The Ring of Thorns







Out of Touch

Out of Touch Thursday


but im out of my head when you’re not around…


happy birthday.

this is the only out of touch thursday you can reblog this



Here’s how you verify you’re registered to vote:

Here’s how you register if you’re not:

Here’s how you find your fucking polling place:

If you have time, register for an absentee ballot in your state. That way you don’t even have to go to a polling place, you just have to fill it out and mail it in on time. 

Gen X, Millennials, and Gen Z outnumber Boomers. More of us are Liberals who care about each other and social safety nets. More of us give a fuck about the future because we have to live in it

Flip the Senate. Fucking Vote. It’s so goddamn important. 

2020 is crucial.




The 2020 election is also coming up and a number of these senators are coming up for re-election. 






In case you’re wondering why this would make the republicans upset, the need this to go to trial or Trump will be on record as having been impeached and not acquitted.


Our president has been charged with misconduct through the only proccess that is outlined in our constitution (impeachment). The next step in the process is that the president goes on trial. Republicans in the senate, where the trial will take place, have already said they have made up their minds and will vote based on bias. They have stated that it will be a quick trial with no witnesses and a guaranteed vote on acquittal. The democrats, who control the charges, have said that they will not release the charges to the senate until fair rules have been established. Republicans seem shocked by this turn of events


Can someone explain what this means?


Democrats: alright we finally did it, Trumps been impeached. Time for a trial in the-

Republicans: lol yeah about that trial. It’s not gonna be fair or anything, we’ve already made up our minds and there’s gonna be like, 0 witnesses

Democrats: oh? Ok then. If that’s the case then I guess we’ll just hold on to these *pockets articles of impeachment*










Today’s Friday, though.












you just gotta figure out how to do the mitten thing! (everybody does it differently, so whatever works for you)


make a little mitten shape, a bump for the big thumb muscle, a line for where you want to knuckles to be (and where the fingers end), and you can work out how the hand does hand things~


you can make them more simple or more real, however you want! hands are weird, so don’t worry if they keep looking wrong for a while, once you figure out what works for you, it’ll click. If you practice like 10 or-so basic hand shapes, you can make slight variations on all those, and 10 turns into 20 different hand poses~


Good luck, you can do it, practice until you find your groove, hands are stupid, don’t worry if they don’t look right!

you are a fucking saint x2

I haven’t got a single speck of artistic skill in me but I will reblog for any artist that might find this useful





May you find exactly what you want at the thrift shop, in your price range, next time you’re there.

can’t pass up this kinda karma

and in your size

Oh shit I just realized this worked last time I saw it

Gotta spread it






Hot take but

kevin from vsauce said it better than i could

that maybe it’s not that robots will take our jobs and leave us with nothing to do

maybe it’s that we make jobs of tasks only a robot should be doing, and treat our human workers in ways only robots should be treated

if humans were doing things humans should be doing, we wouldn’t be competing with a machine that punches holes for 10 straight hours

humans shouldn’t be punching holes for ten straight hours

some of the most common descriptions of working a menial, aimless job is 

“i feel like an object” “i’m just a small part of a bigger machine” “i feel like a robot”

And what such jobs would these be?

Soon we will be bathing and laying about all day like pet cats and dogs to the AI.


People that say, “We will have nothing left to do!” When automation is proposed:

There will always be medicine. Social work. Teaching. Art. Entertainment. These are not easily or well replicated by machines. And if we didn’t have anything to do?

Good. That’s fine. We don’t need to work. It’s okay for us to work less. Capitalism has taught us that we are lazy if we’re not breaking our backs with work, but we don’t need to do that. It’s okay if we don’t work. We still deserve to live. Automate the stuff people don’t want to do, distribute the resources, and prosper.

People always want to be useful. It’s human nature to work. Not menial, robotic jobs, but work that has depth.

Automation can make our lives beautiful.




List of People who could use this:

-Trans women (cosplayers and non-cosplayers)

- Cis Women who feel too shy to actually show off their chest but still want to pull this off

- Cis women with small chests who also want to be true the characters.

-  Pretty much any dude who wants to cosplay as a female character

- Anyone who wants to piss off Travis

Reblog to piss off Travis and support trans women + male cosplayers

If you’re a Travis

Go fuck off into the abyss

3D Learning Resources



updated: Jun/25*

This is not coding related, I know, but gamedev-learning related enough to be here! :) I’ve been asked about learning resources for 3D modeling and tried to make a list of tutorials I could remember - I’m highlighting the ones I’ve tried myself but I’ve heard good things about all of these. This list is low poly focused but the knowledge can be applied for anything else. 

