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Mental Illness Mouse

MentalIllnessMouse is a blog run by mentally ill people for mentally ill people. We provide peer support and resources through responses, posts, and reblogs. We are not professionals and as such cannot diagnose. Learn more via our FAQs.

Please check out the helpful resources page and relevant tags before asking questions. Do not send in questions containing graphic descriptions of violence, assault, self harm, or numbers related to weight and dieting/eating as we've defined here or asks about medications.

For urgent, time sensitive concerns please use a hotline or chatroom as asks can take up to 3 weeks to answer.

We welcome the creation of memes! Please use the meme generator and submit!

Inbox is closed all day (24 hours) on Tuesdays and Fridays starting at 12am EST.

Blog Policy Violations

Hey followers, we here at MIM have decided to become transparent with how we will judge violations of our blog policies.

These violations include, but are not limited to:

  • Negative comments or remarks to our askers or followers via asks or reblogs. Example: reblogging a post where someone asks if they’re abusive to call them an “abusive fuck” and tell them to die is not okay.
  • Trying to diagnose other askers/followers either through asks, reblogs, or replies.
  • Negative remarks to mods such as calling us out of our names (slurs), being ableist, or being overly rude are just uncalled for.

Violations of these policies will result in a 3-strike rule for non-anon followers,  where you will be blocked after the 3rd offense, and deleted questions from anons who break these rules. If the anon is really vulgar and cruel then they will be blocked automatically. Example: telling a moderator or another follower to kill themselves will result in an automatic block.

Other minor violations of policy will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.