realized today that the scene from the gonzo movie where his alien family lands in their spaceship and start singing a song is a reference to the parliament funkadelic mothership landing, therefore i must theorize that all humanized versions of gonzo should be black





I already said this in my tags but:

Hey, y'all in the notes: she wasn’t asking you to call her beautiful or say she’s adorable or “uwu she’s so sweet i would die for her”. She’s asking you to interact with physically different creators regardless of if you think they’re beautiful or not. Beauty standards are a farce and we need to stop implying that beautiful is the most important thing someone can be. Every person who says “oh she’s so sweet I would die for her” or “anyone who calls her ugly is getting their kneecaps caved in”: this is for you. You are being madly infantalising. It’s like when you say to a fat person “oh you’re not fat, you’re cuddly” like, shut up! I thought we were past this by now. She is a PERSON and you are all scrambling to say just how beautiful you think she is, without even thinking about the message she is trying to send.

This isn’t me saying she’s ugly or whatever the fuck. I don’t believe in ugly. This is me telling you all to stop being so fucking surface level with your beauty ‘activism’. She knows what she looks like and she probably doesn’t need hundreds of people infantalising her because they need to performatively show off how good they are and how much they don’t care about traditional beauty standards. Grow up and interact with her like she’s a person, not a fuckin three-legged puppy.


love the lgbt community love no one thinking my gender or sexuality actually exists



i don’t think it’s a coincidence 1% of america is without electricity while bitcoin hit 50k

these articles are mostly about two companies (bitmain and layer1)

it wasn’t residential users that drove the texas grid to the breaking point, it was two or three of the largest bitcoin mines in the world, engaging in a bidding war

i mean, it was absolutely also the weather, structural failure, lack of planning and maintenance, texas valuing market freedom over life itself, and everything else – but it was bitcoin mining on top of all this that pushed it over the brink. it wasn’t just anybody driving demand, mining in texas consumes maybe about as much energy as like, ireland… if mining hadn’t been driving demand during the crisis, they would have had another country’s worth of energy to work with






Lord of the Rings by Lorenzo Colangeli



more people need to be made aware that the down with cis bus and fefe happened on the exact same day