The Monthly is now available in Apple News


Subscribers get access inside the Apple News app on your iPhone, iPad or macOS


Not a subscriber? Subscribe with us starting at $69 for six months, or subscribe in-app for $9.95 a month.

Or search for The Monthly inside Apple News.

What is Apple News?


Apple News is an application available on all Apple iPhones, iPads and macOS computers running at least iOS 9. It’s a default application and should already be installed on your device. It offers a simple and fast way to read content from various publications, including The Monthly.

Our editions are published monthly and will be available inside the Apple News app as soon as they’re available online. People with Apple devices can see the latest edition here. Scrolling to the left and right will take you through each article in the same order as in the print publication of The Monthly.

Apple users can click here to sign into Apple News with your existing Schwartz Media subscription.

Existing subscribers to The Monthly are able to sign in via Apple News and read each full edition. If you’re not currently a subscriber, you can subscribe with us here or subscribe inside Apple News for a month-by-month subscription.

View The Monthly inside Apple News by clicking this link from your Apple device.

How to open Apple News


Look for the ‘News’ app or logo on your device, and then inside the ‘News’ app search for our channel called The Monthly.

Or more easily, click this link from your Apple Device to jump straight to The Monthly and save us to your ‘Following’ publications by pressing the ‘+’ icon in the top right of your screen.

For more information on using Apple News, see Apple’s guide here.

If you don’t already have Apple News installed you may need to update your device.

How to sign in with your existing Schwartz Media account


Our content is available in full for existing and new subscribers. You can subscribe here.

To use your subscription inside Apple News you can log in via the app with your existing credentials. When on our channel or inside an article, you will see the ‘Subscribe Now’ or ‘Already a Subscriber’ options like this.

Clicking on ‘Already a Subscriber’ will let you sign in with your Schwartz Media subscription. To manage that subscription, or to reset your password if needed, click here.

Users currently on their Apple device can click here to sign into Apple News with your existing Schwartz Media subscription.

You can now read The Monthly in the app for the duration of your subscription.


How to read The Monthly in Apple News

You can search in the ‘Channels’ box for The Monthly. From there you should tap the + icon to ‘follow’ our channel.

You can click here to jump to our channel and then tap the '+' icon in the top right to follow us.

The current issue is displayed under the ‘Latest Issue’ tab in the same order as the print publication. You can choose any article to read, and scroll left and right through articles by swiping sideways. To return to the full list of articles tap The Monthly logo at the top of your screen.

Note that you do not require an ‘Apple News +’ subscription to read The Monthly.

How to subscribe in Apple News


We recommend subscribing with us and then signing into Apple News with your Schwartz Media email and password via the ‘Already a Subscriber’ button. But you can also subscribe month-by-month inside Apple News. In-app subscriptions are managed through Apple and you can learn about that here. Please note that in-app subscriptions are only valid inside Apple News.

If you are a subscriber through our existing app store app, you should already be automatically subscribed inside Apple News if logged into your device with the same Apple account.

Save offline and font adjustment


You can save articles inside Apple News by tapping the ‘Share’ icon to the top right, and then tapping ‘Save Story’. This will save the article offline, and make it available in your ‘Saved Stories’ section in the left-hand menu.

See Apple’s guide to saving articles offline in News here.

Apple News will resize fonts in accordance with your iPhone or iPad device preferences. In addition, you can tap the ‘aA’ menu in the top right to increase or decrease the font size.


You can also find The Saturday Paper on Apple News here .

For any help or support please email [email protected].















