
Black Witness, White Witness

Jun 9, 2020 • 17m 31s



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Jun 9, 2020 • 17m 31s

Black Witness, White Witness

As the world protests the killing of George Floyd, Darumbal and South Sea Islander journalist Amy McQuire confronts Australia’s national silence on black deaths in custody.


Jun 8, 2020 • 17m 19s

Spotlight: Inside the Tanya Day inquest

As the world protests the killing of George Floyd, Darumbal and South Sea Islander journalist Amy McQuire confronts Australia’s national silence on black deaths in custody.


Jun 5, 2020 • 16m 31s

Tear gas in the Rose Garden

As protests against police violence and inequality continue in the United States, Scott Morrison had a private phone call with Donald Trump.


Jun 4, 2020 • 16m 20s

Like a scene from 'The Castle'

The Queensland town of Acland has been all but swallowed by a coal mine. There is only one resident left. Tomorrow the High Court will decide if he’ll be swallowed, too.


Jun 3, 2020 • 13m 36s

Killed during the pandemic

Domestic violence workers warned that the pandemic would put women at risk – especially women on temporary visas. Last month, a woman was killed in exactly that situation.


Jun 2, 2020 • 16m 43s

When is a bushfire like a coronavirus?

Instead of making us forget the bushfires, evidence suggests coronavirus will make us more conscious of the need for change. The urgent response to the pandemic makes political arguments against climate action less credible.


Jun 1, 2020 • 15m 17s

The screens that ate school

Big Tech has become an integral part of education. But there are questions over how much private companies are influencing curricula and what data they are collecting.


May 29, 2020 • 15m 01s

Morrison’s economy (unplugged)

Scott Morrison is strongly against further economic stimulus. But as a $60 billion hole shows up in the JobKeeper program, questions are being asked about whether enough is being spent.
