoustic ecologists documenting our quieted world

The screens that ate school. Child's illustration

➍ The screens that ate school

What do we really know about the growing presence of Google, Apple, Microsoft and more in the education system?


Slow work. Illustration by Jeff Fisher

Slow work

Neighbours and friends rebuilding communities after the bushfires

Read after burning. Illustration by Jeff Fisher

Read after burning

Do the great philosophers offer guidance for disaster recovery?

Hopes and leaves. Illustration by Jeff Fisher

Hopes and leaves

The Port Macquarie Koala Hospital working around the clock to treat victims of the bushfires

The fraught politics of Fire Fight Australia . Image of Fire Fight Australia

The fraught politics of Fire Fight Australia

The imperatives of commercial media mean that the bushfire crisis is unlikely to be a tipping point for denialism

Planting hope. Illustration by Jeff Fisher

Planting hope

A community gardening program is bringing hope to asylum seekers

Silver linings. Illustration by Jeff Fisher

Silver linings

Having survived Afghanistan as a counterintelligence officer, a traumatised vet and his family lost their farm in the Adelaide Hills bushfires

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Viral injustice. Image of Julian Assange

Viral injustice

Julian Assange’s extradition trial continues as an attack on journalism

Tasteful sexuality. Penthouse magazine cover Aug 1993

Tasteful sexuality

An oral history of the Warwick & Joanne Capper ‘Penthouse’ shoot

Mungo MacCallum: A true journalistic believer. Image of Mungo MacCallum

Mungo MacCallum: A true journalistic believer

Celebrating the contribution of an Australian media legend

News Corp: Democracy’s greatest threat. Murdoch press snippets

News Corp: Democracy’s greatest threat

Denialism, nihilism and the Murdoch propaganda machine

Free speech has never been ‘free’. Illustration

Free speech has never been ‘free’

The idea that all opinions should be ventilated is misguided

Greg Hywood: the model modern chief executive. Source

Greg Hywood: the model modern chief executive

How Fairfax became a business at journalism’s expense

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Another month of plague. Illustration by Jeff Fisher

Another month of plague

Voices from the coronavirus outbreak

The ministry of pandemics. Image of Press conference at Parliament House, March 24, 2020

The ministry of pandemics

How the spread of the virus revealed our leaders to us

Northern exposure. Balgo township

Northern exposure

COVID-19 is turning Indigenous communities into a tinderbox

A month of plague. Photograph

A month of plague

Voices from the coronavirus outbreak

Viral panic. Image of “wash hands” skywriting

Viral panic

On responding effectively to COVID-19 amid a deluge of conflicting information, and with a government we increasingly distrust

Behind the coronavirus masks. Illustration by Jeff Fisher

Behind the coronavirus masks

An infectious diseases physician on facing COVID-19

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Report from India: Tracing Gautam Adani’s ruthless ambition. Image of Adani’s thermal power plant at Mundra, India

Report from India: Tracing Gautam Adani’s ruthless ambition

The parallel rise of the coal baron and Prime Minister Narendra Modi

How Australia’s coal madness led to Adani. Image of Abbot Point

How Australia’s coal madness led to Adani

The real reasons keeping the Carmichael mine alive

What the government thinks you’re worth

Our nation’s economists have a price on your head, dead or alive

APEC comes to PNG . Illustration

APEC comes to PNG

Shipped-in Maseratis and single-use venues are a world away from real life in Port Moresby

Labor’s great big new tax plan. Illustration

Labor’s great big new tax plan

Bill Shorten wants to reframe how we tackle the budget

Dead Right. Image of Quarterly Essay 70, ‘Dead Right’, by Richard Denniss

Dead Right

How neoliberalism redefined growth in the ugliest of ways – a Quarterly Essay extract

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Whitefella visits Kurnell. Illustration by Jeff Fisher

Whitefella visits Kurnell

A Botany Bay ferry would restore Cook’s landing site as a ‘meeting place’

Stasiland now. Photo of Stasi agent

Stasiland now

Thirty years after the fall of the Berlin Wall, the author of ‘Stasiland’ reveals the ongoing power of the former East German regime, not just in politics and business but also in shaping perceptions of victimhood in unified Germany

We will not be complete

The time for convenient denial of Australia’s brutal history is past

Seven monuments to Coranderrk. Illustration

Seven monuments to Coranderrk

The art project marking the boundaries of the Yarra Valley’s historic Aboriginal station

Blackbirds: Australia’s hidden slave trade history. Image of South Sea Islander women, 1891

Blackbirds: Australia’s hidden slave trade history

The racism that brought Australian South Sea Islanders here, and the racism that tried to send them back

Reconciliation, Kwaio style. Photo of Kwaio elder Moses Mola’ania

Reconciliation, Kwaio style

The end of a century-old enmity between Australia and a Solomon Islands community

