“ #2735. Guppy - Word Play
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#2735. Guppy - Word Play

The “Dragon Draw” tutorial book is now available at

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tag yourself i’m 2 and 6


Obianidala: The Prequel 

Before a time when love and peace was one with the galaxy, Anakin Skywalker panics.


This is what was causing all the fuss?

The Mandalorian: Chapter 2: The Child


"Eliot, I'd say, call if you need anything, but you never seem to need anything."
"Yeah, I did. Thanks to you, I don't have to search anymore."




the princess bride is exactly what a dnd campaign would look like as a movie like? the delightfully weird cast of characters with their own quirks, the strange pacing and narrative that still Works, the absolute absurdity of it all, the jumping back and forth between wanting to be serious and it being really funny, hell its even Told like a dnd story through the use of the grandfather being the one telling the story

what a fantastic fucking movie

also like the character backstories are SUCH dnd backgrounds like? “im out for revenge for my father who was killed by a guy with six fingers on one of his hands” “i bumped into a band of pirates and their leader liked me so much he ended up having me take on his title to retire”

that is the Exact shit that people come up with for dnd characters

DM: having narrowly escaped Humperdinck, you find yourselves in the dangerous Fire Swamps

Westley: do I know anything about this area? Any danger?

DM: roll a history check

Westley: 15

DM: you know of rumors of giant rats in the swamps, as well as quick sand

Westley: what do I know about the giant rats?

DM: roll nature

Westley: [nat 1] …… rodents of unusual size? I don’t think they exist

DM: hey what’s your passive perception-

Maul is beautiful because his complexion is like an exotic poison frog. Hah, i do wonder what is Nightsister/ Zabrak standard on physical attractive in their male, is red pigment a good colour or is it's consider ugly though?


I am HERE for the idea that Maul was some kind of rare pigmentation phenomenon.



no he’s beautiful

For real tho, If you look at all the other Nightbrothers we see in canon their Skin colors range from yellow/gold to a more orange/brown 


There isn’t any that come close to being the same completely crimson red that Maul is.

Aside from that being to obviously keep Mauls character design unique to him, I think, within lore it would be fair to say that the Red skin pigment is rare and therefore probably considered to be attractive and desirable.


season 6 (2014) // season 7 (2020)



After three (3) years since the release of Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014) dir. Anthony and Joe Russo, I still don’t understand why the Captain America exhibit was held in the Air and Space Museum. Steve Rogers is not even a pilot. The only time he ever manned a plane, and he nosedived it straight into the Arctic. 

it was a special exhibition called “Famous Idiots Who Can’t Fucking Fly”


You’re smiling.