I haven’t been doing this for long - I started learning 3D a year ago and have been ever since but as a 2D artist the technical side of it still overwhelms me a lot. I’ve gone nowhere near animation yet but I’ve been adventuring with low poly quite a lot (which you can check out in #OceanHeart (image above) and #GemuNoGemu, - I also put up assets pics in a Trello here as well as stuff on my website). I mainly use Maya (now Maya LT) but I’ve been trying to tackle Blender too. Here are some helpful goodies I’ve found:


  • I started learning Maya with this series of videos on youtube by Misterh3d. I watched through units 1-7 and it’s a pretty great introduction! Nicely paced, covers a bunch you gotta know.
  • A series on Low poly for game assets using Maya 2015


All things 3D/low poly:

Cool Misc stuff:

  • Blender Cycles rendering introduction
  • Creating flat colored low poly art. This is how I currently color all assets for Gemu (I used to color using materials or vertex colors before because I can’t stand UV unwrapping but this is a pretty easy alternative) 
  • Please do check the Polycount forum, so many cool references and useful info! Also do check their low poly thread :)
  • There’s also reddit’s /low_poly

Study Files:

  • Cocefi kindly uploaded a low poly model for download here :)
  • You can download models on Sketchfab! Here are some popular low poly ones
  • Lots of cool Cinema 4D project files for download here

Missmoo 3D:*

  • Streaming: I often stream some of my modeling on Oceanheart and I’m always happy to share what I know :)
  • My Sketchfab: I’ll be uploading some models for download shortly here
  • This is how I texture my models for Oceanheart - I’m always sharing wip and processes in our devblog

Rad people making awesome 3D stuff:*

This is it for now! :) I know it’s short but I hope I can keep it growing - I’ll add more stuff to it as I find other tuts (let me know if you have any suggestions!).

Do you have any art tips? Your art is amazing and gorgeous btw, but uhh i need some help lol


ya i do 

i know people’s first advice is always use references and that’s my advice too, but i’m going to go further: use reference photos only. don’t reference other people’s art because you could be unintentionally duplicating their mistakes, or their personal style, and that can get messy. a good place to find animal photos to reference is, especially if the animal is kind of obscure & it shows you related species that might look similar enough to also use as a reference. 

once u can draw an animal/human/object good after referencing photos, throw the reference away and just do whatever. u now know the basics and the rules of constructing your Subject, so you can bend the rules and break them while maintaining the basic ability to keep your subject recognisable. this is how you ‘develop a style’ as the kids say. but a lot of people focus unnecessarily on STYLE and worry incessantly about being Recognisable and honestly chill, it’s fine. i recognise the style of every artist i follow even if that person bemoans not having one. and if you don’t have a set style, that’s cool too - it just means you’re versatile and commissioners like that. just draw what looks aesthetically pleasing to you, incorporate small inspirations from media you enjoy, etc (i would advise against copying someone wholesale. but if you like how they draw, for example, ears, then there’s nothing stopping you from drawing ears similarly and adding your own twist)

ok so those are the big two but i have some extra tips too 

1. tangents. recognise what a tangent is and always avoid them in your linework. generally i don’t like hard rules but a tangent confuses your subject and reduces readability of an image. sometimes i have to move things around completely or change a pose just to avoid a tangent 

2. expression. keep the expression of the character consistent throughout their whole body, not just their face. u can use the hands, fur, posture, etc. to help this. having a vibrant pose makes the art more interesting to look at. conversely, having a character standing around looking like a dead fish can help portray a strong Mood too 

3. backgrounds  i’m a hypocrite i’m not even going to go here but yeah try some out. who knows 

4. lines & silhouette. ok here’s my big tip for lineart and sketching: don’t use multiple short thin lines when one big strong one will do.. especially if you’re describing the shape of a dynamic pose. when you use lots of little lines, you lose the energy of the form. 

another BIG tip is don’t be afraid of straight lines. yes they do appear in nature and yes there are straight lines in the body. but more than that, they can be used to trick your eyes into following your image in a certain direction


look at this picture. where does your gaze relax and where does it go super fast?? the straight lines draw your gaze from the face, along the neck and back of the subject, then finally around in a spiral to the legs & face again, where it rests. if i had broken up the lines of the neck and back with tufts of fur, your gaze would get trapped briefly in the detail there and the whole image would be less ‘satisfying’. when i drew this picture i was not thinking ANY of that bullshit, i just knew instinctively that the nice simple straight lines looked nice. SO if you think you’ve drawn something that’s unusually nice to look at, consider ‘studying’ the image to see what made it successful like i did just there, then applying what you learned in future pieces

5. colours. literally my tip is to just do what looks nice. i don’t have a lot of Knowledge here lmao. but here’s a Big one for painting, which i don’t do much of for this blog big w/e - avoid white backgrounds when painting. you can have a white bg later, but while you paint and shade and add light sources and w/e your background should ideally be a light grey. not only is it easier on the eyes, but you won’t feel the need to ‘compete’ against the white for being brighter and higher contrast. i use light grey for all my bgs until the end stages where i just pick a bright colour that looks good and fill in the bg. you could even put a white bg in there at the end when you’re done painting

uhhh if you have any more specific questions lmk. or if you want me to draw a ??tutorial?? then we’ll see.