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Science & Technology

Ready to rumble

Crowds cheer on the destructive prowess of Pot Head and Wanda at the Robowars National Championship

Our largest sexual organ: Amee Baird’s ‘Sex in the Brain’. Image of ‘Sex in the Brain’

Our largest sexual organ: Amee Baird’s ‘Sex in the Brain’

We know surprisingly little about how our brains orchestrate our sex lives

Mission to Mars. Illustration

Mission to Mars

The Australian woman on the shortlist to bid farewell to Earth forever

Shooting beyond the Moon. Image of Buzz Aldrin next to flag on the Moon

Shooting beyond the Moon

Reflecting on the Apollo 11 mission as Mars beckons

Mining the Moon. Photo of Elon Musk

Mining the Moon

The resources industry says it’s finders keepers in the new space race

Screen addiction. Illustration

Screen addiction

As more of our lives are lived online, more people aren’t coping

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On Louise Adler, academic publishing and cultural barbarism

The debate about MUP has been remarkable for its intellectual poverty

Formal night in Gunnedah. Illustration

Formal night in Gunnedah

Not even a drought can stop this NSW country town’s night of nights

Abbott, ANU and the decline of Western civilisation. Illustration

Abbott, ANU and the decline of Western civilisation

How the Ramsay Centre’s degree stopped before it started

The end of civilisation?. Image of John Howard launching the Ramsay Centre for Western Civilisation

The end of civilisation?

On the hyperbolic reaction to ANU’s decision to part ways with the Ramsay Centre

Salvaging ANU’s sodden books . Illustration

Salvaging ANU’s sodden books

How and why did the Chifley Library flood?

Could a computer mark a NAPLAN essay?

If student assessment is automated, what might it miss?

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Surf and turfed. Illustration

Surf and turfed

The Australian surfers battling Chinese developers in Fiji

Revisiting the kids of Angeles City. Photograph by Dave Tacon

Revisiting the kids of Angeles City

Three years on, how are the Filipino children of Australian sex tourists faring?

Jeremy Heimans: the up-start. Image of Jeremy Heimans

Jeremy Heimans: the up-start

The co-founder of GetUp! might be the most influential Australian in the world

Fallen angels. © Dave Tacon

Fallen angels

The children left behind by Australian sex tourists in the Philippines

Censorship, sex and scandal in Singapore

For the city-state’s academics, freedom of speech is a sensitive subject

The Insult. Statue of a kouros in the National Archaeological Museum, Athens

The Insult

An incurious encounter takes flight

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The milk of human genius. Image of cow in photo studio

The milk of human genius

The end of the cow is near as animal-free milk is likely to decimate the traditional dairy industry within the decade, and plant-based meat is set to upend the beef market

A near-impossible sell. Illustration

A near-impossible sell

Sprout farmer Bruce Adams has created one of Australia’s more unlikely oversized highway attractions

The next big thin

Dissecting dietary fads and habits

Masaaki’s sushi. Illustration

Masaaki’s sushi

Join the queue for Tasmania’s most sought-after Japanese

The dining boom. Wine distributors from China visit the Barossa Valley

The dining boom

Australia’s food and wine industry is the next big thing in China

Degustation Laconic

The language of menus

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Yellow submarine

A former Russian athlete’s plan for Australia’s first commercial sub

Walking the Wukalina Walk. Illustration

Walking the Wukalina Walk

A new four-day tour in Tasmania is owned and guided by Aboriginal people

Walking the Wukalina Walk. Illustration

Walking the Wukalina Walk

A new four-day tour in Tasmania is owned and guided by Aboriginal people

On the road to Gundagai. Source

On the road to Gundagai

An unexpected stop prompts the question: Just what is the deal with the Dog on the Tuckerbox?

Lessons from camels. © Juniors Bildarchiv GmbH / Alamy

Lessons from camels

A 10-day camel trek through the South Australian outback. With your parents.

The stopover

The prospect of 12 hours in Singapore airport gives rise to an existential crisis

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Family & Relationships

He is risen!

Keeping mum about the Easter Bunny

Safety net. Illustration

Safety net

The security business partnering with domestic violence services to help women and children escape abuse

The sperm drought

Dwindling stocks of Australian sperm have fertility clinics looking overseas and couples looking online

Chasing the miracle of gene therapy. Image of Isla and Jude Donnell

Chasing the miracle of gene therapy

For Megan Donnell’s family, the DNA-altering revolution cannot come soon enough

Life in a coroners court. Illustration

Life in a coroners court

Meet those who speak for the dead to protect the living

How to speak ‘farm’. Illustration

How to speak ‘farm’

Warning: grubby work comes with grubby language

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Law & Order

COVID-19 versus human rights. © Stephen Barnes / Alamy

COVID-19 versus human rights

The virus is the latest excuse for governments to slash and burn the individual rights of prisoners

Canonise. Image of George Pell departing the Carmelite Monastery in Kew, Melbourne


George Pell’s supporters seek to canonise him, but he will never return to his former prominence

Legal fictions. Image of scales

Legal fictions

How the High Court’s “alien” ruling inches us closer to addressing the facts that matter

All watched over. Image by Douglas Coupland

All watched over

How far away is mass surveillance when Australian governments are linking CCTV cameras to facial-recognition technology and providing photo IDs to a nationwide system known as ‘the Capability’?

