Brian Rowan


Journalist/Author - The winds of change. Old certainties being challenged. New ways emerging.

Holywood Co Down
Menyertai September 2012


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  1. Tweet Dipinkan
    8 Apr

    This is what peace looks like.

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  2. 17 minit lalu
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  3. Mengetweet Semula
    8 jam lalu

    A new fight and a very different war. We have had to learn the discipline of distance and, in that, come to better value the closeness that has been taken from us. A few thoughts from a piece I scribbled a few days ago.

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  4. Mengetweet Semula
    7 jam lalu
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  5. Mengetweet Semula
    6 jam lalu

    "The Past tells us that the mind and body will only take so much of [this] . There needs to be breathing space and time out."

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  6. 8 jam lalu

    A new fight and a very different war. We have had to learn the discipline of distance and, in that, come to better value the closeness that has been taken from us. A few thoughts from a piece I scribbled a few days ago.

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  7. Mengetweet Semula
    18 jam lalu
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  8. 19 jam lalu
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  9. 18 Apr

    Our brains are frazzled, our nerves are too. Read here.

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  10. Mengetweet Semula
    17 Apr

    There is other important learning from our Past; that being too close to all of this for too long will eat you up. A new fight and a very different war. Read my latest here.

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  11. Mengetweet Semula
    18 Apr

    I’d wanted to sleep on this Barney as I found it deeply moving & emotional. Such a quality piece of writing here by ⁦⁩ that should resonate “humanity”: WAKE-LIKE: THE SILENT LINE WAITING TO PAY RESPECTS - By Brian Rowan - Eamonn Mallie

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  12. Mengetweet Semula
    18 Apr
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    Again learning from our past we need to personalise the memory of those who may not have died of the virus but because of it. Many lives were cut short here by other means than bomb and bullet & their loved ones often feel forgotten. There should be no "hierarchy" of victims...

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  13. Mengetweet Semula
    18 Apr

    Turning numbers to names & finding breathing spaces where we are; real wisdom here 💛

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  14. Mengetweet Semula
    18 Apr
    Buat asal
  15. 17 Apr
    Buat asal
  16. Mengetweet Semula
    17 Apr
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    I just used the term previously used. “That we are, as far as is humanly possible, able to respect their final wishes, and in the interim if we need to have this resting facility, that it will be a place that is secure and dignified." ~ Naomi Long

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  17. 17 Apr

    There is other important learning from our Past; that being too close to all of this for too long will eat you up. A new fight and a very different war. Read my latest here.

    Buat asal
  18. Mengetweet Semula
    17 Apr
    Buat asal
  19. Mengetweet Semula
    17 Apr
    Membalas kepada dan

    Good piece. I see Doug Beattie termed the Kinnegar mortuary a ‘resting facility’. That’s some euphemism.

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  20. Mengetweet Semula
    17 Apr
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    Your photo reminded me a bit of the photos we see of tired and injured troops waiting in lines on a French beach to be rescued by boats of all sizes and types. Yet another past war! Those wars ended - so will this one

    Buat asal
  21. Mengetweet Semula
    17 Apr

    "We should learn from that conflict past and do it properly; turn the numbers into names; have something permanent as a reminder and a memorial to these days of death." We should Brian and hopefully we will.

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