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.xyz is for everyone. It is for users who prioritize affordability and recognition without sacrificing flexibility, and intended for a multitude of demographics, including (but not limited to):
This wide audience makes up the universal collective we like to call Generation XYZ®.
Named after Douglas Coupland’s novel Generation X: Tales from an Accelerated Culture, this is the first generation to grow up amidst digital technology. These overly-educated Gen Xers have been represented by the likes of Kevin Smith, Quentin Tarantino, and Steven Soderbergh. They grew up eager to create change through social institutions, rather than in spite of them. With .xyz, Gen Xers will be able to continue spreading their message in a way that is both new and familiar.
Also known as the Millennial Generation, Generation Y is all about interaction. As a group constantly sharing, streaming, and updating, Ys are heavily influenced by MTV and digital technology. With icons like Oprah Winfrey and Michael Jordan, this generation has been raised to dream big, making .xyz the perfect stage to share their stories.
The Pluralist Generation is growing up in a diverse, fragmented world, held together only by the constant communication provided through the internet. Always connected, they’ve never known a world without smart phones, computers and the web. Z’s are truly digital natives, and .xyz will be the platform leading them into the next generation of the internet.