Intelligence branch. Illustration by Jeff Fisher

Intelligence branch

Bernard Collaery eagerly awaits his national security trial, energised by the prospect of highlighting the government’s misdeeds

Searching for the truth in Yuendumu. Image of Yuendumu

Searching for the truth in Yuendumu

Very little has been learnt from the death in custody on Palm Island

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Indigenous Australia

Desert bloom: The Tennant Creek Brio . Photograph of Tennant Creek Brio artists by Jesse Marlow / Institute

Desert bloom: The Tennant Creek Brio

The brazen art movement born out of the troubled legacies of substance abuse and dispossession

Remember her name. Image of family members of Tanya Day

Remember her name

Systemic racism, unconscious bias, and the death in custody of Tanya Day

Drawing a line in the sand: Garma festival 2019. Illustration by Jeff Fisher

Drawing a line in the sand: Garma festival 2019

Indigenous leaders have made it clear that the Uluru statement is not negotiable

Swan song: Documenting the Adam Goodes saga. Photo of Adam Goodes

Swan song: Documenting the Adam Goodes saga

Two documentaries consider how racism ended the AFL star’s career

The Djab Wurrung Birthing Tree

The highway construction causing irredeemable cultural and environmental damage

Statement of origin. Illustration

Statement of origin

Indigenous rugby league players lead a silent revolt on the national anthem

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National Security

Laurie Matheson, our man in Moscow. Image of Laurie Matheson

Laurie Matheson, our man in Moscow

Was ‘Australia’s James Bond’ working for the KGB? Or ASIO? Or both?

Nuclear brinkmanship and the doomsday scenario. Image of Marshall Islands, 1946

Nuclear brinkmanship and the doomsday scenario

The risk posed by the global weapons complex is much worse than you know

Looking for moles. Image of surveillance of David Combe

Looking for moles

The third volume in ASIO’s official history confirms infiltration by Soviet intelligence

China flexes. Illustration

China flexes

The dispute over the South China Sea will come to affect more than just China’s near neighbours

Spies like Oz. ASIO surveillance photograph of the 1968 May Day March in Wollongong

Spies like Oz

John Blaxland’s ‘The Protest Years: The Official History of ASIO 1963–1975’

Oil and water. Robert Domm interviews Xanana Gusmão, October 1990

Oil and water

Australia blurs the lines with Timor-Leste

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‘Here We Are’ at the Art Gallery of NSW. Image of ‘Sachiko’ my Miwa Yanagi

‘Here We Are’ at the Art Gallery of NSW

An opportunity for rethinking the position of women in contemporary art

You’re the voice. Illustration

You’re the voice

Helping trans and non-binary gendered people define their vocal identity

Terri Butler’s rise through the rancour. Illustration

Terri Butler’s rise through the rancour

The Queensland Labor MP on the hustings and the hating

Notes from a strip club. Image of a strip club

Notes from a strip club

Work as a stripper wasn’t quite what this newcomer imagined

A woman walks alone at night. © Mohd Shahrizal CC BY 2

A woman walks alone at night

On freedom and creativity, limitation and control

To have or not to have: Sheila Heti’s ‘Motherhood’ and Jacqueline Rose’s ‘Mothers’. Covers of Motherhood and Mothers

To have or not to have: Sheila Heti’s ‘Motherhood’ and Jacqueline Rose’s ‘Mothers’

Heti’s novel asks if a woman should have a child; Rose’s nonfiction considers how society treats her if she does

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Power outage. Illustration by Jeff Fisher

Power outage

Athlete Claire Keefer trains for a Paralympics now postponed

AFL names of the decade

Games may be cancelled, but the names play on

Australia 2.0. Image of Alan Bond and Bob Hawke

Australia 2.0

The America’s Cup winged keel and the transformation of a nation

Hellraiser. Photo of Israel Folau


How evangelical footballer Israel Folau lit a fire under the culture wars

An AFL 2019 census. Illustration

An AFL 2019 census

A droll-call of the season’s best and brightest

Feliks Zemdegs, Rubik’s champion . Illustration

Feliks Zemdegs, Rubik’s champion

Meet the world’s fastest cuber

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