Phony Constitutional Clauses; Emoluments    


First they came for the immigrants, and I did not speak out—because I was not an immigrants. Then they came for the judges

Se unió en febrero de 2011


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  2. hace 10 horas

    Forty years of legal precedent in the State Department thrown out the window by Pompeo. And a sure fire way to inflame the already hostile situation in the Middle East.

  3. The travel ban. Family separation. Caging children. Asylum limits. Blocking refugees. Ending TPS & DACA. Xenophobic rhetoric. Demonizing Latinos. This is all Stephen Miller. This is what happens when a white nationalist oversees federal policy.

  4. Christine Blasey Ford says her Kavanaugh testimony ‘was simply doing my duty as a citizen’ in a speech accepting the Courage Award

  5. Harvard law prof and discuss abuses of power, bribery and impeachment. Cass has a book out called Impeachment: A Citizen's Guide.

  6. It’s official! I’m endorsing for President. Read on for my biggest reasons why. I’m proud to join Elizabeth in this fight. I hope you’ll join me!

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  7. hace 8 horas

    Trump's actions tied to Ukraine weren't just wrong. They were criminal. Bribery, extortion and cover up. He needs to be impeached and removed from office NOW. 70% of Americans say Trump’s actions tied to Ukraine were wrong: POLL - ABC News - via

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  11. BREAKING: Congressional Democrats' top lawyer now in federal court raising the serious prospect that Trump may have committed a new crime by lying to Mueller in written answers about Wikileaks. Roger Stone trial produced new evidence Trump gave Meuller untruthful answers

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  13. GIRL Rachel Meghan Markle is the Duchess of Sussex and a former actress. She married Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex, in 2018. She supports a number of charities through her patronages, which include orgs focused on the arts and women's empowerment

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  18. via : Right Wing Round-Up: Pardoning War Criminals

  19. hace 8 horas

    Know who's the kind of centrist that is the embodiment of such principles? Merrick Garland.

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  21. Republican 's stunts at public impeachment hearing last week and the falsehoods she told brought unwanted attention and damaged her credibility. 70% of Americans say what Trump did with Ukraine did was wrong. 51% want him removed from office


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