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  1. 11 годин тому

    R2 DAY 11 - Created these social media buttons with hover effects using CSS Animations! Trying to get used to my new routine of coding after work!!

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  2. 11 годин тому

    This is pretty much me when I tried out for the first time I'm sure we all feel like this at times😂

  3. 3 години тому
  4. 4 години тому

    Day45 Worked on this CSS illustration showing a growing plant. Made it responsive!! But the animation of the bottom stems looks a little weird though😅

  5. 11 годин тому

    5 Tips New Developers ->Comprehend what you learn, don't just complete it ->DON'T RUSH THROUGH THE BASICS ->It is better to avoid burnout than to recover ->We all doubt ourselves! ->You will never know it all! Doesn't mean you aren't incredible!

  6. 6 годин тому

    Day 18: Started a new project today. The idea is a job posting website for remote jobs only. Mainly doing this as it'll be a good learning experience for full stack applications 😁

  7. 1 годину тому

    Day 47 - Started working on a home page for displaying the different types of maps. It's an eye sore for now, but at least all the functionality is working :D

  8. 4 години тому

    Want to learn to code? Here's 8 ways to learn for free -> -> -> ->udemy has many free courses ->edx ->YouTube -> ->

  9. 1 хвилину тому

    8.1: What is Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)? - Processing Tutorial | The Coding Train

  10. 20 хвилин тому

    finished responsive web from !! im going to take a rest today and start the javascript course tomorrow :)

  11. 43 хвилини тому

    While (covid19 or status=unsafe): if !outside : status="safe" else: status=quarantine() def quarantine(): for days in range(0:15): no_phone no_chill no_tasty_food return(''unsafe'')

  12. 57 хвилин тому

    Day 63 of Learnt about firebase and how to use the database. Learnt how add, delete, get and filter the info from the database.. Also, got a re-design for my portfolio website..

  13. 1 годину тому

    Round2. Day79. I am still getting stuck at my problem. But I read an article written by Dan which is truly inspiring!

  14. 2 години тому

    Day1 Starting to learn how to make an app with Flutter taking Public API via a short course for today. get started.

  15. 2 години тому

    Walking on water and developing software from a specification are easy if both are frozen. - Edward V Berard

  16. 3 години тому

    Day 38 of Coded some regularized logistic regression problems. And started learning a bit about neural networks 🙂

  17. 3 години тому

    Day 96-97 - Practice problem-solving

  18. 3 години тому

    I'm publicly committing to the 100DaysOfCode Challenge starting today! Learn More and Join me!

  19. 3 години тому

    Hello World! From the Land of Go.

  20. 3 години тому

    Day 71, today I start to learn Graphql, this is my first resolver

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