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Mental Illness Mouse

MentalIllnessMouse is a blog run by mentally ill people for mentally ill people. We provide peer support and resources through responses, posts, and reblogs. We are not professionals and as such cannot diagnose. Learn more via our FAQs.

Please check out the helpful resources page and relevant tags before asking questions. Do not send in questions containing graphic descriptions of violence, assault, self harm, or numbers related to weight and dieting/eating as we've defined here or asks about medications.

For urgent, time sensitive concerns please use a hotline or chatroom as asks can take up to 3 weeks to answer.

We welcome the creation of memes! Please use the meme generator and submit!

Inbox is closed all day (24 hours) on Tuesdays and Fridays starting at 12am EST.

Clarification on Asks that Violate Our “No Graphic Descriptions” Rule

As stated on our sidebar:

Do not send in questions containing graphic descriptions of violence, assault, self harm, or numbers related to weight and dieting/eating.

The reason for this rule and why we will delete asks that violate it is because of moderator and follower safety. Receiving questions with detailed descriptions of–say for example–sexual violence is highly triggering to moderators and followers who do not have tools to blacklist such things. We strive to keep MIM safe for moderators and followers, while still acknowledging that the very existence of this blog can be triggering. There is no possible way to run this blog and not trigger at least one person due to the typical subject matter we answer. 


This relates to either harm done/threatened towards you OR harm that you have done/want to do to others. If your ask contains descriptions that would get more than a PG-13 rating in America due to the graphic nature, you need to sanitize it. 

Assault in this case means both physical and sexual violence. Do not send in detailed information/stories about sexual assault. 

We are willing to handle general descriptions (”I was raped two years ago…”) but nothing that goes into the specific details of that situation. We are always willing to help survivors of rape, incestual abuse, molestation, and people who are unsure if their situation falls under rape/molestation/assault. 

Self Harm 

As outlined here, we are more than happy to help our followers who are experiencing issues relating to self harm. Self Harm in this case means any deliberate action someone undertakes to harm themselves and includes Suicide

Do not send in detailed information relating to your self harm attempts. This includes everything from details of how deeply you cut to detailing your suicide plan. Statements such as “I think I cut too badly and need help” or “I am severely suicidal” are still allowed. Statements such as “I just attempted suicide by taking a huge overdose of [name of medicine here]” or “I regularly abuse drugs/alcohol by taking [name of illegal/legal drug here] constantly” are not. 

Additionally, we would like to request that people not send us questions–statements–giving us the exact time and date of their planned suicide. This causes an unfair amount of stress for our moderator team. We want to help but if you have a suicide date in mind, we cannot stress how important it is that you seek help outside of our blog. We are limited in our ability to help, and since we wish the best for your safety it is vital that you reach out to more than just us. 


In the past we have been asked to not post questions that contain people telling us their weight and then the number of calories they are restricting themselves OR questions that contain people asking us about the right number of calories to eat. These questions are highly triggering to both moderators and followers and so aren’t allowed. 

We can and will help you without that detailed information. As we are not medical professionals, learning that intimate personal information does not enable us to better assist you. Those figures are best discussed with professionals who can help. 

We hope this clarification helps make our rule clear regarding this matter. Violators of this ban on graphic descriptions will have their asks deleted and asked to resubmit the asks while adhering to our policies. 

Thank you, and stay safe, 


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