Explains why I’m so fucking stupid

no, not like ‘stupid’ brain damage. your emotions become so stressful your brain starts getting a little numb to them. you start experiencing higher rates of apathy. you can also have further trouble with memory and problem-solving.

That Explains Why I’m So Fucking Stupid


Resources For Writing Sketchy Topics





Writing Specific Characters

Illegal Activity

Black Market Prices & Profits


I love writing tips in the morning




Okay i learned recently that this has no CG in it so the fact that this is all 2d drawn shit is fucking mind-blowing what even was the Fullmetal Alchemist 2003 series.

bones animation good

This was my favorite OP song and credit in the whole series just because of how dynamic it looked and all this time I could’ve sworn this particular part had to have at least some CGI in it but learning it doesn’t Im even more gagged like….

Do you have any art tips? Your art is amazing and gorgeous btw, but uhh i need some help lol


ya i do 

i know people’s first advice is always use references and that’s my advice too, but i’m going to go further: use reference photos only. don’t reference other people’s art because you could be unintentionally duplicating their mistakes, or their personal style, and that can get messy. a good place to find animal photos to reference is, especially if the animal is kind of obscure & it shows you related species that might look similar enough to also use as a reference. 

once u can draw an animal/human/object good after referencing photos, throw the reference away and just do whatever. u now know the basics and the rules of constructing your Subject, so you can bend the rules and break them while maintaining the basic ability to keep your subject recognisable. this is how you ‘develop a style’ as the kids say. but a lot of people focus unnecessarily on STYLE and worry incessantly about being Recognisable and honestly chill, it’s fine. i recognise the style of every artist i follow even if that person bemoans not having one. and if you don’t have a set style, that’s cool too - it just means you’re versatile and commissioners like that. just draw what looks aesthetically pleasing to you, incorporate small inspirations from media you enjoy, etc (i would advise against copying someone wholesale. but if you like how they draw, for example, ears, then there’s nothing stopping you from drawing ears similarly and adding your own twist)

ok so those are the big two but i have some extra tips too 

1. tangents. recognise what a tangent is and always avoid them in your linework. generally i don’t like hard rules but a tangent confuses your subject and reduces readability of an image. sometimes i have to move things around completely or change a pose just to avoid a tangent 

2. expression. keep the expression of the character consistent throughout their whole body, not just their face. u can use the hands, fur, posture, etc. to help this. having a vibrant pose makes the art more interesting to look at. conversely, having a character standing around looking like a dead fish can help portray a strong Mood too 

3. backgrounds  i’m a hypocrite i’m not even going to go here but yeah try some out. who knows 

4. lines & silhouette. ok here’s my big tip for lineart and sketching: don’t use multiple short thin lines when one big strong one will do.. especially if you’re describing the shape of a dynamic pose. when you use lots of little lines, you lose the energy of the form. 

another BIG tip is don’t be afraid of straight lines. yes they do appear in nature and yes there are straight lines in the body. but more than that, they can be used to trick your eyes into following your image in a certain direction


look at this picture. where does your gaze relax and where does it go super fast?? the straight lines draw your gaze from the face, along the neck and back of the subject, then finally around in a spiral to the legs & face again, where it rests. if i had broken up the lines of the neck and back with tufts of fur, your gaze would get trapped briefly in the detail there and the whole image would be less ‘satisfying’. when i drew this picture i was not thinking ANY of that bullshit, i just knew instinctively that the nice simple straight lines looked nice. SO if you think you’ve drawn something that’s unusually nice to look at, consider ‘studying’ the image to see what made it successful like i did just there, then applying what you learned in future pieces

5. colours. literally my tip is to just do what looks nice. i don’t have a lot of Knowledge here lmao. but here’s a Big one for painting, which i don’t do much of for this blog big w/e - avoid white backgrounds when painting. you can have a white bg later, but while you paint and shade and add light sources and w/e your background should ideally be a light grey. not only is it easier on the eyes, but you won’t feel the need to ‘compete’ against the white for being brighter and higher contrast. i use light grey for all my bgs until the end stages where i just pick a bright colour that looks good and fill in the bg. you could even put a white bg in there at the end when you’re done painting

uhhh if you have any more specific questions lmk. or if you want me to draw a ??tutorial?? then we’ll see.




i’m glad 100k+ people think this is the mood too

happy september everyone